Sylfaen glinigol ar gyfer adnabod achosion o gamdrin plant
Rhaglen ymchwil arloesol ar gyfer asesiadau clinigol fwy dibynadwy i adnabod achosion o gamdrin plant a diofalwch.

Mae'r cynnwys isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
High profile child abuse court cases had led to a crisis in confidence amongst clinicians involved in child protection. Expert medical opinions were provided by a handful of clinicians who relied on their clinical experience, rather than scientific evidence. Media and legal criticism led to a lack of confidence in and amongst clinicians working in child protection.
A worlds first
Cardiff University developed the world's first research programme to provide the scientific basis for more reliable clinical assessments of child abuse and neglect. The team completed 21 systematic reviews critically appraising the world literature relating to the recognition and investigation of child abuse. The group has published 28 peer reviewed papers.
A worlds first
Our research programme was the first to provide the scientific basis for more reliable clinical assessments of child abuse and neglect.
Informing the nation
The research directly informed five national clinical guidelines, the National Child Protection training program and the first NICE guidance on child maltreatment. Through the Core-Info website, the evidence base created by the Cardiff team is accessed each year by 100,000 users.
Dyma’n harbenigwyr

Yr Athro Alison Kemp
Programme Lead: Early Years Clinical Professor in Child Health
- +44 (0)29 2068 7150