Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Rhagoriaeth addysgu
Chwiliwch y wefan
Chwiliwch y wefan
Porwch drwy ein pynciau
Pam astudio gyda ni?
Gwneud cais
Ariannu'ch astudiaethau
Ffioedd dysgu
Cwrdd â’n blogwyr myfyrwyr
Rhieni a chefnogwyr
Athrawon a chynghorwyr gyrfaoedd
Porwch drwy ein pynciau
Pam astudio gyda ni?
Cyrsiau a addysgir
Ymchwil ôl-raddedig
Ariannu'ch astudiaethau
Ffioedd dysgu
Gwneud cais
Eich gwlad
Digwyddiadau byd-eang
Funding and fees
English language requirements
Rhaglenni iaith Saesneg
Rhaglenni sylfaen a chyn-feistr
Rhaglen Cyfnewid Ewropeaidd
Astudio dramor yng Nghaerdydd
Llwybr fisa graddedig
Career support for international students
Ymgynghorwyr addysg
Diwrnodau agored ac ymweliadau
Bywyd myfyrwyr
Cyrsiau rhan amser i oedolion
Datblygu proffesiynol
Cyrsiau byr ar-lein
Cysylltwch â ni
Pynciau ymchwil
Dod o hyd i uned ymchwil
Cyhoeddiadau Academaidd
Rhwydweithiau Ymchwil
Cyfleusterau ymchwil
Arloesi ac effaith
Effaith ymchwil
Anrhydeddau a gwobrau
Cwrdd â’n harloeswyr
Cysylltiadau strategol
Ansawdd a pherfformiad
Cyfres o weminarau am Lywio Polisïau
Diwylliant ein hymchwil
Cynorthwyo ymchwilwyr
Uniondeb a moeseg
Cyllid a dyfarniadau
Newyddion a straeon nodedig
Gweithio gyda ni
Pam gweithio gyda ni?
Ein partneriaid
Ar gyfer cyflenwyr
Cyfeiriad strategol
Cysylltwch â ni
Cynnig gostyngiad i'n staff
Defnyddiwch ein harbenigedd
Ymgynghoriaeth fusnes
Cyfleoedd wedi’u hariannu
Trwyddedu ein canfyddiadau ymchwil
Cyfnewid gwybodaeth
Hysbysebu cyfle am ymgysylltu dinesig
Datblygwch eich gweithlu
Addysg broffesiynol
Recriwtio ein myfyrwyr a'n graddedigion
Partneriaethau trosglwyddo gwybodaeth
Ysgoloriaethau Sgiliau Cyfnewid Gwybodaeth (KESS 2)
Rhwydweithio a digwyddiadau
Newyddion busnes
Ein huchelgais
Cofleidio ymgysylltiad cymunedol
Meithrin sgiliau Cymru ar gyfer y dyfodol
Arwain adferiad gwyrdd Cymru
Hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg a diwylliant Cymru
Prosiectau cymunedol lleol
Archaeoleg ymarferol yng Nghaerau a Threlái
Presgripsiynu cymdeithasol gwyrdd
Cyllid ar gyfer prosiectau peilot
Porth Cymunedol
Children's University
Ein heffaith
Cefnogi pobl ifanc
Rydyn ni’n helpu pobl ifanc i wireddu eu potensial
Adnoddau a gweithgareddau addysgol i athrawon, ysgolion a cholegau
Ein grwpiau blaenoriaeth
Defnyddiwch ein cyfleusterau
Cymryd rhan mewn ymchwil
Codi arian ar gyfer ein hymchwil
Partneriaethau byd-eang
Prifysgol Xiamen
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Prifysgol Normal Beijing
Prifysgol Waikato - Te Whare Wãnanga o Waikato
Prifysgol Bremen
Prifysgol Wyoming
System Prifysgol Illinois
Prifysgol Technoleg Dalian
Prifysgol Namibia
Canolfan Maes Danau Girang
Sefydliad Confucius Caerdydd
Partneriaid cyfnewid
Ymchwil byd-eang
Adnabod ein pobl
Myfyrwyr rhyngwladol
Amdanom ni
Ein proffil
Pwy ydym ni
Ein heffaith economaidd a chymdeithasol
Adolygiad Blynyddol
Ffeithiau a ffigurau
Ein safle'n y tablau
Sicrhau ansawdd
Strwythur colegol
Bwrdd Gweithredol y Brifysgol
Gwasanaethau Proffesiynol
Swyddogion Er Anrhydedd
Anrhydeddau a gwobrau
Cymrodyr er Anrhydedd
Chevron left
Nôl i Offer
System ddelweddu celloedd byw amlfodd ar gyfer microsgopeg cydffocal tra-fanwl, confensyniol a mewnbwn uchel.
