Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Gan groesi gwahanol ddisgyblaethau academaidd a chydweithio â'r gymuned leol, mae ein prosiectau'n darparu gwybodaeth a safbwyntiau newydd ar y sector diogelwch, troseddau a chudd-wybodaeth.

Woman looks at data on a screen

Storfa Ddiogelu Cymru

Storfa ddigidol yw Storfa Ddiogelu Cymru, sy’n dod ag adolygiadau diogelu a gynhaliwyd yng Nghymru ers 2008 at ei gilydd mewn un lle.

Soft Facts

'Ffeithiau Meddal' a chynnull cymunedol digymell: rôl sïon ar ôl digwyddiadau troseddu mawr

Mae'r elusen arloesi Nesta wedi ariannu nifer o brosiectau ymchwil sy'n archwilio dau ddimensiwn o sut y gellir defnyddio data mawr ac agored er budd pawb.


Evaluating the diversion of alcohol-related attendances (EDARA)

This project will evaluate the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, efficiency and acceptability of Alcohol Intoxication Management Services (AIMS) in managing alcohol-related Emergency Department attendances.


Open Source Communications, Analytics and Research Development Centre

The Open Source Communications, Analytics and Research Development Centre systematically investigates how the ‘information age’ is changing the operating environment for policing and community safety providers, and the implications that flow from this.