Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Yr Athro Vivienne Harpwood

Professor of Law

0.18, Adeilad y Gyfraith, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX


Vivienne Harpwood has recently taken partial retirement from the Law School to concentrate on her work within the NHS. She was Course Director for more than 20 years of the LLM (Legal Aspects of Medical Practice) degree, the first Masters degree of its kind, established  in 1987. She has supervised numerous research students and has been external examiner at several UK Universities.

Publishing widely in the fields of Medical Law and Tort, Vivienne is founding editor of Butterworth's Medico-Legal Reports and the journal Medical Law International. She has given invited lectures for many years on a range of medical law issues to healthcare professionals in the UK and overseas.  Among her publications are the journal "Personal Injury Compensation", (published monthly) and books entitled, "Legal Issues in Obstetrics", "Medical Negligence and Clinical Risk: the Law in Context", "Modern Tort Law" and "Medicine, Malpractice and Misapprehensions".  She has practised as a barrister,specialising in personal injury and clinical negligence work and coroners' cases.  Since 2010, Vivienne has also published and updated a series of electronic Medical Law Books entitled "An Introduction to Healthcare Law", "Healthcare Provision: the Legal Framework", "Clinical Negligence", "Consent to Treatment", "Confidentialitt", and "Clinicians and the Courts".  She has given many media interviews and radio and television broadcasts on issues in Medical Law and Personal Injury Litigation.

Among the many contributions that Vivienne has made to public life are membership of several international clinical ethics groups.  She served on the UK Government's NHS Complaints Review Committee, whose recommendations in 1994 form the basis of modern NHS Complaints Systems in all four UK jurisdictions. She was also a member of the Silicone Gel Breast Implant Review Group between 1998 and 2003.  Among her more recent advisory work is chairing the Wales Cancer Research UK Centre Governance Board, membership of the Wales National Information Governance Advisory Board, membership of the Wales DNAR-CPR (do not attempt cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) Core Group, Membership of the WHSSC Individual Funding Requests Panel and Prioritising Panel for medical treatment, and membership of the Wales Organ Donation Expert Reference Panel.  She was recently invited to present oral evidence to the Welsh Government's Health and Social Care Committee during the pasage of the Human Transplantation (Wales) Bill 2013, and is a member of the Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013 Expert Reference Group. She is also a member of the Welsh Government's Task and Finish Group on Approved Clinicians, and after serving as Vice Chair of Velindre NHS Trust for eight years, she is now Vice Chair of Cwm Taf University Health Board, apppointed to that post by the Health Minister for Wales in 2010.

Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus

May 2014 Medico-Legal Issues in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Risk management and Medico-Legal Issues in Women's Healthcare, London ROyal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
September 2011 Developments in UK Law for overseas students Pearson Conference on Law, Colombo, Sri Lanka and the Maldives
May 2005 Communication issues in healthcare Patient Communication, Nottingham
November 2004 New dilemmas in Informed Consent Consent to Medical Treatment, Nottingham
October 2003 Ethical issues in data protection International Cancer Registries, Cardiff




  • Harpwood, V. H. 2012. Medical law section [2011]. In: All England Law Reports Annual Review 2011. London: LexisNexis, pp. 326-344.


  • Harpwood, V. H. 2011. Medical law section [2010]. In: All England Law Reports Annual Review 2010. London: LexisNexis, pp. 331-354.


  • Harpwood, V. H. 2010. Medical law section [2009]. In: All England Law Reports Annual Review 2009. London: LexisNexis, pp. 345-361.













  • Fennell, P. W. H., Harpwood, V. H. and Ngwena, C. 1993. Medical law section [1992]. In: Brown, P. ed. All England Law Reports Annual Review 1992. London: Butterworths, pp. 285-313.


  • Fennell, P. W. H., Harpwood, V. H. and Ngwena, C. 1992. Medical law section [1991]. In: Brown, P. ed. All England Law Reports Annual Review 1991. London: Butterworths, pp. 231-257.


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