Yr Athro Annette Morris
Reader in Law
- morrisa7@cardiff.ac.uk
- 2.06, Adeilad y Gyfraith, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX
Annette joined Cardiff Law School as a lecturer in September 2003. She is the module leader for Tort and also teaches Legal Foundations.
Her research, which focuses on various aspects of civil justice, draws on the practical experience she has gained to date. Before joining Cardiff, she worked as a legal assistant in the claims department of the Norwich and Norfolk NHS Trust; was a pupil barrister at 4 Pump Court, Temple - a defendant-oriented common law and commercial chambers and was policy research officer at the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers.
She is most well known for her work on compensation culture which was cited in the House of Commons' Constitutional Affairs Committee report on the issue in 2006. She spoke recently on the issue at a public engagement event entitled 'Hard Cases: Shaping Legal Policy' which was organised as part of the ESRC's Festival of Social Science 2012. She is currently writing on the most recent issue within the compensation culture debate - whiplash - on which the Government has just issued a consultation paper.
Annette is a member of the Journal of Law and Society's editorial board and a member of the Socio-Legal Studies Association. She is the Subject Sections Secretary for the Society of Legal Scholars and the rapporteur for England and Wales at the European Centre for Tort Law and Insurance. She was previously the convenor of the Torts subject section of the Society of Legal Scholars, the academic representative on the Civil Justice Council's Injury Committee and the Associate Editor of the Journal of Professional Negligence.
She is currently an external examiner at BPP Law School though has previously externally examined at the University of Westminster. She was a Visiting Lecturer at Charles University, Prague in April 2007.
Originally from Aberystwyth, Annette graduated from the University of East Anglia (UEA) in 1996 with a first class honours degree in Law with European Legal Systems and achieved a School of Law Prize for her academic achievement. During 1994-1995 she also studied at the University of Limburg in Maastricht, The Netherlands as an ERASMUS student. She was awarded her Masters by Research, which concerned damages for personal injury, in 1998.
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Date | Title | Event |
July 2013 | Tort and Social Justice in the UK | Law on the Edge, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada |
June 2013 | The UK 'Compensation Culture': Trends and Tribulations | Law and Society Association Annual Conference, Boston, USA |
September 2012 | Compensation Culture Revisited: The Road Traffic Accident Exception | Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Bristol University |
April 2012 | Tort Law Culture in the United Kingdom: Image and Reality in Personal Injury Compensation (with Richard Lewis) | Cultures of Tort Law in Europe, European Centre for Tort and Insurance Law, Vienna, Austria |
June 2011 | The Politicisation of Tort and Adversarial Legalism: The Anglo-American Way? | Law and Society Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, USA |
July 2010 | Claims for Sale: Injured Ethics? | International Legal Ethics Conference IV, Stanford University, California, USA |
April 2009 | Asbestos Wars and the Battle Over Pleural Plaques | Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, Leicester |
November 2008 | The Liability of Public Bodies and the Law Commission's Paper on Administrative Redress | Informal Seminar, Cardiff Law School |
September 2007 | The Proposed Streamlined Procedure for Lower-value Personal Injury Claims | Association of Personal Injury Lawyers Costs and Funding Conference , London |
July 2007 | Small Claims, Big Problem? The Personal Injury Perspective | W G Hart Workshop on access to justice , Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London |
October 2006 | The Compensation Culture and Empirical Research | Panel on Compensation Culture, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Keele |
May 2006 | Coping with the Costs War: The Judiciary and the Conditional Fee Regime | Changes of Judicial Culture and Decision Making in Different Branches of Law, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic |
January 2006 | Haltom and McCann's 'Distorting the Law' | Cardiff Law School Research Away Day, Cardiff |
December 2005 | Spiralling or Stabilising? The Compensation Culture and our Propensity to Claim Damages for Personal Injury | Does the Litigation System in England and Wales Deliver Access to Justice and Value for Money?, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford |
October 2005 | The Compensation Culture Debate: Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics | Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, Glasgow |
May 2005 | No-win, No-fee, No Stopping Us? | Cardiff Law School Staff Seminar , Cardiff |
- Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. 2019. England and Wales. European Tort Law Yearbook 8(1), pp. 131-175. (10.1515/tortlaw-2019-0007)
- Morris, A. 2019. Personal injury compensation and civil justice paradigms. In: Halson, R. and Campbell, D. eds. Research Handbook on Remedies in Private Law. Research Handbooks in Private and Commercial Law series Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 47-67.
