Fiction and folklore
Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Fictional works and folklore dealing with romance, love and sex, from the sixteenth to the early twentieth centuries.
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Laberinto d'amore, (Firenze, 1525). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early Continental Octavos, PQ4270.C7.B25.
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Laberinto d'amore di M. Giouanni Boccaccio: con vna epistola confortatoria a messer Pino di Rossi del medesimo auttore, (Toscolano, 1520). Special Collections - Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early Continental Octavos, PQ4270.C7.B20.
Corry, John, The gardener's daughter of Worcester; or The miseries of seduction: A moral tale, (London, [Between ca. 1802 and 1816?]. Special Collections: Reference, se PR4507.C5.G2.
Craigfryn, Isaac Hughes, The maid of Cefn Ydfa: an historical novel of the 18th century, (Cardiff, 1881). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG16.71.H.
Dryden, John, (ed.), Fables from Boccacio and Chaucer, (London, 1813). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, PR1173.B6.
Elwyn, The martyrs of hell's highway, (London, 1899). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG16.9.T.
Gaidoz, Henri, Du changement de sexe dans les contes celtiques, (Paris, 1908). Special Collections: Salisbury, W9.G.
Gaultier de Coste La Calprenède, seigneur de, Hymen's praeludia, or Loves master-piece: Being that so much admired romance, entituled Cleopatra, in twelve parts, (London, 1665). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, PQ1805.L3.C5.
Halifax, M. C., Among the Welsh hills, (London, 1889). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG16.9.H.
Hayward, C., The courtesan: the part she has played in classic and modern literature and in life, (London, 1926). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Limited Editions, HQ111.H2.
Jones, Mary Oliver, Y fun o Eithinfynydd: neu, helyntion carwriaethol Cymru fu, (Caernarfon, 1894). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG16.71.J & WG16.71.G.
Keating, Joseph, Son of Judith: a tale of the Welsh mining valleys, (London, 1900). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG16.9.K.
Keightley, Thomas, The fairy mythology, illustrative of the romance and superstition of various countries, (London, 1873). Special Collections: Salisbury, W5.K.
Larminie, William, West Irish folk-tales and romances, (London, 1898). Special Collections: Salisbury WA5.L.
Marcet, Jane, (Society for the Improvement of the Working Population in the County of Glamorgan), Third story: Population: or, Patty's marriage, (Cardiff, 1831). Set bound in one volume with spine title "Cowbridge Tracts 1831". Special Collections: Salisbury, WG18.S.
Meyer, Kuno (ed.), Liadain and Curithir: an Irish love-story of the ninth century, (London, 1902). Special Collections: Salisbury, WA9.M.
Moelona, Dwy ramant o'r De, (Dolgellau, 1911). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG16.81.J6.L.
Moore, Edward, Fables for the female sex, (London, 1766). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1766).
Reynolds, Amy Dora, Llanartro: a Welsh idyll, (London, 1895). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG16.9.R.
Spooner, Louisa Matilda, Gladys of Harlech, or, The sacrifice: a romance of Welsh history, (London, 1858). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG16.9.S.
Weston, Jessie L., King Arthur and his knights: a survey of Arthurian romance, (London, 1899). Special Collections: Salisbury, W9.1.A.
Williams, Miss F., The secret marriage: or, Contrasts in life, (London, 1855). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG16.9.W.