Yr Athro Ruth Chadwick
Director, CESAGen
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
Ethics and new technologies, especially genomics.
I joined Lancaster University in 2000 as Professor of Bioethics and became Director of the Institute for Environment, Philosophy and Public Policy, 2001-2 prior to the ESRC award.
Previously Professor of Moral Philosophy and Head of Centre for Professional Ethics, University of Central Lancashire (1993-2000)
Lecturer in Philosophy and Director, Centre for Applied Ethics, University of Wales Cardiff (1987-93)
Senior Lecturer in Law and Moral Philosophy, St. Martin$acirc; s College Lancaster (1981-6)
Anrhydeddau a Dyfarniadau
World Technology Award for Ethics 2005.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Visiting Professor, Lancaster University, 2006 - 11
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
- Chadwick, R. and Dhavendra, K. eds. 2024. Genomics, populations, and society. Academic Press. (10.1016/C2021-0-01143-3)
- Capps, B. et al. 2023. The Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) and a vision for Ecogenomics: the Ecological Genome Project. Human Genomics 17, article number: 115. (10.1186/s40246-023-00560-x)
- Chadwick, R. 2022. General practice: How important is the face-to-face consultation?. Bioethics 36(7), pp. 733-734. (10.1111/bioe.13083)
- Chadwick, R. and Strange, H. 2015. Biobanking across borders: the challenges of harmonisation. In: Mascalzoni, D. ed. Ethics, Law and Governance of Biobanking., Vol. 14. The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology New York and London: Springer, pp. 133-139., (10.1007/978-94-017-9573-9_10)
- Chadwick, R. 2014. The ethics of personalized medicine: a philosopher's perspective. Personalized Medicine 11(1), pp. 5-6. (10.2217/pme.13.98)
- Chadwick, R. and O'Connor, A. 2013. Epigenetics and personalized medicine: prospects and ethical issues. Personalized Medicine 10(5), pp. 463-471. (10.2217/pme.13.35)
- Chadwick, R. 2013. Ethical issues in personalized medicine. Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies 10(4), pp. e171-e174. (10.1016/j.ddstr.2013.05.001)
- Gunnarsdottir, K., Chadwick, R., Hughes, J., Lewis, J. T., O'Connor, A. and Stephens, N. 2012. Cesagen response to Nuffield Council on bioethics consultation on novel neurotechnologies: intervening in the brain. Technical Report.
- Clarke, A. J. et al. 2012. 'Sifting the significance from the data' - the impact of high-throughput genomic technologies on human genetics and health care. Human Genomics 6, article number: 11. (10.1186/1479-7364-6-11)
- Chadwick, R. 2011. 5 questions. In: Friis, J. K. B. O., Rossel, P. and Norup, M. S. eds. Philosophy of Medicine: 5 Questions. Birkerød, Denmark: Automatic Press, pp. 31-36.
- Chadwick, R. and Lunshof, L. 2011. Genetic and Genomic Research: Changing Patterns of Accountability. Accountability in Research 18(3), pp. 1-11. (10.1080/08989621.2011.575031)
- Chadwick, R., Have, H. and Meslin, E. M. eds. 2011. The Sage handbook of health care ethics. London: Sage.
- Chadwick, R. and Hansson, M. G. 2011. Is medical ethics doing its job?. Journal of Internal Medicine 269(4), pp. 366-369. (10.1111/j.1365-2796.2011.02348.x)
- Chadwick, R. and McCarthy, P. 2011. Orphan diseases. In: Chadwick, R., Have, H. and Meslin, E. M. eds. The Sage Handbook of Health Care Ethics : Core and Emerging Issues. London: Sage, pp. 278-288.
- Chadwick, R. 2011. The Communitarian Turn: Myth or Reality?. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 20(4), pp. 546-553. (10.1017/S0963180111000284)
- Chadwick, R. and Wilson, S. 2010. I database genomici: un bene pubblico globale. In: Marturano, A. ed. Il Corpo Digitale: Natura, Informazione, Merce. Digitalica Vol. 9. Torino: Giappichelli
- Strange, H. and Chadwick, R. 2010. The Ethics of Nonmedical Sex Selection. Health Care Anaysis 18(3), pp. 252-66. (10.1007/s10728-009-0135-y)
- Chadwick, R. 2010. Nutrigenomics and statistical power: the ethics of genetically informed nutritional advice. In: Bagchi, D., Lau, F. and Bagchi, M. eds. Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 23-33.
- Chadwick, R. 2009. What is 'applied' in applied ethics?. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy 1, pp. 1-7.
- Strange, H. and Chadwick, R. 2009. Harmonisation and standardisation in ethics and governance: conceptual and practical challenges. In: Widdows, H. and Mullen, C. eds. The Governance of Genetic Information: Who Decides?. Cambridge University Press, pp. 201-213.
- Chadwick, R. F. 2009. Nutrigenomics. In: Atkinson, P., Glasner, P. and Lock, M. eds. Handbook of Genetics and Society: Mapping the New Genomic Era. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 94-103.
- Chadwick, R. F. 2009. Gene therapy. In: Kuhse, H. and Singer, P. eds. A Companion to Bioethics. Chichester; Malden, WA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 207-15.
- Chadwick, R. 2009. Gender and the human genome. Mens Sana Monographs 7(1), pp. 10-19.
- Chadwick, R. and Strange, H. 2009. Harmonisation and standardisation in ethics and governance: conceptual and practical challenges. In: Widdows, H. and Mullen, C. eds. The Governance of Genetic Information: Who Decides?. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 201-13.
- Chadwick, R. F. 2008. Therapy, enhancement and improvement. In: Gordijn, B. and Chadwick, R. eds. Medical Enhancement and Posthumanity. Berlin: Springer, pp. 25-37.
- Chadwick, R. F. 2008. Bioethics – overview. In: Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pp. 1-5., (10.1002/9780470015902.a0003473)
- Lunshof, J., Chadwick, R., Vorhaus, D. and Church, G. 2008. From genetic privacy to open consent. Nature Reviews Genetics 9, pp. 406-411. (10.1038/nrg2360)
- Lunshof, J., Chadwick, R. F. and Church, G. 2008. Hippocrates revisited? Old ideals and new realities. Genomic Medicine 2, pp. 1-3. (10.1007/s11568-008-9020-2)
- Gordijn, B. and Chadwick, R. F. eds. 2008. Medical enhancement and posthumanity. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Chadwick, R. F., Galloux, J., Nys, H., Simon, J., Paslack, R. and Weisenfeld, U. 2008. Xenotransplantation: Ethical, legal, economic, social, cultural and scientific background. München: Martin Meidenbauer.
- Chadwick, R. 2007. Pharmacogenomics. In: Ashcroft, R. E. et al. eds. Principles of Health Care Ethics. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 783-788.
- Chadwick, R. 2005. Professional ethics and the 'good' of science. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 30(3), pp. 247-256. (10.1179/030801805X42054)
- Chadwick, R. and Knoppers, B. 2005. Human genetic research: emerging trends in ethics. Nature Reviews Genetics 6(1), pp. 75-79. (10.1038/nrg1505)
- Chadwick, R. 2004. Telling the truth about genomics. Communication and Medicine 1(2), pp. 193-199. (10.1515/come.2004.1.2.193)
- Chadwick, R. and Wilson, S. 2004. Genomic databases as global public goods?. Res Publica 10(2), pp. 123-134. (10.1023/B:RESP.0000034637.15364.11)
- Chadwick, R. 2004. Nutrigenomics, individualism and public health. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 63, pp. 161-166. (10.1079/PNS2003329)
- Chadwick, R. et al. 2003. Functional foods. Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment Vol. 20. Berlin: Springer. (10.1007/978-3-662-05115-3)
- Welsh, I. and Evans, R. 2002. Xenotransplantation, risk, regulation and surveillance: social and technological dimensions of change. In: Chadwick, R. and Schroeder, D. eds. Applied Ethics: Critical Concepts in Philosophy., Vol. 3. Ethical Issues in Medicine, Technology and the Life Sciences London: Routledge, pp. 146-168.
- Chadwick, R. and Schroeder, D. eds. 2001. Applied ethics: critical concepts in philosophy. Critical Concepts in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
- Chadwick, R. and Berg, K. 2001. Solidarity and equity: new ethical frameworks for genetic databases. Nature Reviews Genetics 2(4), pp. 318-321. (10.1038/35066084)
Ethics and new technologies, especially genomics.