Conduct and advice literature
Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

A range of conduct, etiquette and advice manuals for both men and women from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries, offering advice and guidance on themes such as friendship, love, marriage, manners and morals.
Allestree, Richard, The gentleman's calling, (London, 1687). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, BV4500.A5.
Allestree, Richard, The ladies calling: in two parts, (Oxford, 1677). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, BV4500.A5.
Ancourt, abbé d', The lady's preceptor: Or, a letter to a young lady of distinction upon politeness, (London, 1743). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BJ1886.A6.
Astell, Mary. A serious proposal to the ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest. London: Printed for R. Wilkin at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1694. Cardiff Rare Books: Early English Octavo. PR3316.A8.S3
Astell, Mary. An essay in defence of the female sex: In which are inserted the characters of a pedant, a squire, a beau, a vertuoso, a poetaster, a city-critick, &c.: In a letter to a lady. London: Printed for A. Roper and E. Wilkinson at the Black Boy, and R. Clavel at the Peacock, in Fleetstreet, 1696. Cardiff Rare Books: Early English Octavo. HQ1201.A8
Astell, Mary. A farther essay relating to the female-sex: containing six characters, and six perfections: with the description of self-love: to which is added a character of a compleat beau. 1668-1731. London: Printed for A. Roper and E. Wilkinson at the Black-Boy in Fleet-Street, 1696. Cardiff Rare Books: Early English Octavo. HQ1201.A8
Barecroft, John, Advice to a son in the university: In two parts, (London, 1713). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BV4500.B2.
Barckley, Sir Richard, A discourse of the felicitie of man, or his summum bonum, (London, 1603). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavo, BJ1520.B2.
Baxter, Richard, Compassionate warning and advice to all, especially young persons, (London, 1708). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG33.C.
Bennett, Rev. John. Letters to a young lady, on a variety of useful and interesting subjects: calculated to improve the heart, to form the manners, and enlighten the understanding. "That our daughters may be as polished corners of the temple." Dublin: Printed for J. Jones, No. 111, Grafton-Street, 1791. Cardiff Rare Books: Early English Octavo. BJ1681.B3
Campbell, Archibald, Marquis of Argyll, Instructions to a son, under these following heads, : viz. I. Of religion. II. Of marriage. III. Of the court. IV. Of friendship. V. Of travail. VI. Of hospitality and house-keeping. VII. Of tenants and other concerns of estates. VIII. Of study and exercise. IX. Of pleasure, idleness, &c. X. Of considerations of life. XI. Maxims of state. XII. Miscellaneous observations, (London, 1689). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Ovtavos, BJ1551.A7.
Chavasse, Henry Pye, Priod a sengl : sef, Cynghor i wraig, yn cynnwys llaw-lyfr i'r ferch ieuanc a'r wraig briod, (Caernarfon, 187-?). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG5.3.H.
Cobbett, William, Advice to young men and (incidentally) to young women in the middle and higher ranks of life in a series of letters addressed to a youth, a bachelor, a lover, a husband, a father, a citizen or a subject, [1829?] (London, 1930). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Private Presses (Quartos). Curwen Press, BJ1661.C6.
Collier, Jeremy, Essays upon several moral subjects. Part III. Of Pain. Revenge. Authors. Power. Infancy and youth. Of Riches and poverty. Whoredom. Drunkenness. Usury. An apostle. Solitude, (London, 1707). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, BJ1561.C6 1707.
Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftsbury, Several letters written by a noble lord to a young man at the university, (London, 1716). SCOLAR@Newport Road: Carmarthen Collection, B1386.S3 1716. Please ask at desk.
Cother, E., A serious proposal for promoting lawful and honourable marriage: Address'd to the unmarried, of both sexes, (London, 1750). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, HQ731.C6.
D’Ancourt, Abbé. The lady's preceptor: Or, a letter to a young lady of distinction upon politeness. London: Printed for J. Watts, and sold by B. Dod at the Bible and Key in Ave-Mary-Lane, near Stationers-Hall, 1743. Cardiff Rare Books: Early English Octavo. BJ1886.A6
De Britaine, William, Humane prudence, or, The art by which a man may raise himself & fortune to grandeur, (London, 1689). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BJ1551.D3.
Dorrington, Theophilus, The excellent woman described by her true characters and their opposites: being a just and instructive representation of the vertues and vices of the sex... (London, 1695). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1695).