Fflworosbectromedr Nano Drop 3300 Thermo Scientific
Wide Open Channel Flume
Water potential meter
Virtual Reality Environment
Twin Disk Tribology Testing Machines
Sonar beisfor amlbelydr bathymetrig
Sulphur/Carbon analyser
Spin coater system
Signal Generator – synthesised sweeper
SCR Traverse
SCR Rig pipework
PSG Vector Signal Generator
Power transformer test system
PNA-X Network Analyser
Optical Microscope
Optical coordinate measuring machine
On-wafer measurement system
Nano second laser machining system
Multifrequency ENDOR
Mass Spectrometer – High Vacuum
Mass Spectrometer Waters GCT Premier
Mass Spectrometer Waters maldi micro MX
Machine Tool Probing refits
Inlet Pipework From Compressor To Rigs
HPC Graphics Node
High Pressure High Temperature Pipework
FastScan Cobra hand held laser scanner
ENA series Network Analyser
DSO Digital Storage Oscilloscope
Digital Sampling Oscilloscope mainframe + Sampling Heads
CyberGlove,18-sensor, left and right hand
CNC Turning
Automated Triaxial shear strength testing device
Auto Ignition Delay Time Rig
Asynchronous wind mill
Assorted 3D/2D display technologies
Advanced Laser doppler velocity measuring system
4 force plates + 4 FP amplifiers
Time-lapse fluorescent microscope
Ffoton sengl cyfrif electroneg amser-cydberthynol (TCSPC)
Research quality treadmill
System Gyflenwi Radioniwclid
Optical Coherent Tomography instrument
Novel Emed Plate
Muscle strength measurement using controlled resistance Kincom 125E
Mobile Assessment Unit (Biobank)
Liquid Handling Robot
Genotyping Instrument
Didolwr Cell
Echo machine console & work station
Ffotograffiaeth Ddigidol
Upright Piano Kimball
Grand Piano Bosendorfer
NMR Spectrometer
X-Ray Diffraction
Unused Test Modules
UHV Scanning Probe Microscopy System
Touch Wall
Surface Science Spectrometer
Spectrum Analyser / tracking generator
Scanning Electron Microscope
Power Supply/Load Unit
NI PXIe-1062Q
Narrow Open Channel Flume
Model Water Treatment Tank
Mass Spectrometer Waters LCT premier XE
Laser based measuring system
Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer
HPC Head and Computer Nodes
Gas Analysis Suite
Siambr Niwl a Set Prawf Ynysol
Fluorolog Laser System
EMX Spectrometer 1
Die Sinking Micro Electro Discharge Machining
CU-Swelling pressure-hydraulic conductivity testing device
Contact Profilometer
CNC spark erosion machine
Bulk Material AC Characterisation System
Air Heater
Advanced laser measuring instrumentation
3D video face capture system
3 Axis NC Milling Machine
Generadur Ysgogi 200kV, Uned Wefru ac Uned Reoli
UV-Vis spectrophotometer
Typhoon phosphorimager
System chwyddo aml-ddelwedd
Sonography equipment
RS5 Confocal Machine
Pulsed ps laser at 470nm
System Ddelweddu Chwyddo Macro
In-shoe pressure measurement system Pedar C Unit
High Pressure Freezer
Gel imaging for fluorescence, radioactivity and luminescence
Flow Cytometry FACSverse
Dual photon microscope
Cell sorting system
Upright Piano Yamaha
Upright Piano Chappell
Microsgop sganio laser cydffocal gyda gallu cyd-raniad tra-fanwl
X-Ray Diffraction
White Light Interferometer
Vector Network Analyser
Siambr Uwchfioled
Thermofisher Surveyor
Surface Science Spectrometer
Spey Rig
Refrigerator system – two stage, model 16 RD-ADR
Real time digital simulator
Optical Microscope
Optical Measurement Microscope Suite
Motor frequency control
Microwave System Power Amplifier
Micro-gas chromatograph
Micro Hardness Tester
Medium capacity (3.5 MPa) automated oedometer device (pneumatic type)
Mass Spectrometer Waters Q
Magnetic Property Measurement System
Large 3D Printer
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer Thermo X-Series
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer
Hot End Simulator (HES)
High temperater and high pressure spray rig
Grinding Machine
