Yr Athro Alicia Kim
Senior Res. Fellow
- kima2@cardiff.ac.uk
- S/3.17F
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Dr H Alicia Kim is a Professor in Structural and Material Optimization in the School of Engineering of Cardiff University and also in the Structural Engineering Department of the University of California San Diego. Her interests are in level set topology optimization, multiscale and multiphysics optimization, modeling and optimization of composite materials and multifunctional structures. She has published nearly 200 journal and conference papers in these fields including award winning papers at the AIAA conferences and World Congresses on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. She is a Review Editor for the Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization journal.
Anrhydeddau a Dyfarniadau
- ISSMO/Springer Prize for Best Paper in World Congress in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2013
- Collier Research HyperSizer/AIAA Structures Best Paper Award, AIAA Structures Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, 2013
- Royal Academy of Engineering Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 2000
- Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship Award, 2000
- Overseas Postgraduate Research Scholarship, 1997-2000
- International Postgraduate Award, 1997-2000
- Department Scholarship, 1998
- Dean’s List of Excellence in Academic Performance, 1995, 1996
- John Toohey Scholarship for academic excellence in year 3, 1996
- Amelie Salmon Scholarship for academic excellence in year 2, 1995
- Eileen Lyon Scholarship for academic excellence in year 1, 1994
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Member of the International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO).
- Member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2017 - present: Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, Professor, School of Engineering.
- 2017 - present: University of California, San Diego, USA, Professor, Structural Engineering Department.
- 2015 - 2017: University of California, San Diego, USA, Associate Professor, Structural Engineering Department.
- 2015 - 2017: Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, Senior Research Fellow, School of Engineering.
- 2001 - 2015: University of Bath, Bath, UK, Reader/Senior Lecturer/Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering.
- Chu, S., Featherston, C. and Kim, H. A. 2021. Design of stiffened panels for stress and buckling via topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 64, pp. 3123-3146. (10.1007/s00158-021-03062-3)
- Neofytou, A., Huang, T., Kambampati, S., Picelli, R., Chen, J. and Kim, H. A. 2021. Level set topology optimization with nodally integrated reproducing kernel particle method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 385, article number: 114016. (10.1016/j.cma.2021.114016)
- Kambampati, S., Gray, J. S. and Kim, H. A. 2021. Level set topology optimization of load carrying battery packs. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 177, article number: 121570. (10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.121570)
- Chu, S., Townsend, S., Featherston, C. and Kim, H. A. 2021. Simultaneous layout and topology optimization of curved stiffened panels. AIAA Journal 59(7), pp. 2768-2783. (10.2514/1.J060015)
- Kambampati, S., Jauregui, C., Museth, K. and Kim, H. A. 2021. Geometry design using function representation on a sparse hierarchical data structure. Computer-Aided Design 133, article number: 102989. (10.1016/j.cad.2020.102989)
- Kambampati, S., Townsend, S. and Kim, H. A. 2020. Coupled aerostructural level set topology optimization of aircraft wing boxes. AIAA Journal 58(8), pp. 3614-3624. (10.2514/1.J059157)
- Kambampati, S., Gray, J. S. and Kim, H. A. 2020. Level set topology optimization of structures under stress and temperature constraints. Computers and Structures 235, article number: 106265. (10.1016/j.compstruc.2020.106265)
- Chu, S., Townsend, S., Featherston, C. and Kim, H. A. 2020. Simultaneous layout and topology optimization of curved stiffened panels. Presented at: 2020 AIAA Aviation Forum, Virtual, 15-19 June 2020. , (10.2514/6.2020-3144)
- Neofytou, A., Picelli, R., Huang, T., Chen, J. and Kim, H. A. 2020. Level set topology optimization for design-dependent pressure loads using the reproducing kernel particle method. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 61 (10.1007/s00158-020-02549-9)
- Li, L., Du, Z. and Kim, H. A. 2020. Design of architected materials for ehermoelastic macrostructures using level set method. JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 72(4), pp. 1734-1744. (10.1007/s11837-020-04046-2)
- Chung, H., Amir, O. and Kim, H. A. 2020. Level-set topology optimization considering nonlinear thermoelasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 361, article number: 112735. (10.1016/j.cma.2019.112735)
- Townsend, S. and Kim, H. A. 2019. A level set topology optimization method for the buckling of shell structures. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 60(5), pp. 1783-1800. (10.1007/s00158-019-02374-9)
- Neofytou, A., Picelli, R., Chen, J. and Kim, H. A. 2019. Level set topology optimization for design dependent hydrostatic loading using the reproducing kernel particle method. Presented at: International Design Engineering Technical and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Anaheim, California, USA, 18-21 August 2019INternational Design Engineering Techincal Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering, Vol. 2B. ASME, (10.1115/DETC2019-97803)
- Townsend, S., Grigg, S., Picelli, R., Featherston, C. and Kim, H. A. 2019. Topology optimization of vibrational piezoelectric energy harvesters for structural health monitoring applications. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 30(18-19), pp. 2894-2907. (10.1177/1045389X19873392)
- Picelli Sanches, R., Neofytou, A. and Kim, H. A. 2019. Topology optimization for design-dependent hydrostatic pressure loading via the level-set method. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 60(4), pp. 1313-1326. (10.1007/s00158-019-02339-y)
- Zhou, X., Du, Z. and Kim, H. A. 2019. A level-set shape metamorphosis with mechanical constraints for geometrically graded microstructures. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 60(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1007/s00158-019-02293-9)
- Jang, G., Kambampati, S., Chung, H. and Kim, H. A. 2019. Configuration optimization for thin structures using level set method. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 59(6), article number: 1881. (10.1007/s00158-019-02246-2)
- Chung, H., Hwang, J. T., Gray, J. S. and Kim, H. A. 2019. Topology optimization in OpenMDAO. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 59(4), article number: 1385. (10.1007/s00158-019-02209-7)
- Du, Z., Zhou, X., Picelli, R. and Kim, H. A. 2018. Connecting microstructures for multiscale topology optimization with connectivity index constraints. Journal of Mechanical Design 140(11), article number: 111417. (10.1115/1.4041176)
- Townsend, S., Stanford, B., Kambampati, S. and Kim, H. 2018. Aeroelastic optimization of wing skin using a level set method. Presented at: Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Atlanta, US, 25-29 Jun 2018Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. Reston, VA: AIAA, (10.2514/6.2018-3878)
- Townsend, S., Picelli Sanches, R., Stanford, B. and Kim, H. 2018. Structural optimization of plate-like aircraft wings under flutter and divergence constraints. AIAA Journal 56(8), pp. 3307-3319. (10.2514/1.J056748)
- Kambampati, S., Jauregui, C., Museth, K. and Kim, H. A. 2018. Fast level set topology optimization using a hierarchical data structure. Presented at: 2018 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 25-29 June 20182018 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, (10.2514/6.2018-3881)
- Picelli, R. and Kim, H. A. 2018. Design optimization of an aircraft structure considering thermal-acoustic loads. Presented at: 2018 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 25-29 June 20182018 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. Aerospace Research Central pp. AIAA 2018-3883., (10.2514/6.2018-3883)
- Kambampati, S. et al. 2018. OpenLSTO: Open-source software for level set topology optimization. Presented at: 2018 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 25-29 June 2018. pp. -., (10.2514/6.2018-3882)
- Picelli Sanches, R., Townsend, S., Brampton, C., Norato, J. and Kim, H. 2018. Stress-based shape and topology optimization with the level set method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 329, pp. 1-23. (10.1016/j.cma.2017.09.001)
- Kambampati, S., Townsend, S. and Kim, H. A. 2018. Aeroelastic level set topology optimization for a 3D wing. Presented at: AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Florida, USAIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. AIAA, (10.2514/6.2018-2151)
- Du, Z. and Kim, H. A. 2018. Multiscale design considering microstructure connectivity. Presented at: 2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Kissimmee, FL, USA, 8-12 January 2018. pp. -., (10.2514/6.2018-1385)
- Chung, H., Hwang, J. T., Gray, J. S. and Kim, H. A. 2018. Implementation of topology optimization using openMDAO. Presented at: 2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Kissimmee, FL, USA, 8-12 January 20182018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, (10.2514/6.2018-0653)
- Hedges, L. O., Kim, H. A. and Jack, R. L. 2017. Stochastic level-set method for shape optimisation. Journal of Computational Physics 348, pp. 82. (10.1016/j.jcp.2017.07.010)
- Picelli, R., Townsend, S., Brampton, C., Norato, J. and Kim, H. A. 2017. Stress minimization using the level set topology optimization. Presented at: 58th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Grapevine, TX, USA, 9-13 January 201758th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. Aerospace Research Central, (10.2514/6.2017-1544)
- Sangid, M. et al. 2017. Integrating ICME practices into design systems and structural analysis. Presented at: 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, Grapevine, TX, USA, 9 - 13 January 201755th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, (10.2514/6.2017-0874)
- Zhou, X. and Kim, H. A. 2017. A shape morphing technique for continuous variation of microstructures in multiscale structural topology optimization. Presented at: Simulation for Additive Manufacturing, Munich; Germany, 11-13 October 2017.
- Sivapuram, R., Dunning, P. D. and Kim, H. A. 2016. Simultaneous material and structural optimization by multiscale topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 54(5), pp. 1267-1281. (10.1007/s00158-016-1519-x)
- Syta, A., Bowen, C. R., Kim, H. A., Rysak, A. and Litak, G. 2016. Responses of bistable piezoelectric-composite energy harvester by means of recurrences. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 76-77, pp. 823-832. (10.1016/j.ymssp.2016.01.021)
- Harris, P., Bowen, C. R., Kim, A. and Litak, G. 2016. Dynamics of a vibrational energy harvester with a bistable beam: voltage response identification by multiscale entropy and “0-1” test. The European Physical Journal Plus 131(4), article number: 109. (10.1140/epjp/i2016-16109-4)
- Dunning, P. D., Ovtchinnikov, E., Scott, J. and Kim, H. A. 2016. Level-set topology optimization with many linear buckling constraints using an efficient and robust eigensolver. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 107(12), pp. 1029-1053. (10.1002/nme.5203)
- Duro, J. A., Padget, J. A., Bowen, C. R., Kim, A. and Nassehi, A. 2016. Multi-sensor data fusion framework for CNC machining monitoring. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 66-67, pp. 505-520. (10.1016/j.ymssp.2015.04.019)
- Sivapuram, R., Dunning, P. D. and Kim, H. 2016. Multiscale topology optimization for structures with tailored porous structured materials. Presented at: 57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 2016, San Diego, CA, U.S.A., 4-8 January 201657th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference 2016. Reston, VA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, (10.2514/6.2016-0938)
- Brampton, C. J., Wu, K. C. and Kim, A. 2015. New optimization method for steered fiber composites using the level set method. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 52(3), pp. 493-505. (10.1007/s00158-015-1256-6)
- Syta, A., Bowen, C. R., Kim, A., Rysak, A. and Litak, G. 2015. Experimental analysis of the dynamical response of energy harvesting devices based on bistable laminated plates. Meccanica 50(8), pp. 1961-1970. (10.1007/s11012-015-0140-1)
- Dunning, P. D., Brampton, C. J. and Kim, A. 2015. Simultaneous optimisation of structural topology and material grading using level set method. Materials Science and Technology 31(8), pp. 884-894. (10.1179/1743284715Y.0000000022)
