The last century has been spent trying to understand the principles of quantum mechanics. The next century will be all about harnessing, controlling and using those principles for practical applications.
The fundamental study of quantum mechanical effects in basic materials, photonics, and electronic devices will underpin future paradigms such as quantum information processing, quantum cryptography, and future electronics.
Applying the principles of quantum mechanics and subjecting them to rigorous testing will continue to enhance our understanding of quantum materials and enable us to explore their potential uses, the limits of which are not yet known.
Our research explores the future potential of quantum materials and how their properties can be used. We aim for our work to be at the forefront of this exciting field and hope that it will have profound implications for the scientific community and our understanding of the universe.
Based within the excellent research facilities at the School of Physics and Astronomy, our staff are currently engaged in a number of ongoing research projects, as well as supporting the highly active postgraduate research activity in the School.
Cwrdd â'r tîm
Staff academaidd
Yr Athro Peter A R Ade
- +44 (0)29 2087 4643
Dr Bo Hou
- +44 29225 12035
Yr Athro Wolfgang Langbein
- +44 (0)29 2087 0172
Dr Richard Lewis
- +44 (0)29 2087 5433
Yr Athro Stephen A Lynch
- 02920875315
Dr Egor Muljarov
- +44 (0)29 2087 0175
Staff cysylltiol
Yr Athro Peter Blood
- +44 (0)29 2087 4668
Dr David Hayes
- +44 (0)29 2082 0197
Dr Samuel Shutts
- +44 (0)29 22510267
Dr Rashmikant Sudiwala
- +44 (0)29 2087 5469
Research units
Camau nesaf
Ymchwil sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth
Mae ein hymchwil yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl wrth i ni gweithio ar draws disgyblaethau er mwyn ymgodymu â phrif heriau sy’n wynebu’r gymdeithas, yr economi ac ein hamgylchedd.
Ymchwil ôl-raddedig
Mae ein graddau ymchwil yn rhoi'r rhyddid i chi i archwilio pwnc arbennig mewn dyfnder ymhlith ymchwilwyr blaenllaw.
Ein heffaith ymchwil
Mae'r astudiaethau achos hyn yn rhoi sylw i rai o'r meysydd lle rydym yn cael effaith ymchwil gadarnhaol.