Morgan-Botti Lightning Laboratory
The laboratory will study lightning strikes on aircraft – with one of its emphases on providing a better understanding of how composites are affected by such phenomena, and optimising the materials’ electrical properties for protection.
Enw | Brand/model | Manylion |
Cameras | Nikon D700 (x2), Photron Fastcam SA5, FLIR SC7000 | A range of high speed stills cameras, video cameras and FLIR imaging systems, with lenses and filters, used primarity for visual/thermal imaging of the lightning arc and test samples. |
High Current Waveform Generator – Lightning Simulator | Lightning Generator and Analytical Equipment | The equipment produces high current waveforms which effectively simulates lightning strikes. The facility is of particular interest to the aircraft industry and complies with ED-84 (the Aircraft Lightning Environment Test Waveform Standard.) |
Optical Microscopes | Zeiss Axio Observer Z1m, Zeiss Axio Imager M2m | Standard and Inverted microscopy platforms with advanced imaging systems. Will be used primarily for non-destructive 3D imaging of test samples and estimation of material erosion due to lightning direct effects. |
Oscilloscopes | LeCroy Wavesurfer 104MSx-B Tektronix Portable Scopes | A range of high performance oscilloscopes for high-speed data acquisition. Portable scopes for field measurements |
SEM | Nikon JCM5000 | Desktop system for investigation of degradation processes occurring in the microstructure of carbon composites, both before and after direct strike. |
Spectrography System | Andor IR-VIS-UV Spetrography System | Spectrograph and detectors for analysis of lightning arc and ejected material spectra in the 250-1700nm range. |
Transducers | Range of differential voltage probes, current transformers, current shunts, rogowski coils etc for low voltage measurements (<1kV) and current measurements up to 250kA |
Professor Manu Haddad
- +44 (0)29 2087 5904
Dr David Clark
- +44 (0)29 2087 5070
Unit B1 Compass Business Park
Pacific Road
Pacific Road
CF24 5HL