Gweld Gwyddoniaeth yn y Gofod
Dod â straeon o Arsyllfa Gofod Hershel i blant ysgol ac athrawon y DU a chyfryngau rhyngwladol.

Mae'r cynnwys isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Scientists working on the Hershel Space Observatory launched a public engagement programme to bring stories of science to school children, teachers, and international and UK media.
The SPIRE group has routinely recognised those pieces of research that will reach out best to the general public, and have been able to convey this interest in very engaging terms.
Seeing the science
The campaign illuminated Cardiff University's scientific involvement in the Herschel Space Observatory, a €1 billion astronomical satellite launched in 2009 and operated until 2013.
Herschel observed the Universe with three scientific instruments, one of which (SPIRE) was built by an international team led by the Cardiff Astronomy Instrumentation Group.
The PR campaign promoted inspirational scientists and provided up-to-date media materials, a schools programme and an outreach website to fire media and public interest in the UK SPIRE team and Herschel.
Inspiring with SPIRE
SPIRE is a large multinational project (18 institutes in eight countries, including six in the UK), with a total budget of around €90M. The project started in 1998 following approval by the European Space Agency. The Cardiff Astronomy Instrumentation Group came to lead the project to construct and operate SPIRE, which was delivered to the Herschel spacecraft for installation in 2007.
Deep Impact
The programme took space science into schoolrooms across the UK, and provided exciting media insights into science and technology.
In years to come, Herschel's database of observations will open up new scientific frontiers and the outreach programme with educators and the media will continue.
Dyma’n harbenigwyr

Yr Athro Matt Griffin
Head of the School of Physics and Astronomy
- +44 (0)29 2087 4203