F., A., The ladies' pocket book of etiquette, (Waltham Saint Lawrence, Golden Cockerel Press, 1928). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Private Presses, Octavos, BJ1876.L2.
The female instructor; or, Young woman's friend & companion: being a guide to all the accomplishments which adorn the female character, either as a useful member of society - a pleasing companion, or, a respectable mother of a family. .., (London, 1833). Salisbury: Casgliad Amryw Bangor WG59.251.
Fleetwood, William, The relative duties of parents and children, husbands and wives, masters and servants : consider'd in sixteen practical discourses: with three sermons upon the case of self-murther, (London, 1716). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, BV4526.F53 1716.
Forrester, James, The polite philosopher: or, An essay on that art which makes a man happy in himself, and agreeable to others, (Edinburgh, 1734). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, BJ1561.F67 1734.
Gouge, William, Of domesticall duties, eight treatises. I. An exposition of that part of Scripture out of which domesticall duties are raised. II. 1 A right conjunction of man and wife. 2 Common mutuall duties betwixt man and wife. III. Particular duties of wives. IV. Particular duties of husbands. V. Duties of children. VI. Duties of parents. VII. Duties of servants. VIII. Duties of masters. Whereunto are added patterns of prayers for the severall members of a family, gathered out of the severall treatises of domesticall duties. And an alphabeticall index, (London, 1634). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, BV4526.G68 1622.
Griffith, Mrs Elizabeth, Essays addressed to young married women, (London, 1782). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1782).
H, H. W., Pa fodd i ddewis gwraig, (Llanidloes, 1860). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG9.H.
Haywood, Eliza Fowler, The wife, (London, 1756). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, HQ731.H2 1756.
Haywood, Eliza Fowler, The husband: In answer to The wife, (London, 1756). Special Collections, Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, HQ731.H2 1756.
Herbert, George, The country-parson's advice to his parishioners: In two parts. I. Containing a plain and serious exhortation to a religious and virtuous life. II. General directions how to live accordingly, [1652], (London, 1701). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1701).
James, John Angell, Duwioldeb merch: neu, Gyfaill ac arweinydd y ferch ieuangc trwy fywyd i anfarwoldeb, (Caernarfon, 1861 – 1866?). Special Collections: Salisbury, Casgliad Amryw Bangor WG59.227.
Johnson, John, Traethawd ar fanteison ac anfanteision y cyflwr priodasol, yn ôl fel yr elir iddo gyda phersonau crefyddol neu anghrefyddol: yn cael ei osod allan dan gyffelybiaeth breuddwyd; gydag atddodiad, yn yr hwn y mae'r mater yn cael ei ystyried ymhellach ... translated by Evan Griffiths, (Abertawy, 1831). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1831).
Keating, Geoffrey, Trí bior-ghaoithe an bháis: ("The three shafts of death"), (ed.) Robert Atkinson, [16??], (Dublin, 1890). Special Collections: Salisbury, WA2.K.
Koestler, Arthur, Encyclopaedia of sexual knowledge, (London, 1934-1938). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, HQ21 .K63 1934.
Lewis, Mrs. Snow, Practical essays on popular subjects: written for the National Eisteddfodau of Wales (including: On the importance and necessity of 'housewifery' as a branch of female education. -- Prize essay on popular amusements. -- On physical education). (London, 1866). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG9.S.
Marged, Modryb, Ruth: neu, Gynghorion a chyfarwyddiadau i ferched ieuainc: mewn cyfres o lythyrau, &c., (Bangor, 1864). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG9.M.
Moes-lyfr : neu ddefodau moesgarwch, (Bangor, 1845). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG9.M & WG37(1845).
Muilman, Teresia Constantia. A letter humbly addressed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield. London: Printed for the author and sold at her house, 1750. [Subjects: Women -- Social and moral questions; Women -- Conduct of life -- Early works to 1800] WG30(1750)
Owen, Roger, Traethawd ar y cyflwr priodasol : yn III rhan : 1. Ar ddewisiad gwraig; 2. Ar gariad dyledus gwr i'w wraig; 3. Ar y dyledswyddau trwy ba rai y mae gwr i egluro ei gariad i'w wraig; lle'r amlygir natur y berthynas : ynghyd a'r angen am gywir adnabyddiaeth o honi i fod yn ddedwydd ynddi, a'r canlyniadau truenus o ruthro'n anstyriol iddi, (Aberystwyth, 1813). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1813); WG5.3 P.
