Novel approaches of employing green infrastructure (GI) to enhance urban sustainability
In this interdisciplinary and international project, researchers from three different institutions, the University of Florida (USA), Cardiff University and University of Indonesia (Jakarta) compared different uses and implementations of green infrastructure in their respective regional contexts.
The team organised:
- 4 research workshops
- 3 project-led workshops.
The workshops involved a total of 200 graduate students, academics and professional practitioners (such as urban planners, city administrators and civil engineering consultants).
Attendees contributed to knowledge development and capacity building in the use, design and implementation of green infrastructure in various urban contexts under different climatic, cultural and legislative/governmental conditions.
Dr Andrea Frank was the principal investigator on the project.
Tîm y prosiect

Yr Athro Andrew Flynn
Professor in Environmental Policy and Planning

Yr Athro Chris Tweed
Pennaeth yr Ysgol, Cadair Dylunio Cynaliadwy
This research was made possible through the support of the following organisations: