I attended school at Plymouth College, Devon and from there entered Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada in 1960. Initially I studied Electrical Engineering but after two years transferred to Engineering Geology, graduating BSc (Eng) with first class honours and a medal.
During my time in Canada I also worked for various companies involved in mining and exploration for oil and metalliferous deposits, in most Canadian provinces from Ontario to the Yukon.
After gaining an Athlone Fellowship in 1967, I returned to Imperial College, London and was awarded my Ph.D. on the “Geology and Mineralisation of the Gortdrum Deposit, Ireland in 1975.
During this period at Imperial College, I was appointed Research Assistant in 1969 in Mining Geology, and in 1973 I moved to Cardiff University (then Cardiff College, University of Wales) as a Research Fellow in the newly formed Mining Geology section of the Department of Mineral Exploitation, under the able direction of Professor Tony Millman. Here I had responsibility for XRF analytical facilities including the Microscan III electron-probe.
I became a Lecturer in Mining Geology in 1975 and remained in the Engineering Faculty until the closure of Mineral Exploitation in 1989, when I and the other staff members of Mining Geology were transferred to the Geology Department (later Earth Sciences) in the Science Faculty.
I was promoted to Senior Tutor in 1995 and gained a PGCE (HE) in 2001. I was also the School and Fieldwork Safety Officer until my formal retirement in 2009, following which I became an Honorary Senior Lecturer.
I have supervised many PhD and MSc projects in countries across the world and taught many courses on Ores and Ore Genesis, Mining Geology, Mineralogy, Geological Resources, Analytical Methods and Exploration Geochemistry. I have also organised and supervised numerous geological field courses to Canada, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and other UK localities.
My main research interests have remained base and precious metal ores and exploration geology and geochemistry, though in recent years I have concentrated on orogenic gold mineralization.