Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Multiple research papers from DAIS group presented at SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing event in Baltimore

23 Ebrill 2019

Members of DAIS present at session on artificial intelligence and machine learning

Image of police tape

Ffigurau trais difrifol ar gyfer 2018

12 Ebrill 2019

Er gwaethaf yr holl achosion diweddar o droseddau â chyllyll, gwelir gostyngiad mewn trais difrifol yn y DU

A Longitudinal Study of European Students' Alcohol Use and Related Behaviors as They Travel Abroad to Study

6 Mawrth 2019

Studying abroad exposes European students to alcohol-related health risks.

Using laptop and phone

Ymchwil yn sbarduno galwad am orfodaeth lymach ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol

5 Mawrth 2019

Tystiolaeth o adroddiad academaidd yn cyfrannu at ganfyddiadau ymchwil

Wasted: The impact of Alcohol & Violence on the NHS

Wasted: The impact of Alcohol and Violence on the NHS

11 Chwefror 2019

New research has found that consuming any more than just one unit a day may have adverse cognitive effects for some.

Crime & Security Research News

11 Chwefror 2019

Our latest newsletter including an interview with Bellingcat, a study into AI robots developing prejudice and the Cardiff Model being adopted in the US to tackle the opioid Crisis

Neil Basu

New CSRI Video Featuring Neil Basu, Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner

5 Chwefror 2019

New video from the CSRI featuring Neil Basu, Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner

Jonathan Shepherd

UDA yn mabwysiadu system gwrth-drais y DU

16 Tachwedd 2018

Cefnogaeth i 'Fodel Caerdydd' ar lefel ffederal