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Osmond, John (ed.) Devolution looks ahead: monitoring Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, The National Assembly for Wales, May to August. 2000.
Elis-Thomas, Dafydd. ‘A new constitution for Wales?’ WGC St. David's day Lecture. 2000.
Huggins, Robert. Devolution and development: the Welsh Assembly and the governance of regional economic policy. 2000.
Morgan, Kevin; Geoff Mungham. Redesigning democracy: the making of the Welsh Assembly. 2000.
Prys-Davies, Gwilym. Y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol: blwyddyn o osod sylfeini / The National Assembly : a year of laying the foundations. 2000.
Edwards, Aled. Transforming power: a Christian reflection on Welsh devolution. 2001.
Clews, Roy. To dream of freedom: the story of MAC and the Free Wales Army. 2001.
Hazell, Robert. ‘Dilemmas of devolution: does Wales have an answer to the English question?’ / ’Dilemâu datganoli: a oes gan Gymru ateb i gwestiwn Lloegr?’ 2001.
Osmond, John (ed.) Coalition creaks over health: monitoring Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, The National Assembly for Wales, September to December 2001.
Osmond, John (ed.) A period of de-stabilisation: monitoring Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, The National Assembly for Wales, May to August 2001.
Smith, C. E. The influence of regional political institutions on economic development: Welsh perceptions and Catalonian comparisons [thesis]. 2002.
Osmond, John. The future of Welsh devolution: presentation to the inquiry of the House of Lords Select Committee on the constitution into inter-institutional relations in the United Kingdom. 2002.
Melding, David. Constitutional dilemmas. [2002?]
Osmond, John; J. Barry Jones (eds.) Birth of Welsh democracy: the first term of the National Assembly for Wales 2003.
Williams, Raymond; Daniel G Williams. Who speaks for Wales?: nation, culture, identity. 2003.
England, Joe. The Wales TUC, 1974-2004: devolution and industrial politics. 2004.
Trench, Alan (ed.) Has devolution made a difference?: the state of the nations. 2004.
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Fowler, Carwyn. Nationalism and the political process in Wales [thesis]. 2004.
Welsh Office. Better governance for Wales. Cm 6582. 2005.
David, Rhys (ed.) Restructuring devolution: monitoring the National Assembly, January-April 2006. 2006.
Tewdwr-Jones, Mark; Philip Allmendinger (eds.) Territory identity and spatial planning: spatial governance in a fragmented nation. 2006.
Osmond, John. Building the nation: creating ‘internal political solidarity’: the 1979, 1997 and 2011 referendums in Wales. 2007.
Humphries, John. Freedom fighters: Wales's forgotten war, 1963-1983. 2008.
Davies, Nick; Darren Williams. Clear red water: Welsh devolution and socialist politics. 2009.
Hannan, Patrick. A useful fiction: adventures in British democracy. 2009.
Navarro, Marie. The evolution of Welsh devolution: an exploration of the differences in the making and contents of subordinate legislation made in Wales between 2001 and 2004 [thesis]. 2010.
Osmond, John. Accelerating history: the 1979, 1997 and 2011 referendums in Wales. 2011.
Shipton, Martin. Poor man's parliament: ten years of the Welsh Assembly. 2011.
Sandry, Alan. Plaid Cymru: an ideological analysis. 2011.
Jones, Robbie Llystyn. Devolution's 'Dirty Little Secret?' searching for an economic dividend in Wales [thesis]. 2012.
Jones, Richard Wyn; Roger Scully. Wales says yes: devolution and the 2011 Welsh referendum. 2012.
Commission on Devolution in Wales. Grymuso a chyfrifoldeb: pwerau ariannol i gryfhau Cymru. 2012.
Commission on Devolution in Wales. Empowerment and responsibility: financial powers to strengthen Wales. 2012.
UK Government. Devolution settlement: Wales. 2013.
Thomas, Wyn. Hands off Wales: nationhood and militancy. 2013.
Morgan, Kenneth O., Revolution to devolution: reflections on Welsh democracy. 2014.
Silk, Paul. Empowerment and responsibility: legislative powers to strengthen Wales. 2014.
Cole, Alistair and Ian Stafford. Devolution and governance: Wales between capacity and constraint. 2015.
Evans, Gareth. A class apart: learning the lessons of education in post-devolution Wales. 2015.
Cole, Alistair; Ian Stafford. Devolution and governance: Wales between capacity and constraint. 2015.
Powers for a purpose: Towards a lasting devolution settlement for Wales [St David’s Day Agreement] Cm 9020. 2015.
Brooks, Simon. Pam na fu Cymru: methiant cenedlaetholdeb Cymraeg. 2015.
Jones, E. Written statement: devolution of animal health and welfare budgets from DEFRA. 2011.
NHS Wales. Working differently – working together: a workforce and organisational development framework. 2012.
NHS Wales. Welsh Government quality delivery plan for the NHS in Wales (2012-2016). 2012.
NHS Wales. Protocol for cross-border healthcare services. 2013.
NHS Wales. Safe care, compassionate care: a national governance framework. 2013.
NHS Wales. Delivering local health care: accelerating the pace of change. 2013.
NHS Wales. Delivery framework: 2013-14 and future plans. 2013.
Food Standards Agency. Food and feed law enforcement in Wales. 2014.
National Health Service Finance (Wales) Act. 2014.
Welsh Government. Health and social services. 2014.
Welsh Assembly Government. Mental Capacity Act 2005 and consent for research. 2014.
NHS Wales. Health and care standards. 2015.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg. Yr iaith a barn y cyhoedd: The Welsh language and public opinion. 2000.
Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg. A new Welsh language act for a new century. 2000.
Arts Council of Wales. A proposal from the Arts Council of Wales for a new Welsh language touring theatre company. 2001.
Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg. Y Gymraeg yn goroesi globaleiddio: maniffesto Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg. 2002.
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Davies, Geraint Talfan. English is a Welsh language: television's crisis in Wales. 2009.
Higher education performance indicators: an annual report. 2013.
Schools in Wales: Examination performance. An annual report. 2014.
National Assembly for Wales. Better homes for people in Wales: a national housing strategy for Wales. 2001.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The National Assembly for Wales and local government. 2002.
Welsh Assembly Government. Nation of sanctuary: Refugee and asylum seeker plan. 2019.
National Assembly for Wales. Local Government (Wales) measure 2009.
Welsh Government. Ten year homelessness plan for Wales. 2009.
Welsh Assembly Government. Improving lives and communities: homes in Wales. 2010.
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Welsh Government. A compact for change between the Welsh Government and Welsh local government. 2011.
Welsh Government. Local, regional, national: what services are best delivered where? 2011.
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National Assembly for Wales. Housing (Wales) Bill. 2014.
National Assembly for Wales. Renting homes (Wales) Bill. 2015.
Energy generation and consumption – an annual report. 2013.
Survey of agriculture and horticulture, an annual report. 2014.
Welsh Assembly Government. Wales: a vibrant economy. The Welsh Assembly Government’s strategic framework for economic development. Consultation document 2005.
UK Government. Transport (Wales) Act 2006.
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Ball, J. A strategy for the Welsh economy. 2008.
Welsh Office. Memorandum to Welsh affairs committee post-legislative assessment of the Transport (Wales) Act 2006. 2011.
UK Government. Empowerment and responsibility: devolving financial powers to Wales. 2013.
Welsh Local Government Association. Transport and highways services for Wales: strategic programme for change report. 2013.
Commission on Devolution in Wales. Empowerment and responsibility: devolving financial powers to Wales. 2014.