- Morris, A. 2019. Case comment: Michael Quinn v Ministry of Defence. Journal of Personal Injury Law 2, pp. C90-C95.
- Morris, A. 2019. Case comment: Hayley Jane Liddle (personal representative of Sean Lesley Phillips deceased) v Bristol CC. Journal of Personal Injury Law 2, pp. C63-C70.
- Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. 2018. England and Wales. European Tort Law Yearbook 7(1), pp. 141-162. (10.1515/tortlaw-2018-0007)
- Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. 2018. England and Wales. European Tort Law Yearbook 6(1), pp. 141-169. (10.1515/tortlaw-2017-0007)
- Morris, A. 2018. Case comment: Jennings v TUI UK (T/A Thomson Cruises) (2018). Journal of Personal Injury Law, pp. C124-C129.
- Morris, A. 2018. Case comment: Pinkus v Direct Line Group. Journal of Personal Injury Law 2, pp. C107-C110.
- Morris, A. 2018. Case comment: Singh v Cardiff CC. Journal of Personal Injury Law 1, pp. C7-C12.
- Morris, A. 2018. Case comment: Williams v Hawkes. Journal of Personal Injury Law 1, pp. C18-C22.
- Morris, A. 2018. Case comment: EMS (a child) v ES (2018). Journal of Personal Injury Law 4, pp. C205-C210.
- Morris, A. 2017. Tort and neo-liberalism. In: Barker, K., Fairweather, K. and Grantham, R. eds. Private Law in the 21st Century. Hart Studies in Private Law Oxford and Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing, pp. 503-526.
- Morris, A. 2017. Case Comment: McHugh v Okai-Koi. Journal of Personal Injury Law 3, pp. C162-C165.
- Morris, A. 2017. Case Comment: Anderson v Imrie. Journal of Personal Injury Law 2, pp. C73-C77.
- Morris, A. 2017. Case comment: G4S Care & Justice Services (UK) Ltd v Manley (2017). Journal of Personal Injury Law 1, pp. C18-C21.
- Morris, A. 2017. Case Comment: RE (A Minor) v Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust. Journal of Personal Injury Law 3, pp. C170-C174.
- Morris, A. 2016. Deconstructing policy on costs and the compensation culture. In: Quill, E. and Friel, R. J. eds. Damages and the Compensation Culture: Comparative Perspectives. Hart Publishing, pp. 125-147.
- Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. 2015. England and Wales. European Tort Law Yearbook 5(1) (10.1515/tortlaw-2015-0109)
- Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. 2014. England and Wales. European Tort Law Yearbook 4(1), pp. 183-212. (10.1515/tortlaw-2014-0109)
- Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. 2013. England and Wales. European Tort Law Yearbook 3(1), pp. 163-202. (10.1515/etly.2013.3.1.163)
- Lewis, R. K. and Morris, A. 2013. Challenging views of tort: Part II. Journal of Personal Injury Law(3), pp. 137-150.
- Lewis, R. K. and Morris, A. 2013. Challenging views of tort: Part 1. Journal of Personal Injury Law(2), pp. 69-80.
- Morris, A. 2013. The Subversion of Public Policy Debates about Tort.
- Morris, A. 2013. Pleural Plaques, Social Justice and Tort in the UK: Is Adversarial Legalism Taking Root?.