Gas isotope ratio mass spectrometer with carbonate preparation device Thermo Finnigan MAT 252
Gas isotope ratio mass spectrometer with carbonate preparation device
FT-IR Microscope
Environmental AFM
CU-Isothermal oedoemeter
Crossbeam platform of Scanning Electron Microscope and Focus Ion Beam
Cooling Towers
Generadur Marx 300kV, Cyflenwad Pwêr a Banc Rheoli
30 Litre combustor
2x Pedestal Servers
RS2 Confocal Machine
Portable system for respiratory analysis
Mass spectrometry
Light microscope
Gweithfan Cyfrifiadur Imaris
Fluorescent laser scanning small confocal microscope
Electro-myography equipment Megawin EMG 8
Dell Vicon PC
Ffynhonnell laser tonnau parhaus 1064 nanometr
Cascade Impactor
Grid Simulator Amplifier
XRD (X-Ray Diffractometer)
X-Ray Diffraction
Tidal Basin
Surface Science Spectrometer
Surface Science Spectrometer
Stahl Gantry Crane
Spectrography System
Siemens G-30 rig
System sonar beisfor sganio gwaelod y môr
SAS Equipment
Cwch Ymchwil
Rapid Prototyping machine
Raman Spectrometer
Power System Simulator
Portable force platform
Physical Property Measurement System
NMR Spectrometer
NMR Spectrometer
Multi-terminal High Voltage DC
Motion Capture System: 18 Pro-Reflex Motion Capture IR Cameras
Microwave Power Amplifier
Micro electrical discharge milling machine
Mass Spectrometer Bruker AmaZon LC/MS
Kerr Domain Observation System
Injection moulding sensors
Infrared Microscope
Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer
Rhanelli Hyrddiau Foltedd – Gwrthiannol
Rhanelli Hyrddiau Foltedd – Cynhwysol
High Pressure Hot Water Trolley
High pressure coal gasifier
High Current Waveform Generator – Lightning Simulator
Front End Servers for Graphics Render Farm
EXA Signal Analyzer
EMG System
Electro-magnetic sensor based motion capture system
DFIG test rig
Coriolis Meters
Atomic Force Microscope
Advanced laser diagostic measurement system
4 quadrent DC motor drive
3D Laser Scanning Vibrometer
2 litre combustor
157nm excimer laser / 795nm femtosecond laser
Systemau Radiocemeg
Labordy Rheoli Ansawdd
Ffynhonnell Laser â churiad o hyd is-10 ffemtoeiliad
Particle and molecular size analyser
Microsgop amlfodd ar gyfer microsgobeg maes llachar, maes tywyll, DIC, TPF, SHG, CARS, SRS, CARS heterodein a FWM
Microarray platform (Affymetrix)
Inverted microscope with CCD camera
Inverted fluorescent microscope
Fluorescence microscope
Electrophysiology eq
Digital optical tracking system
Ffynhonnell laser tonnau parhaus 660 nanometr
Ffynhonnell laser tonnau parhaus 532 metr
Condensation Particle Counter
System Cyseinedd Plasmon Arwyneb (Cytiva Biacore™ T200)
Air samplers
Grand Piano Broadwood
Interplay Media Indexer
Avid Interplay look up server
Avid Interplay Engine
X-Ray Diffraction
Surface Science Spectrometer
Surface Science Spectrometer
Selective Laser Sintering
Pico second laser machining system
Physical Property Measurement System
Nano imprint lithography system
Motor-Generator sets
Microwave digestion system
Mercury analyser
Mass Spectrometer Waters GCT Premier
Magnetostriction Measurement System
ISCAN Video Based Eye Tracker
HPCR Interface pipework
Hot Embossing Machine
High Speed Milling
Hardness tester
FT-IR 3100 Series Spectrometer
Femtosecond Laser systems
ESG-D series signal generator
DSO oscilloscope
Selective Laser Melting
CU-Thermo-hydraulic column testing device
CU-Null-type axis-translation device
Analytical SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)
3D Face scanning unit
Zeiss microbeam system
Multi-Photon Confocal Microscope System
Mulitphoton and confocal laser scanning microscope
Flow cytometer – cell sorter BD FACS Aria
Upright Piano Welmar
Grand Piano 5
Grand Piano
Wire EDM machine
Total Organic Carbon and Nitrogen analyser
Tidal Basin with Riverine Inputs
Sensor tracking system