- Harris, P., Skinner, W., Bowen, C. R. and Kim, A. 2015. Manufacture and characterisation of piezoelectric broadband energy harvesters based on asymmetric bistable cantilever laminates. Ferroelectrics 480(1), pp. 67-76. (10.1080/00150193.2015.1012447)
- Dunning, P. D., Stanford, B. K. and Kim, A. 2015. Coupled aerostructural topology optimization using a level set method for 3D aircraft wings. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 51(5), pp. 1113-1132. (10.1007/s00158-014-1200-1)
- Guyer, R. A. and Kim, H. A. 2015. Theoretical model for fluid-solid coupling in porous materials. Physical Review E 91(4), article number: 42406. (10.1103/PhysRevE.91.042406)
- Dunning, P. D. and Kim, H. A. 2015. Introducing the sequential linear programming level-set method for topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 51(3), pp. 631-643. (10.1007/s00158-014-1174-z)
- Song, Y., Bowen, C., Kim, H. A., Nassehi, A., Padget, J., Gathercole N, N. and Dent, N. 2014. Non-invasive damage detection in beams using marker extraction and wavelets. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 49(1-2), pp. 13-23. (10.1016/j.ymssp.2013.12.011)
- Dunning, P. D., Stanford, B. K., Kim, A. and Jutte, C. V. 2014. Aeroelastic tailoring of a plate wing with functionally graded materials. Journal of Fluids and Structures 51, pp. 292-312. (10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2014.09.008)
- Borowiec, M., Rysak, A., Betts, D. N., Bowen, C. R., Kim, A. and Litak, G. 2014. Complex response of a bistable laminated plate: multiscale entropy analysis. The European Physical Journal Plus 129(10), article number: 211. (10.1140/epjp/i2014-14211-3)
- Bowen, C. R., Kim, A. and Salo, A. I. T. 2014. Active composites based on bistable laminates. Presented at: ICMAT2013 - 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Suntec City, Singapore, 30 June – 5 July 2013 Presented at Ezhilvalavan, S. ed.International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2013), Symposium W – Advanced Structural and Functional Materials for Protection, Vol. 75. Procedia Engineering Vol. 75. Elsevier pp. 140-144.
- Bowen, C. R., Watson, M., Betts, D. N., Harris, P., Bertin, M. and Kim, A. 2014. Piezoelectric fibres integrated into structural composites. Ferroelectrics 466(1), pp. 14-20. (10.1080/00150193.2014.894842)
- Betts, D. N., Bowen, C. R., Inman, D. J., Weaver, P. M. and Kim, A. 2014. Investigation of geometries of bistable piezoelectric-laminate plates for vibration-based energy harvesting. Presented at: SPIE Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, CA, USA, 10-13 March 2014 Presented at Liao, W. ed.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 9057. SPIE, (10.1117/12.2044771)
- Song, Y., Bowen, C. R., Kim, A., Nassehi, A., Padget, J. and Gathercole, N. 2014. Virtual visual sensors and their application in structural health monitoring. Structural Health Monitoring 13(3), pp. 251-264. (10.1177/1475921714522841)
- Bowen, C. R., Betts, D. N., Kim, A. and Topolov, V. Y. 2014. 2–2 composites based on [011]-poled relaxor-ferroelectric single crystals: analysis of the piezoelectric anisotropy and squared figures of merit for energy harvesting applications [Technical Paper]. Microsystem Technologies 20(4), pp. 709-717. (10.1007/s00542-013-2012-8)
- Bowen, C. R., Kim, A., Weaver, P. M. and Dunn, S. 2014. Piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials and structures for energy harvesting applications. Energy & Environmental Science 7(1), pp. 25-44. (10.1039/C3EE42454E)
- Duan, K., Padget, J. and Kim, A. 2014. A light-weight framework for bridge-building from desktop to cloud. Presented at: 11th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2013), Berlin, Germany, 2-5 December 2013 Presented at Lomuscio, A. R. et al. eds.Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2013 Workshops, Vol. 8377. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 8377. Springer International Publishing pp. 308-323., (10.1007/978-3-319-06859-6_28)
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Engineering fellowships for growth: Materials by design for impact in aerospace engineering | Kim A | EPSRC | 946062 | 02/10/2015 - 01/07/2019 |
Supervised Students
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