The research network is a collaborative project which was originally set up in 2005/6 between Cardiff University and the University of Hull to develop an international research network in the philosophy of mind with a distinctive focus on accounts of the mind as embedded, embodied, enactive, and extended.
The network has included international participants from its inception, notably Shaun Gallagher (University of Florida) and Mark Rowlands (University of Miami), and more recently scholars from the University of Murcia, Trinity College Dublin, and University College Cork.
Supported by the Aristotelian Society, the Cardiff Philosophy research sub-committee, and the Philosophy Department at the University of Hull, the Network has already run annual workshops in 2006 (Cardiff) and 2007 (Hull).
Founding members
Alongside members from Cardiff University, founding members from other universities include:
- Professor Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis)
- Professor Kathleen Lennon (University of Hull)
- Dr Richard Menary (Macquarie University)
- Dr Søren Overgaard (University of Copenhagen)
- Dr Matthew Ratcliffe (University of Vienna)
- Professor Mark Rowlands (University of Miami)
Cwrdd â'r tîm
Staff academaidd
Camau nesaf
Ymchwil sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth
Mae ein hymchwil yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl wrth i ni gweithio ar draws disgyblaethau er mwyn ymgodymu â phrif heriau sy’n wynebu’r gymdeithas, yr economi ac ein hamgylchedd.
Ymchwil ôl-raddedig
Mae ein graddau ymchwil yn rhoi'r rhyddid i chi i archwilio pwnc arbennig mewn dyfnder ymhlith ymchwilwyr blaenllaw.
Ein heffaith ymchwil
Mae'r astudiaethau achos hyn yn rhoi sylw i rai o'r meysydd lle rydym yn cael effaith ymchwil gadarnhaol.