Robotic Arm
Reactive Ion etcher
Rapid Prototyping machine
PSG Vector Signal Generator
PNA-L Network Analyser
Phasespace Motion Capture System
Outlet Pipework From Rigs
NMR Spectrometer
NMR Spectrometer
Mithra Technologies
Microwave Transition Analyser
Micro wire cutting electro discharge machine
Mass Spectrometer Waters fraction links system
Interconnected Soundproof Booths Lab with Audio/Video recording facilities
Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer with an Automated Turbomatrix Headspace Sampler and Thermal Desorber
FT-IR Spectrometer Varian
Sbectromedr FTIR (sbectrosgopeg isgoch trawsffurf Fourier)
EXG Vector Signal Generator
EMX Micro Spectrometer
Digital Oscilloscope
Data Storage – Server
Cryo Stop-Flow Kinetics Spectrometer
CD Spectrometer
Atomic Force Microscope LOT ORIEL
3D laser structuring milling system
Vibrating blade microtome
Sliding microtome and quick freezing attachment
RS5 Confocal Microscope
Sganiwr PET Cyn-glinigol
Sganiwr Clinigol PETCT
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
Muscle strength measurement using controlled resistance
Liquid Handler
Kistler Force Platforms
Celloedd Ymbelydrol
Freeze dryer
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
Flow cytometer – cell analyser
Microsgop Electron JEOL (SEM) 840A
Electro-myography equipment Megawin EMG 4
Echo Machine
Cryostat (frozen section microtome)
Conventional fluroscence microscope DMRA2
Confocal laser microscope with spectral resolution
Artinis Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Scanning Electron Microscope
System Brofi Acwstig
X-Ray Diffraction
X-Ray Diffraction
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
Ultrasonic C-scanner
TEM Microscope
STM/AFM Multimode
Synhwyrydd pelydr sengl
Siemens HMI
RF Synthesiser / Continuous signal source
Raman Spectrometer
Pulsed EPR CW Endor
Motion Capture System: 9 Oqus Motion Capture IR Cameras
Microwave Peptide Synthesiser
Micro injection moulding machine
Mechanical Property Measurement System
Load test machines
Laser based particle sizing equipment
Injection moulder
Infitesima Video AFM
Full power converter test rig
EDM Spark Eroder
Digital Image Correlation System
1.6 MW segmented oil furnace
Microsgop ymchwil unionsyth wedi’i awtomeiddio’n llawn
Microsgop ymchwil amlfodd unionsyth
Spin-disk Confocal System
Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS)
Laser particle sizing/counting device
In-shoe pressure measurement system
High Resolution Imaging System
Electro-myography equipment
Conventional fluorescence microscope
Microsgop sganio laser cydffocal gyda stand gwrthdro
Confocal laser scanning microscope Zeiss 710 Confocal system
Grand Piano Bluthner
Grand Piano Steinway Piano
Microsgop Grym Atomig/Magnetig
Time domain measurement system
Switching Transformer
Stop-Flow Kinetics Spectrometer
STM/AFM Multimode
Renishaw small CMM
Recirculating Unsteady Flow Flume
Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) System
Private Cloud Computing Infrastructure
Optical Microscopes
Optical Microscope
NMR Spectrometer
NMR Spectrometer
NMR Spectrometer
Micro-milling machine
Large Co-ordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
Lapping and polishing system
Ion Chromatograph
Inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer and 21nm UV laser ablation system
High Resolution ICP-Mass Spectrometer
High Pressure Optical Rig (HPOC)
Graphics Render Farm
Gas isotope ratio mass spectrometer with gasbench
EMX Spectrometer 2
Differential scanning calorimeter
Troswyr Cerrynt a Foltedd
Bulk Magnetic Material DC Characterisation Equipment
Artificial Sky/Heliodon
Air Compressor
Acoustic emission monitoring equipment
5 Axis NC Milling Machine
Generadur Ysgogi 400kV, Uned Wefru ac Uned Reoli
Wide field microscope with digital imaging
Microsgop ymchwil unionsyth
Microsgop unionsyth maes llachar
Transmission Electron Microscope
Tissue culture facilities
Microsgop Sganio Sleidiau
Ffynhonnell laser â churiad y gellir ei thiwnio
Microsgop amlfoddol ar gyfer microsgobeg maes llachar, maes tywyll, cyferbyniad ymyrraeth gwahaniaethol (DIC), epifflwroleuedd, Raman cydffocal, fflworoleuedd dau-ffoton, cynhyrchu ail-harmonig a gwasgariad Raman (CARS)
Ffynhonnell laser tonnau parhaus 420 nanometr
Microsgop Cydffocal
Confocal Microscope Leica TCS SP5
Confocal laser scanning microscope LSM 5 Pascal (Carl Zeiss)
6 metre mat to measure footstrikes
Upright Piano Hoffman
Media Server
18 x Avid Workstation editor
Grid Simulator Amplifier
Illumina NextSeq500 Sequencer
Illumina NeoPrep Library Workstation
Covaris M220 Ultrasonic Sample Processor
Quality Control Technologies
HRM real-time PCR
epMotion5075 Pipetting Robot
Dyrannydd-micro laser Zeiss PALM MicroBeam
Zortrax M200 3D printer
Microsgop Cydffocal Disg Troelli
Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1
Argraffydd 3D Ultimaker 3 Extended
System Gloywi Meinweoedd X-CLARITY
7 Sganiwr MRI Tesla
3 Sganiwr MRI Tesla
Sganiwr MRI Microstrwythur
Sianel EEG 128
Symbyliad magnetig trawsgreuanol
Clwstwr Perfformiad Uchel
Anweddydd 4
Long read Next generation sequencer
Anweddydd 5
Anweddydd 6
Ion Torrent Short read Next Generation Sequencer
Offeryn ysgythru ICP-RIE
Tymherydd Thermol Cyflym
Offeryn alinio mwgwd 6"
Ffwrnais Ocsideiddio Gwlyb
SEM Cydraniad Uchel
Delweddwr Axio
Dyddodi Haen Atomig (ALD)
Diffreithomedr Pelydr-X (XRD)
MassArray Genotyping platform
Mass Spectrometer (LCMS)
Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)
Mass Spectrometer (TGA_FTIR_GCMS)
Illumina Next Generation Sequencer
Mass Spectrometer (MALDI)
Solid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
High Throughput Reactor
Platfform delweddu fflworoleuedd cynnwys uchel
Cydffocal sganio â laser
Cydffocal disg sy’n troelli
System dadansoddi celloedd unigol
Microsgop sganio sleidiau mewnbwn uchel wedi’i awtomeiddio
System Recordio Symudiadau Qualisys 1
System Recordio Symudiadau Qualisys 2
Plât Grym Cludadwy
Grisiau Bertec wedi’u hofferynnu
System Electromyograffeg Ddi-wifr sEMG
Llwybr Cerdded Tekscan
Mat pwysau GAITRite
Synwyryddion mesur 3D inertiaidd y corff gan Xsens
System Pwysau Tekscan Plantar
System dadansoddi cymalau K-Scan
Monitorau Gweithgarwch Dynol GeneActiv
Deinamomedr isocinetig Biodex
Sganiwr Dwysedd Esgyrn (DEXA) amsugnofetreg pelydrau-X ynni deuol (DXA)
System (Flworosgopeg) Pelydr-X Deublaen
Bruker SkyScan MicroCT
Samsung uwchsain cludadwy
Sganiwr llaw Space Spider 3D
Adweithydd Tyfu Diemwnt (Boxer)
Adweithydd Tyfu Diemwnt (Raskolnikov)
Adweithydd Tyfu Diemwnt (Persephone)
System Llyfnhau Cemegol a Mecanyddol
Elipsomedr sbectrosgopig
Ffwrneisi tymheredd uchel
Gwasgaru Golau Dynamig
Dadansoddi ac Olrhain Nanoronynnau (NTA)
System Mesur Nodweddion Ffisegol (PPMS)
Ffwrnais Inconel Dyddodiad Anwedd Cemegol
Symleiddio cyfarpar posibl / Defnyddio Dadansoddwr Electrokinetc at ddibenion dadansoddi arwyneb solet
Multiwavelength Raman / Photoluminescence System
Dilution fridge
Low Energy Electron Microscope
Nanoscribe two-photon lithography system
Bruker Dimension atomic force microscope
Imaging flow cytometer (Amnis ImageStream® X Mark II)
Delweddwr imiwnobrawf electrogemegol (platfform MSD®)
Sytomedr llif delweddu pen bwrdd
Sytomedr llif delweddu pen bwrdd
PCR (qPCR) amser real
Robot trin hylifau
Dadansoddwr Cell BD FacSymphony™ A3
laser 1064nm
Mwyaduron laser
Tabl opteg arunig
Caffael data amledd uchel
Microsgop fflworoloeuedd gwrthdro ar gyfer delweddu aml-fformat
Microsgop unionsyth ar gyfer microsgopeg maes llachar ac epifflworoleuedd
Dadansoddwr pylsiau uwchsonig (UPV).
