Voices of Law
Cardiff University, together with the universities of Cambridge, Copenhagen and Glasgow and the Frisian Academy in the Netherlands, has been awarded c.£80,000 for the international network 'Voices of Law: Language, Text and Practice'.
The network is led by Dr Jenny Benham, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, and in addition also involves two other prominent Cardiff University scholars: Professor John Hines, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, and Dr Sara Pons-Sanz, School of English, Communication and Philosophy.
The network aims to establish a wide comparative framework that will highlight cross-cultural connections and cover areas of exceptional significance for the study of law, language and legal practice in Britain, Scandinavia and Frisia in the period AD 600-1250.
The plethora of legal cultures developed across the medieval landscape is a fascinating insight into the minds and lives of the people we study. With a special focus on the translation, performance and application of law and judicial discourse, ‘Voices of Law’ seeks to illuminate the ways encounter and negotiation between legal culture and the wider culture of society took place.
Over a 24-month period, the network will hold two colloquia and three workshops, each at a different institution in Britain, Scandinavia and The Netherlands. The network will further produce two edited collections, a collaborative monograph relating to the main themes, and a postgraduate skills guide on working with early medieval law.
The first conference will take place at the Fryske Akademy, The Netherlands, in September 2016.
For more information email voicesoflaw@gmail.com.
Tîm y prosiect
Project lead

Dr Jenny Benham
Reader in Medieval History
This research was made possible through the support of the following organisations: