Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Yr Athro Barbara Adam

Yr Athro Barbara Adam

Emerita Professor

Sylwebydd y cyfryngau



  • Time Theory and Practice across social and socio-environmental domains
  • Futures Theory and Practice across social domains past and present
  • Social theory and socio-environmental theory

My primary expertise is in the area of social and socio-environmental time. I have developed this perspective over the last three decades during which I have worked the time dimension into the following areas of conceptual and empirical social science research: culture, education, environment, environmental economics, food, globalisation, gender, health, international relations, management, media, risk, technological innovation, transport and work.

As an integral part of this research commitment I edited the international, trans-disciplinary Sage journal Time & Society, which I founded in 1992 and handed over to new editors towards the end of 1998.

Since 2003 I have expanded the time focus to 'the future' under the ESRC's Professorial Fellowship Scheme $acirc; In Pursuit of the Future$acirc; . This work is theoretically challenging and has significant implications for policy and entrepreneurial practice. The End-of-Award Report of this project has been rewarded an $acirc; outstanding$acirc; grade. This research is ongoing and encompasses work on risk and uncertainty. Extensive networks of international collaborators have been built up across the full breadth of this future and risk domain.

Archive of Presentation Papers to Download

A large number of my presentations are available for downloading. For my archive of presentation papers, please visit here

Recent News

I have been interviewed for a Stefan Skrimshire Film, 'Beyond the Tipping Point?'. It is a documentary film about climate, action and the future. It is a free resource for groups to provoke discussion and open up debate.


I have been interviewed by Ben Holden for a new environmental project entitled $acirc; Sentient Cities$acirc; .



My entire academic career has been developed at Cardiff University. As a mature student (1980-1983) and PhD (1983-1987) with two children I was not free to make career moves to other universities. From 1988 onwards I have been employed as an academic by Cardiff University and since 1999 I have held a Personal Chair in sociology at the University$acirc; s School of Social Sciences.

Since 2011 Emerita Professor at Cardiff University and Schumacher Distinguished Fellow at Schumacher Institute, Bristol University.

Anrhydeddau a Dyfarniadau

  • 2009 AcSS, Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences
  • 2007 DScEcon, Cardiff University
  • 1995, J T Fraser Prizeawarded for monograph Timewatch. The Social Analysis of Time by the International Society for the Study of   Time for `A Book of Excellence in Time Studies$acirc;
  • 1990, Philip Abrams Memorial Prizeawarded for monograph Time and Social Theory by the British Sociological Association for `Best First Book$acirc;

Funded Research

1994-6 ESRC Fellowship - Global Environmental Change Initiative (L32027312593) Mapping the Environment: Temporal and Spatial Problems for the Social Sciences. £ 64,380.

1996-9   EEC-funded Project $acirc; 4th Framework (ST96 AM601) Policy Assessment of Trans-European Networks & Common Transport Policy TENASSES (11 partners, total budget ECU 1.2 Million) ECU 28,000 for time consultancy.

1999         ESRC Pilot Project Bridging Time Theory and Practice: Exploring Time Politics for the Food System (R000222946 - 07-10/99) £ 21,730.

2001-3 EU 5th Framework Foresight for Transport (GMA2/2000/32057, 5 partners, total budget EU 1.4 Million) EU 121,200 for Cardiff time expertise.

2003-7   ESRC Professorial Fellowship (RES-051-27-0049), In Pursuit of the Future, £ 350,000 plus additional 3-year PhD studentship.


1999 - 2000 Max Weber Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany

2009 Professorial Fellow $acirc; University Cagliari, Sardinia

2010 Distinguished Professorial Fellow $acirc; IAS Durham University

2011 Schumacher Distinguished Fellow $acirc; Schumacher Institute, Bristol University

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

  • 1992 Founder Editor of the international, trans-disciplinary Journal Time & Society

Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus








  • Adam, B. E. et al. 2014. Promise through the lens of time. Presented at: Futures in Question, Goldsmiths, University of London, 11-12 September 2014.
  • Adam, B. E. 2014. Future matters for ageing research. Presented at: Imagining the Future Workshop, London, England, 11 February 2010 Presented at Bornaj, J. and Jones, R. L. eds.Imagining Futures : Methodological Issues for Research into Ageing. The Representation of Older People in Ageing Research Series Vol. 13. Milton Keynes: Open University/CPA pp. 11-25.


  • Adam, B. E. 2013. Clock time: tyrannies and alternatives. In: Coote, A. and Franklin, J. eds. Time On Our Side: Why We All Need a Shorter Working Week. London: New Economics Foundation, pp. 31-41.






  • Adam, B. E. 2007. Mobilität / Verkehr. In: Heitkötter, M. and Schneider, M. eds. Zeitpolitisches Glossar: Grundbegriffe, Felder, Instrumente, Strategien. Tutzinger Materialien Vol. 90. Tutzing: Evangelische Akademie, pp. 51-53.
  • Adam, B. E. 2007. Time control (kontrolle der zeit). In: Heitkötter, M. and Schneider, M. eds. Zeitpolitisches Glossar: Grundbegriffe, Felder, Instrumente, Strategien. Tutzinger Materialien Vol. 90. Tutzing: Evangelische Akademie, pp. 66-68.
  • Adam, B. E. and Groves, C. R. 2007. Future matters: action, knowledge, ethics. The Study of Time / Supplements Vol. 3. Leiden: Brill.
  • Adam, B. E. 2007. The global future. In: Robertson, R. and Scholte, J. A. eds. Encyclopedia of Globalization., Vol. 2. London: Routledge, pp. 304-312.
  • Adam, B. E. 2007. Foreword. In: Hassan, R. and Purser, R. E. eds. 24/7: Time and Temporality in the Network Society. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, pp. ix-xi.












  • Time Theory and Practice across social and socio-environmental domains
  • Futures Theory and Practice across social domains past and present
  • Social theory and socio-environmental theory

My primary expertise is in the area of social and socio-environmental time. I have developed this perspective over the last three decades during which I have worked the time dimension into the following areas of conceptual and empirical social science research: culture, education, environment, environmental economics, food, globalisation, gender, health, international relations, management, media, risk, technological innovation, transport and work.

As an integral part of this research commitment I edited the international, trans-disciplinary Sage journal Time & Society, which I founded in 1992 and handed over to new editors towards the end of 1998.

Since 2003 I have expanded the time focus to 'the future' under the ESRC's Professorial Fellowship Scheme 'In Pursuit of the Future'. This work is theoretically challenging and has significant implications for policy and entrepreneurial practice. The End-of-Award Report of this project has been rewarded an 'outstanding' grade. This research is ongoing and encompasses work on risk and uncertainty. Extensive networks of international collaborators have been built up across the full breadth of this future and risk domain.


Past projects

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