Argraffydd 3D ar gyfer clai a choncrit
Profwr Cyflym ar gyfer Athreiddedd Clorid (RCPT)
Profi Dargludedd Thermol
Profi athreiddedd dŵr
Gosod Dwysedd a Disgyrchiant
Mesuryddion gludedd (x2)
Microsgop Digidol
Microsgop Digidol
Siambr cyrydu
Siambr hindreulio UV
Rheomedr gyda chell tymheredd
Mesurydd mandyllau drwy fewnwthio mercwri (MIP)
Siambr wlyb/sych
Siambr garboneiddio
Siambr rewi/dadmer
Ffwrnais ar gyfer calchynnu
Delweddydd Moleciwlaidd
Platfform dadansoddi Biosynhwyrydd heliX+ SwitchSENSE®
Microsgop Chwiliedydd Sganio
Pollen AM (PAM) Series P
Bwydydd Grafimetrig ThermoFisher
3Devo UK/SG - Composer 450°
3Devo UK/SG - SHR3D IT
Sinterit Lisa Pro
Microsgop fflworoleuedd
System Delweddu Celloedd
Cabinet Diogelwch Biolegol Dosbarth 2 Thermo Scientific Heraeus
Enw’r cofnod: Cabinet Diogelwch Biolegol Dosbarth 2 Thermo Scientific
NanoString nCounter®
iCOR Di-wifr Canfod Corydiad NDT
Dyfais NDT XCell ar gyfer Mapio Cyrydiad Hanner Cell (Half-Cell Corrosion Mapping)
Peiriant hyblyg concrit 150 kN lled-awtomatig, cynnydd Cyber-plus
Allgyrchydd Oeri Sigma
Peiriant hyblyg concrit 150 kN lled-awtomatig, cynnydd Cyber-plus
Peiriant Profi Cywasgu
Dyfais NDT XCell ar gyfer Mapio Cyrydiad Hanner Cell (Half-Cell Corrosion Mapping)
Offeryn Gwasgaru Golau DynaPro® Plate Reader III
Offeryn dadansoddi gronynnau Litesizer 700 Anton-Paar
System mesur nodweddion ffisegol Quantum Design
Microsgop electron trosglwyddo foltedd isel
Platfform meithrin celloedd awtomataidd iPSC
System ddelweddu fflworoleuedd golau/SPIM
Darllenydd platiau delweddu fflworoleuedd
Platfform Trawsgrifiomeg Gofodol Nanostring
Anweddydd 7
Anweddydd 8
Offeryn alinio mwgwd 4"
Offeryn alinio mwgwd 8"
SEM bwrdd gwaith
Microsgop Keyence
Glanhawr Mygydau
System lithograffeg optegol di-fwgwd
Datblygwr Dyfrllyd
Datblygwr Toddyddion
System lithograffeg pelydr electronau perfformiad hynod uchel
Llif torri 6"
Llif torri 8"
Sciex 7000QTrap
Sciex 6500QTrap
Sbectromedr màs QTof gydag UPLC
NovaSeq 6000
PromethION 2 Solo (P2 Solo)
Zeiss Sigma HD
Zeiss Sigma 300 VP
Araenydd Carbon Agar
Araenydd Sputter Biorad
System Recordio Symudiadau Heb Farciwr Theia3D
Melin Draed Bertec wedi’i Hofferynnu
Llwyfannau Grym Bertec x 2
Chevron right
Offer ymchwil
Chevron right
Offer ymchwil