Trwy hyrwyddo ymchwil dylunio beirniadol ac ymarfer proffesiynol o fewn pensaernïaeth, gallwn fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r heriau mawr sy'n wynebu cymdeithas a'r blaned.
Mae ein grŵp ymchwil yn dod ag arbenigwyr ynghyd sy’n gweithio mewn ymarfer creadigol, ymchwil dylunio sy’n seiliedig ar ymarfer ac a arweinir gan ymarfer ynghyd ag ymchwil sy’n gysylltiedig ag ymarfer pensaernïaeth ac ysgolheictod o fewn addysgeg ac ymarfer pensaernïol.
Gyda'n gilydd rydym yn edrych ar y croestoriadau rhwng parthau academaidd a phroffesiynol; cyfrwng pensaernïol a ffurf y proffesiwn pensaernïol; a thirwedd newidiol ymchwil, addysg a datblygu proffesiynol ym maes pensaernïolaeth. Trwy gysylltu ymchwil academaidd wreiddiol, trwyadl â chymunedau ymarfer allanol y diwydiant adeiladu ehangach, rydym yn dylanwadu ar newid ac effaith dylunio o fewn pensaernïaeth.
Cwrdd â’r tîm
Aelodau arweiniol
Staff academaidd
Myfyrwyr ôl-raddedig
- Green, E. and Lannon, S. 2024. Homes of today for tomorrow: Decarbonising Welsh housing between 2020 and 2050. Stage 4: Retrofit in practice. Technical Report.
- Patel, H. 2023. Developing new concepts for university spaces using design-research approach. In: Kohlert, C. ed. Human(e) Education: Helping People to Healthy Educational Institutions. Springer Vieweg. , pp.391-400. (10.1007/978-3-658-39863-7_20)
- Kasem, M. , Clark, S. and Sakellariou, D. 2023. Designing for disabled people: exploring inclusive design in architectural education. Charrette 9 (1), pp.255-270.
- Ntzani, D. and Banteli, A. 2023. Strange encounters: Creativity as a state of alterity in the early stages of design learning. Charrette 9 (1), pp.77-96.
- McVicar, M. , Soleman, M. and Nekeb, S. 2023. Community consultation for quality of life in Wales. Project Report.[Online].Cardiff: Quality of Life FoundationAvailable at
- Clark, S. 2022. Inside retirement housing: Designing, developing and sustaining later lifestyles. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Clark, S. 2022. Being in-between: a multi-sited ethnography of retirement housing. In: Mason, A. and Sharr, A. eds. Creative Practice Inquiry in Architecture. Routledge. , pp.88-99.
- Megahed, Y. 2022. Storying Practiceopolis. In: Mason, A. and Sharr, A. eds. Creative Practice Inquiry in Architecture. London: Routledge. , pp.52-63. (10.4324/9781003174295-9)
- Patel, H. 2022. The co-evolution of pedagogy and learning spaces for a better student experience. Earley, UK: SUMS ConsultingAvailable at
- Megahed, Y. 2022. Is the mosque a male-dedicated building?! A Critical View on Women Praying Space in Contemporary Mosque Design. In: The Mosque: a Cross-cultural Building. Kuwait City: Abdullatif al fozan award for mosque architecture, college of architecture | Kuwait university. , pp.499-517.
- Green, E. 2021. Homes for future generations. Seven short essays: in search of better homes and places. Project Report.Cardiff University
- Wulff, F. 2021. The restoration of the Oratory of the Partal Palace in the Alhambra of Granada, Grand Prix Europa Nostra 2019. Built Heritage 5 7. (10.1186/s43238-021-00026-w)
- Megahed, Y. 2021. On normative architecture. Notes on the domination of the technical-rational mode of thinking on mainstream architectural production: a historical highlight. Materia Arquitectura 19 , pp.98-103.
- Balzano, B. et al. 2021. Enhanced concrete crack closure with hybrid shape memory polymer tendons. Engineering Structures 226 111330. (10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.111330)
- Gwilliam, J. and O'Dwyer, S. 2021. Delivering sustainable design excellence: the potential role of holistic building performance evaluation. Architectural Science Review 64 (1-2), pp.47-55. (10.1080/00038628.2020.1825319)
- Wulff Barreiro, F. and Brito Gonzalez, O. 2020. The production of intercultural urban landscapes, a multi‑scalar approach: the case of Ballarò, Palermo. URBAN DESIGN International 25 (3), pp.250-265. (10.1057/s41289-020-00126-6)
- McVicar, M. 2020. 'Engender the confidence to demand better?: the value of architects in community asset transfers. Architectural Design 90 (4), pp.46-51. (10.1002/ad.2589)
- Megahed, Y. 2020. Practiceopolis: Stories from the architectural profession. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9780367853341)
- Green, E. et al. 2020. Decarbonising the Welsh housing stock: from practice to policy. Buildings and Cities 1 (1), pp.277-292. (10.5334/bc.19)
- Patel, H. and Green, S. D. 2020. Beyond the performance gap: reclaiming building appraisal through archival research. Building Research and Information 48 (5), pp.469-484. (10.1080/09613218.2019.1672517)
- Wulff, F. , Lecardane, R. and Lascala, P. 2020. Designing intercultural space. A multi-scalar approach in the Albergheria neighbourhood in Palermo. Agathón 7 (10.19229/2464-9309/792020)
- McVicar, M. 2020. Gathering-in-action: the activation of a civic space. Architecture and Culture 8 (3-4), pp.468-483. (10.1080/20507828.2020.1798164)
- Wulff, F. 2020. The restoration of the Oratory of the Partal Palace and the House of Astasio de Bracamonte in the Alhambra of Granada, Spain. Project Report.Cardiff: Cardiff University
- McVicar, M. 2019. Precision in architecture: Certainty, ambiguity and deviation. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315222639)
- Forster, W. 2019. RIGHTSIZING - Slim down and start up housing - new build. Project Report.
- Clark, S. 2019. Tweaking retirement-living: Introducing design thinking & coffee bars to shared lounges. In: Rodgers, P. A. ed. Design Research for Change. Lancaster University. , pp.59-77.
- Forster, W. 2019. RESPITE - Residential housing for special needs care. [Physical output (new building)]
Y camau nesaf
Ymchwil sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth
Mae ein hymchwil yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl wrth i ni gweithio ar draws disgyblaethau er mwyn ymgodymu â phrif heriau sy’n wynebu’r gymdeithas, yr economi ac ein hamgylchedd.
Ymchwil ôl-raddedig
Mae ein graddau ymchwil yn rhoi'r rhyddid i chi i archwilio pwnc arbennig mewn dyfnder ymhlith ymchwilwyr blaenllaw.
Ein heffaith ymchwil
Mae'r astudiaethau achos hyn yn rhoi sylw i rai o'r meysydd lle rydym yn cael effaith ymchwil gadarnhaol.