- Morris, A. 2013. The 'compensation culture' and the politics of tort. In: Arvind, T. T. and Steele, J. eds. Tort Law and the Legislature: Common Law, Statute and the Dynamics of Legal Change. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 57-80.
- Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. 2012. England and Wales. European Tort Law Yearbook 2(1), pp. 162-189. (10.1515/etly.2012.1.1.162)
- Lewis, R. K. and Morris, A. 2012. Tort law culture: image and reality. Journal of Law and Society 39(4), pp. 562-592. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2012.00600.x)
- Lewis, R. K. and Morris, A. 2012. Tort law culture in the United Kingdom: image and reality in personal injury compensation. Journal of European Tort Law 3(2), pp. 230-264. (10.1515/jetl-2012-0230)
- Morris, A. 2012. Liability for Loss of Housekeeping Capacity in England and Wales. In: Karner, E. and Oliphant, K. eds. Loss of Housekeeping Capacity. Tort and Insurance Law Vol. 28. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 29-68.
- Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. A. 2011. England and Wales. In: Koziol, H. and Steininger, B. eds. European Tort Law 2010. European Tort Law Yearbook Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, pp. 121-147.
- Oliphant, K. et al. 2011. On a slippery slope: a response to the Jackson Report. Project Report. [Online]. Working Group on Civil Litigation Costs, Thompsons Solicitors. Available at: http://ectil.org/etl/getdoc/1a937bfb-9243-42b4-8e5f-9b72aabde140/Litigation-costs-in-England--on-a-slippery-slope-w.aspx
- Morris, A. 2011. Medical Negligence: Non-patient and Third Party Claims (by Rachael Mulheron, 2010) [Book Review]. Professional Negligence 27(2), pp. 121-123.
- Morris, A. 2011. 'Common Sense Common Safety': the compensation culture perspective. Journal of Professional Negligence 27(2), pp. 82-96.
- Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. 2010. England and Wales. In: Koziol, H. and Steininger, B. C. eds. European Tort Law 2009. European Tort Law Yearbook Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 134-168.
- Morris, A. 2007. Spiralling or stabilising? The compensation culture and our propensity to claim damages for personal injury. Modern Law Review 70(3), pp. 349-378. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2007.00642.x)
- Morris, A. 2007. Collateral benefits and care conundrums in England and Wales. Torts Law Journal 15(2), pp. 179-194.
- Morris, A. 2007. Coping with the costs war: the judiciary and the conditional fee egime. In: Pauknerova, M. et al. eds. Changes of Judicial Culture and Decision Making in Different Branches of Law. Prague: Charles University, pp. 76-86.
- Lewis, R. K., Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. A. 2006. Tort personal injury claims statistics: is there a compensation culture in the United Kingdom?. Journal of Personal Injury Law(2), pp. 87-103.
- Lewis, R. K., Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. A. 2006. Tort personal injury claims statistics: is there a compensation culture in the United Kingdom?. Insurance Research and Practice 21(2), pp. 5-12.
- Lewis, R. K., Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. A. 2006. Tort personal injury claim statistics. Journal of Personal Injury Law, pp. 87-103.
- Lewis, R., Morris, A. and Oliphant, K. 2006. Tort personal injury claims statistics: is there a compensation culture in the United Kingdom?. Torts Law Journal 14(2), pp. 158-175.
- Morris, A. 2005. Claims advertising: access or excess?. New Law Journal 155(7167), pp. 345-348.
- Morris, A. 2004. Conditional Fees Agreements in Northern Ireland: Gimmick or Godsend?. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 56(1), pp. 38-62.
- Marshall, D. and Morris, A. 2003. Resolving a burning fees issue. Litigation Funding 26, pp. 12-12.
- Morris, A. 2002. Improving compensation for accidents at sea. PI Focus 12(6), pp. 16-17.
- Morris, A. 2001. Personal injury and election manifestos. Association of Personal Injury Lawyers' Newsletter 11(3), pp. 10-11.