Parker, Emma. Important trifles: chiefly appropriate to females on their entrance into society. London: Printed for T. Egerton, Military Library, Whitehall, C. Roworth, pr., 1817. WG36.4.1120
Sadler, Thomas, The muses cabinet, or, delights for the ladies: a miscellany of entertaining poems, and useful and instructive recreations for both sexes, in two parts. Part I. Contains, Eaton Hall, an Ode. Ode to Sir Wakin Williams Wynne,Bart. A poem to P. Egerton, Esq. Whitchurch, a lyric pastoral. Elegy on the death of the Marquis of Granby. -- on Mr. Samuel Hopley. Verses to Brass Crosby, Esq. &c. The jealous husband. The world. Richard's courtship, &c.An epigram. Advice to the author. Strephon to Sylvia. On the entity and goodness of God. Extemporaneous lines, &c. - on the Hon. William Beckford, Esq. On one whose nick-name was stiffy, &c. Verses to T. Sadler, &c. On money. The smoaking Bacchanal. The usurer. New enigmas, rebusses, paradoxes, queries, &c. Part II. contains, three useful as well as delightful recreations in practical mathematics, &c, (Shrewsbury, 1771). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1771).
Y sefyllfa briodasol: neu, gyfarwyddiadau a chynghorion i wyr a gwragedd, er meithrin a chynal heddwch teuluaidd, (Casnewydd, 1851). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1851).
Savile, George, Marquis of Halifax. The lady's new-years-gift or advice to a daughter [1688]. Kensington: printed and sold by Philip Sainsbury at the Cayme Press, 1927. Cardiff Rare Books: Private Presses Quarto. HQ1229.H3
Shirley, John, The accomplished ladies rich closet of rarities: or, The ingenious gentlewoman and servant-maids delightful companion. Containing many excellent things for the accomplishment of the female sex, after the exactest manner and method, viz. 1. The art of distilling. 2. Making artificial wines. 3. Making syrups. ... 14. The accomplished dairy-maids directions, &c. To which is added, a second part, containing directions for the guidance of a young gentlewoman, as to her behaviour and seemly deportment, &c. Together with a new accession of many curious things and matters, profitable to the female sex, not published in the former editions, (London The sixth edition, with very large additions, 1706). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, TX144.S4
Talmage, T. De Witt, Marriage and home life, (Edinburgh, 1895). Special Collections: Reference, se HQ734.T2.
Williams, Anna, Hints from an invalid mother to her daughter on subjects connected with moral and religious improvement in the conduct of life, in various relations, (London, 1815?). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG36.4.704
Williams, David, Y ferch ieuanc, (Caernarfon, 1889). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG5.3.C.
Williams, Anna. Hints from an invalid mother to her daughter on subjects connected with moral and religious improvement in the conduct of life, in various relations. London: J. Hatchard, 1815? WG36.4.704
Williams, David. Y ferch ieuanc [The young girl]. Caernarfon: O. R. Owen, 1889. WG5.3.C
William, Williams, Ductor nuptiarum, neu, Gyfarwyddwr priodas : mewn dull o ymddiddan rhwng Martha Pseudogam, a Mary Eugamus, ill dwy ar y gyntaf yn proffesu duwioldeb, ond y naill wedi gwrthgilio, yn priodi ar ôl y cnawd, a'r llall yn dal at rym duwioldeb, yn priodi yn ofn yr Arglwydd ... : at ba un yr ychwanegwyd ymddiddan rhwng Efangelius a Pamphila, yn nghylch y perygl o briodi y rhai digred, (Merthyr, 1833). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG14.3.W.
Women advising women. Part 2, Advice books, manuals, almanacs, and journals, c.1625-1837 from the Bodleian Library, Oxford, (Marlborough, 1994). Special Collections: Reference, Humanities Microfilm 50.
Wood, Basil, Cyfaill i'r ystafell briodas: sef, traethawd ar natur a dyledswyddau Ystâd Brïodasol. I. fel personau neillduol, gwr a gwraig, II. fel rhieni a phenau teuluoedd, (Dinbych, 1820). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1820).
Wynne, J. H., Amusing and instructive tales for youth: in thirty poems; with moral applications, in prose, (London, 1815). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG16.9.W.