Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Supermassive black hole

Bwydo tyllau duon

9 Mehefin 2016

Arbenigwyr yn dangos twll du enfawr yn paratoi am wledd ‘afluniaidd’ un biliwn o flynyddoedd golau o’r Ddaear

The transit of Mercury

Transit of Mercury: Public talks and public viewing

15 Ebrill 2016

Come and join us for our free event!

Hong Kong students

Inspiring Hong Kong to Reach for the Impossible

31 Mawrth 2016

Cardiff experts inspire the next generation of scientists at Science Alive 2016.

Dr Matt Smith at the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico.

Cardiff Researcher Selected to attend the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

14 Mawrth 2016

Dr Matthew Smith will attend the prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in June 2016.

Magnetic monopole-antimonopole pairs are pulled apart by the force of the applied magnetic field, that overcomes the Coulomb attraction between the magnetic charges.

Magnets research paper published in Nature Physics

11 Mawrth 2016

Findings published on the measurement of the force between magnetic monopoles.

Microprocessor on blue circuit board

Camu tuag at ffotoneg silicon

7 Mawrth 2016

Creu'r laser ymarferol cyntaf sy'n seiliedig ar silicon, a allai weddnewid systemau cyfathrebu, gofal iechyd ac ynni

Gravitational Waves research building

Sêl bendith i synhwyrydd tonnau disgyrchol yn India

22 Chwefror 2016

Gwyddonwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd yn chwarae rôl hollbwysig o ran sicrhau synhwyrydd tonnau disgyrchol newydd i India

Gravitational waves

Crychdonnau gofod-amser wedi'u canfod am y tro cyntaf

11 Chwefror 2016

Gwyddonwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd yn agor ffenestr newydd i'r Bydysawd wrth i donnau disgyrchiant gael eu canfod am y tro cyntaf

Juno Practitioner logo

Recognition for Our Commitment to Equality and Diversity

10 Chwefror 2016

The School of Physics and Astronomy has been awarded Juno Practitioner status by the Institute of Physics’

George Osborne on his visit to the School of Physics and Astronomy

Chancellor announces £50m for new Cardiff innovation centre

7 Ionawr 2016

The Chancellor George Osborne announces £50m for new Cardiff innovation centre.