Economic renewal for Wales
The project aims to produce an overarching economic strategy for the City region that will encourage buy-in from the plethora of organisations that currently work independently on economic development issues.
The project will produce a blueprint for a resource base and a governance structure that will deliver transformational projects for the development of the City region.
The project will review policy options in the fields of infrastructure provision as well as business support to identify what works in what settings. Then apply that knowledge to the Welsh context to identify which policy areas are likely to be most important in achieving renewal.
The project aims to identify organisational gaps and facilitate the best combination of co-operation and competition among businesses within the Cardiff Capital Region.
Organising seminars and meetings with senior civil servants, politicians and business leaders will develop the findings in ways that lead to these proposals evolving into practical economic renewal policies.
Ensuring that these meetings lead to more successful co-operation in areas such as the marketing of Welsh enterprise abroad, developing shared training facilities along targeted supply chains and representing regional business interests to government.
Tîm y prosiect

Yr Athro Robert Huggins
Professor of Economic Geography

Yr Athro Kevin Morgan
Athro Llywodraethu a Datblygu
This research was made possible through the support of the following organisations: