Yr Athro Roger Grosvenor
BEng(Tech), MEng, PhD, CEng, MInstMC
- grosvenor@cardiff.ac.uk
- C/4.07, C/4.07
Mechanical, Manufacturing and Medical Engineering
Mechanics, Materials and Advanced Manufacturing
- Al-Zughaibi, A., Xue, Y., Grosvenor, R. and Okon, A. 2019. Design and investigation of PA controller for driving nonlinear electro hydraulic actuator with new active suspension system model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 233(13), pp. 3460-3479. (10.1177/0954407018822254)
- Hill, J. L., Prickett, P. W., Grosvenor, R. I. and Hankins, G. 2019. The practical exploitation of tacit machine tool intelligence. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 104(5-8), pp. 1693-1707. (10.1007/s00170-019-03963-0)
- Qin, J., Liu, Y., Grosvenor, R., Lacan, F. and Jiang, Z. 2019. Deep learning-driven particle swarm optimisation for additive manufacturing energy optimisation. Journal of Cleaner Production, pp. 118702. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118702)
- Rojo Zazueta, E., Allmark, M., Prickett, P. and Grosvenor, R. 2019. An initial characterisation of a tidal stream turbine on a drive train test rig. Presented at: 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Naples, Italy, 1-4 September 2019Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. Naples, Italy: pp. 1-8.
- Al-Zughaibi, A., Xue, Y. and Grosvenor, R. 2019. A new insight into modelling passive suspension real test rig system with consideration of nonlinear friction forces. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 233(8), pp. 2257-2266. (10.1177/0954407018764942)
- Qin, J., Liu, Y. and Grosvenor, R. 2018. Multi-source data analytics for AM energy consumption prediction. Advanced Engineering Informatics 38, pp. 840-850. (10.1016/j.aei.2018.10.008)
- Allmark, M., Prickett, P., Grosvenor, R. and Frost, C. 2018. The specification and testing of a horizontal axis tidal turbine rotor monitoring approach.. International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 9(2), pp. 1-15., article number: 25.
- Hill, J., Prickett, P., Grosvenor, R. and Hankins, G. 2018. CNC spindle signal investigation for the prediction of cutting tool health. Presented at: Fourth European Conference of the PHM Society, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 3-6 July 2018 Presented at Kulkarni, C. S. and Tinga, T. eds.Proceedings of the European Conference of the PHM Society, Vol. 4. Vol. 1. Prognostics and Health Management Society
- Allmark, M., Grosvenor, R. and Prickett, P. 2017. An approach to the characterisation of the performance of a tidal stream turbine. Renewable Energy 111, pp. 849-860. (10.1016/j.renene.2017.05.010)
- Qin, J., Liu, Y. and Grosvenor, R. 2017. A framework of energy consumption modelling for additive manufacturing using Internet of Things. Procedia CIRP Conference on Manufacturing System 63, pp. 307-312. (10.1016/j.procir.2017.02.036)
- Ahmed, Z., Prickett, P. and Grosvenor, R. 2017. Assessing uneven milling cutting tool wear using component measurement. Presented at: COMADEM 2017: 30th International Congress & Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Preston and Grange-Over-Sands, UK, 10-13 July 201730th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management. pp. 262-269.
- Morrison, E., O'Doherty, T., Prickett, P., Mason-Jones, A., Grosvenor, R., Byrne, C. and O'Doherty, D. 2017. Loadings on a tidal turbine during installation using CFD modelling. Presented at: 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Cork, Ireland, 27 August - 1 September 2017.
- Allmark, M., Prickett, P. and Grosvenor, R. 2017. Detection of tidal stream turbine rotor imbalance faults for turbulent flow conditions and optimal tip speed ratio control. Presented at: 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Cork, Ireland, 27 August - 1 September 2017.
- Grosvenor, R., Prickett, P. and He, J. 2017. An assessment of structure-based sensors in the condition monitoring of tidal stream turbines. Presented at: 2017 Twelfth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), Monte Carlo, Monaco, 11-13 April 20172017 Twelfth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER). IEEE, (10.1109/EVER.2017.7935942)
- Ismail, H. A., Packianather, M. S. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2017. Multi-objective invasive weed optimization of the LQR controller. International Journal of Automation and Computing 14(3), pp. 321-339. (10.1007/s11633-017-1061-3)
- Ahmed, Z. J., Prickett, P. w. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2017. The difficulties of the assessment of tool life in CNC milling. Presented at: The International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 20-21 October 2016 Presented at Al-Shibaany, Z. Y. A. and Hameed, A. F. eds.2016 International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering (ICSAE) Proceedings. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 452-457., (10.1109/ICSAE.2016.7810234)
- Al-Khafaji, A. A. G. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2017. Experimental model-based approach to integrated prognostic and health management of a non-linear liquid level system. International Journal of Comadem, pp. -.
- Karras, K., Pullin, R., Grosvenor, R. and Clarke, A. 2017. Damage detection of a composite bearing liner using Acoustic Emission.. Presented at: BSSM 12th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Sheffield, UK, 21 - 31 August 2017.
- Qin, J., Liu, Y. and Grosvenor, R. 2017. Data analytics for energy consumption of digital manufacturing systems using Internet of Things method. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Xi'an, China, 20-23 August 2017.
- Karras, K., Pullin, R., Grosvenor, R. I. and Clarke, A. 2016. Damage detection of a PTFE liner matrix composite through the use of acoustic emission. Presented at: British Society for Strain Measurement 11th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Exeter, UK, 5th - 7th September 2016.
- Qin, J., Liu, Y. and Grosvenor, R. 2016. A categorical framework of manufacturing for industry 4.0 and beyond. Procedia CIRP 52, pp. 173-178. (10.1016/j.procir.2016.08.005)
- Tatum, S. et al. 2016. Wave-current interaction effects on tidal stream turbine performance and loading characteristics. International Journal of Marine Energy 14, pp. 161-179. (10.1016/j.ijome.2015.09.002)
- Ismail, H., Packianather, M. S., Grosvenor, R. I. and Eldukhri, E. E. 2016. The application of IWO in LQR controller design for the Robogymnast. Presented at: SAI Intelligent Systems Conference 2015 (IntelliSys), London, UK, 10-11 November 20152015 SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys 2015). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) pp. 274-279., (10.1109/IntelliSys.2015.7361154)
- Allmark, M. J., Prickett, P. W., Frost, C. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2015. Tidal Steam Turbine blade fault diagnosis using time-frequency analyses. Presented at: Eleventh European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference EWTEC2015, Nantes, France, 6-11 Sptember 2015. pp. 1-10.
- Short, J., Prickett, P. W. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2015. Development and application of a process diagnostic system for the desulphurisation process. Presented at: 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking (ICS2015), Beijing, China, 12-14 May 2015.
- Siddiqui, R. A., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2015. dsPIC-based advanced data acquisition system for Monitoring, Control and Security Applications. Presented at: 2015 12th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST), Islamabad, Pakistan, 13-17 January 20152015 12th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST 2015). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) pp. 293-299., (10.1109/IBCAST.2015.7058519)
- Short, J., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2014. The development of a process charge expert system for a Basic Oxygen Steelmaking plant.. Presented at: 18th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Gdynia, Poland, 15-17 September 2014.
- Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2014. Fast and robust milling cutter tool breakage detection within a distributed microcontroller-based condition monitoring system. Presented at: The 27th International Congress of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Brisbane, Australia, 16-18 September 2014Proceedings of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management. pp. 1-8.
- Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2014. The monitoring and validation of scale model tidal steam turbines. Presented at: The 27th International Congress of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Brisbane, Australia, 16-18 September 2014Proceedings of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management. pp. 1-8.
- Grosvenor, R. I., Prickett, P. W., Frost, C. and Allmark, M. J. 2014. Performance and condition monitoring of tidal stream turbines. Presented at: Second European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2014, Nantes, France, 8-10 July 2014 Presented at Bregon, A. and Daigle, M. J. eds.European Conference of Prognostics and Health Management Society 2014, Vol. 1. PHM Society pp. 543-551.
- Owen, R. J., Grosvenor, R. I., Porretta, S. and Prickett, P. W. 2014. A repairable mechanical system reliability assessment methodology applied in a steelmaking context. Quality and Reliability Engineering International 30(7), pp. 1093-1107. (10.1002/qre.1526)
- Prickett, P. W., Frankowiak, M. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2012. Microcontroller-based process monitoring and management using embedded Petri-nets. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 28(5), pp. 602-612. (10.1016/j.rcim.2012.03.001)
- Mason-Jones, A. et al. 2012. Non-dimensional scaling of tidal stream turbines. Energy 44(1), pp. 820-829. (10.1016/j.energy.2012.05.010)
- Prickett, P. W., Davies, G. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2012. The development of a knowledge-based electricity power station condenser management system. In: Graña, M. et al. eds. Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Vol. 243. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 1408-1417., (10.3233/978-1-61499-105-2-1408)
- Prickett, P. W., Siddiqui, R. A. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2011. A microcontroller-based end milling cutter monitoring and management system. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 55(9-12), pp. 855-867. (10.1007/s00170-010-3135-z)
- Prickett, P. W., Siddiqui, R. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2011. The development of an end-milling process depth of cut monitoring system. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 52(1-4), pp. 89-100. (10.1007/s00170-010-2711-6)
- Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2011. A discussion of the prognostics and health management aspects of embedded condition monitoring systems. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Montreal, Canada, 25-29 September 2011 Presented at Celaya, J. R., Saha, S. and Saxena, A. eds.Proceedings Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2011, Montreal, Canada. PHM Society pp. 502-509.
- Byrne, C. B. B., Grosvenor, R. I., Mason-Jones, A., Morris, C. E., O'Doherty, D. M., O'Doherty, T. and Prickett, P. W. 2011. Consideration of the condition based maintenance of marine tidal turbines. Presented at: 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Southampton, UK, 5-9 September 2011.
- Prickett, P. W., Davies, G. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2011. Practical implementation of robust condition based backwash initiation using SCADA. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6884, pp. 425-434. (10.1007/978-3-642-23866-6_45)
- Byrne, C. B. B. et al. 2011. An investigation into the possible effects of cavitation on a horizontal axis tidal turbine. Presented at: 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2011, Southampton, UK, 5- 9 Sep 2011Proceedings of the 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Southampton, UK, 5th-9th September 2011. Southampton: University of Southampton
- Mason-Jones, A. et al. 2011. Scaling of a prototype tidal stream turbine using non-dimensional parameters. Presented at: 9th European Wave and Tidal Conference 2011, Southampton, UK, 5-9 September 2011Proceedings of the 9th European Wave and Tidal Conference, Southampton, Uk, 5th-9th September 2011. Southampton: University of Southampton
- O'Doherty, D. M., Mason-Jones, A., Morris, C. E., O'Doherty, T., Byrne, C. B. B., Prickett, P. W. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2011. Interaction of marine turbines in close proximity. Presented at: 9th European Wave and Tidal Conference 2011, Southampton, UK, 5-9 September 2011Proceedings of the 9th European Wave and Tidal Conference, Southampton, UK, 5th-9th September 2011. Southampton: University of Southampton
- Prickett, P. W., Davies, G. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2011. A SCADA based Power Plant Monitoring and Management System. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6883(3), pp. 433-442. (10.1007/978-3-642-23854-3_46)
- Siddiqui, R. A., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2010. An Overview of a Microcontroller based approach to Intelligent Machine Tool Monitoring. Presented at: 14th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES 2010), Cardiff, UK. pp. 371-380.
- Siddiqui, R. A., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2010. An overview of a microcontroller based approach to intelligent machine tool monitoring. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6277, pp. 371-380. (10.1007/978-3-642-15390-7_38)
- Prickett, P. W., Grosvenor, R. I. and Alyami, M. 2010. Microcontroller-based monitoring of pneumatic systems. Presented at: 5th International Federation of Automatic control (IFAC) Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, Cambridge, USA. pp. 614-619., (10.3182/20100913-3-US-2015.00008)
- Alyami, M., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2010. A Microcontroller-based Approach to Monitoring Pneumatic Actuators. International Journal of Production Research 48(11), pp. 3193-3205. (10.1080/00207540902812102)
- Frankowiak, M. R., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2009. Microcontroller-Based process Monitoring using Petri-Nets. EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2009, article number: 282708. (10.1155/2009/282708)
- Siddiqui, R. A., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2009. An embedded microcontroller-based milling process management system. Presented at: INDIN 2009, 7th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Cardiff, UK, 23-26 June 20097th IEEE International Conference in Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2009) 23-26 2009 June (Cardiff, UK). Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE pp. 744-749.
- Owen, R. J., Porretta, S., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2009. Upgrading the Descaling System in a Hot Rolling Mill - A Practical Method for Quantifying the Descaling Systems Reliability. Presented at: 5th European Rolling Conference, The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, London, UK.
- Siddiqui, R. A., Alyami, M., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2008. On-line measurement of process parameters for eMonitoring applications. Presented at: Proceedings of the 21th Diagnostic Engineering Management COMADEM, Prague, Czech Republic. pp. 435-444.
- Edwards, P. M., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2008. A Method for Detecting Incorrectly Evacuated Filament Lamps. Lightening Research and Technology 40(2), pp. 127-132. (10.1177/1477153507085113)
- Alyami, M., Siddiqui, R. A., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2008. A pressure based approach to the monitoring of a pneumatic parallel gripper using a dsPIC. Presented at: Proceedings of Congress and Exhibition Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2008), Prague, Czech Republic. pp. 33-42.
- Amer, W., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2007. Machine tool condition monitoring using sweeping filter techniques. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 221(1), pp. 103-117. (10.1243/09596518JSCE133)
- Siddiqui, R. A., Amer, W., Ahsan, Q., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2007. Multi-band infinite impulse response filtering using microcontrollers for e-monitoring applications. Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems 31(6), pp. 370-380. (10.1016/j.micpro.2007.02.007)
- Prickett, P. W. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2007. A microcontroller-based milling process monitoring and management system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture 221(2), pp. 357-362. (10.1243/09544054JEM556SC)
- Amer, W., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2006. Sweeping filters and tooth rotation energy estimation (TREE) techniques for machine tool condition monitoring. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 46(9), pp. 1045-1052. (10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2005.07.031)
- Ahsan, Q., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2006. Distributed on-line system for process plant monitoring. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 220(2), pp. 61-77. (10.1243/09544089JPME53)
- Edwards, P. M., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2006. A review of lamp condition monitoring technologies. Lighting Journal 71(5), pp. 31-38.
- Ahsan, Q., Amer, W., Al-Yami, M., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2006. Distributed process monitoring and management. Presented at: Proceedings IEEE ICEIS, Islamabad, Pakistan. pp. 336-341.
- Frankowiak, M. R., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2005. A Petri-net based distributed monitoring system using PIC microcontrollers. Microprocessors and Microsystems 29(5), pp. 189-196. (10.1016/j.micpro.2004.08.003)
- Frankowiak, M. R., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2005. A review of the evolution of microcontroller-based machine and process monitoring. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 45(4-5), pp. 573-582. (10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2004.08.018)
- Amer, W., Ahsan, Q., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2005. Machine tool condition monitoring system using tooth rotation energy system (TREE) techniques. Presented at: 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Catania, Italy. pp. 529-536.
- Siddiqui, R. A., Ahsan, Q., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2005. The role of emerging technologies in e-monitoring. Presented at: COMADEM International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Cranfield, UK. pp. 263-271.
- Eyers, D. R., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2005. Welding station condition monitoring using bluetooth enabled sensors and intelligent data management. Presented at: Sensors and Their Applications XIII, University of Greenwich at Medway, Kent, UK, 6–8 September 2005, Vol. 15. Journal of Physics Conference Series Vol. 15. London: Institute of Physics Publishing pp. 143-148., (10.1088/1742-6596/15/1/024)
- Ahsan, Q., A., S. R., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2005. An adaptable e-monitoring system for multi-loop processes. Presented at: Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM), Cranfield, UK. pp. 211-220.
- Ahsan, Q., Amer, W., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2005. A compact monitoring system for process valves. Presented at: 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Catania, Italy. pp. 1034-1046.
- Brown, C., Grosvenor, R. I. and Fernando German, A. 2005. Algoritmo de paso variable el seguimento del punto de maxima potencia en sistemas fotovoltaicos. Energética XXI: Revista de Generación de Energía(48), pp. 70-73.
- James, M., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2004. e-Distribution: internet-based management of a merchandiser supply chain. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 9(1), pp. 7-15. (10.1108/13598540410517539)
- Amer, W., Ahsan, Q., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2004. Machine tool signal analysis using sweeping filter technique. Presented at: Quality, Reliability, and Maintenance (QRM 2004), Oxford, UK. PEP Ltd pp. 189-193.
- Ahsan, Q., Amer, W., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2004. Sweeping filter technique for frequency analysis. Presented at: Quality, Reliability, and Maintenance (QRM), Oxford, UK. PEP Ltd pp. 185-189.
- Ahsan, Q., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2004. A reduced traffic software model for distributed monitoring systems. Presented at: The 17th International Congress & Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM), Cambridge, UK. pp. 204-213.
- Ahsan, Q., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2004. Distributed control loop performance monitoring architecture. Presented at: Control 2004, Bath, UK. University of Bath
- Amer, W., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2004. A distributed system based on sweeping filters for machine tool monitoring. Presented at: Congress & Exhibition on Condition Monitoring And Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2004 International), Cambridge, UK. pp. 195-203.
- Prickett, P. W., Grosvenor, R. I. and Jennings, A. D. 2003. E-monitoring: process monitoring using the internet. International Journal of COMADEM 6(4), pp. 9-17.
- Frankiowak, M. R., Grosvenor, R. I., Prickett, P. W. and Jennings, D. 2003. Distributed monitoring system using pic microcontroller technologies. Presented at: ICOM 2003 International conference on Mechatronics, Loughborough, UK, 2003 Presented at Parkin, R. M., Al-Habaibeh, A. and Jackson, M. R. eds.ICOM 2003 - International Conference on Mechatronics Proceedings ICOM (Loughborough, UK). Wiley pp. 415-420.
- Ahsan, Q., Amer, W., Grosvenor, R. I., Jennings, A. D., Prickett, P. W. and Frankowiak, M. R. 2003. Design of a process and condition monitoring system using PIC based analogue data acquisition. Presented at: Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM), Vaxjo, Sweden. pp. 227-235.
- Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2003. Intelligent process monitoring and management – time for a return to sensor-based methods. Presented at: Sensors and Their Applications XII, Limerick, Ireland, 2-4 September 200312th Conference on Sensors and their Applications, Limerick , Ireland.. IOP Publishing pp. 497-502.
- Pritchard, R., Jennings, A. D., Grosvenor, R. I. and Prickett, P. W. 2003. Data acquisition for product testing and quality control. Presented at: International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2003), Vaxjo, Sweden. Vaxjo University Press pp. 237-244.
- Amer, W., Ahsan, Q., Grosvenor, R. I., Jennings, A. D. and Prickett, P. W. 2003. PIC micro-controller based machine tool monitoring system.. Presented at: Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring amd Diagnostic Engineering Managemen (COMADEM 2003), Vaxjo, Sweden. pp. 219-225.
- Frankowiak, M. R., Grosvenor, R. I., Prickett, P. W. and Jennings, A. D. 2002. A microcontroller based distributed monitoring system using a petri-net approach. Presented at: 15th International Congress on Condition Monitoring & Diagnostic Engineering Management (Conadem International), Birmingham, UK, 2-4 September 2002 Presented at Rao, R. K. N. and Nandi, A. K. eds.Condition monitoring and diagnostic engineering management : COMADEM : proceedings of the 15th international congress, 2nd-4th September 2002, Birmingham, UK. Comadem pp. 37-44.
- Jennings, A. D., Prickett, P. W., Grosvenor, R. I. and Frankowiak, M. R. 2002. Process and condition monitoring using the Internet (e-monitoring). Presented at: 15th International Congress on Condition Monitoring & Diagnostic Engineering Management (Conadem International), Birmingham, UK. pp. 45-52.
- Grosvenor, R. I., Prickett, P. W., Jennings, A. D. and Frankowiak, M. R. 2002. Intelligent process monitoring and management. Presented at: The IEE Seminar on Control Loop Performance Assessment, London, UK, Vol. 9. pp. 1-5.
- John, E. G. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2001. Failure distribution curve fitting using spreadsheet add-ins. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 38(2), pp. 165-172.
- Jennings, A. D., Kennedy, V. R., Prickett, P. W., Turner, J. R. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2001. A distributed data processing system for process and condition monitoring. Presented at: 14th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM), Manchester. pp. 375-381.
- Frankowiak, M. R., Grosvenor, R. I., Jennings, A. D., Prickett, P. W. and Turner, J. R. 2001. Technology advances and the current state of Petri net-based condition monitoring. Presented at: Sensors and Their Applications XI, London, UK, September 2001 Presented at Grattan, K. T. V. and Khan, S. H. eds.Sensors and Their Applications XI. Series in Sensors London, UK: Taylor and Francis pp. 39-44.
- Frankowiak, M. R., Grosvenor, R. I., Prickett, P. W., Jennings, A. D. and Turner, J. R. 2001. Design of a PIC based data acquisition system for process and condition monitoring. Presented at: 14th International Congress Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2001), Manchester, UK, 4-6 September 2001 Presented at Starr, A. G. and Rao, B. eds.Condition monitoring and diagnostic engineering management (COMADEM 2001) : proceedings of the 14th international congress, 4-6 September 2001, Manchester, UK. Elsevier Science pp. 481-488.
- Turner, J. R., Jennings, A. D., Prickett, P. W. and Grosvenor, R. I. 2001. The design and implementation of a data acquisition and control system using fieldbus technologies. Presented at: 14th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2001), Manchester, UK. pp. 391-398.
Title | People | Sponsor | Value | Duration |
The implementation of economic modular intelligent process controllers for localised data acquisition and analysis to support operation and management strategies in environmental engineering systems | Grosvenor RI, Prickett PW | KTP and Water Development Services Ltd | 150066 | 06/11/2006 - 05/11/2009 |
Astute - Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing Technology | Naim M (CARBS), Setchi R, Bigot S, Brousseau E, Prickett P, Davies A, Bowen P, Packianather M, Grosvenor RI (with CARBS) | WEFO | 1903117 | 01/05/2010 - 30/04/2015 |
QUOTIENT, quantification, optimisation and environmental impacts of marine renewable energy | Odoherty D, Odoherty T, Mason-Jones A, Pan S, Stoesser T, Bockelmann-Evans B, Ahmadian A, Grosvenor R, Prickett P, Byrne C | Ser Cymru Bangor LCEE | 61000 | 01/01/2015 - 30/06/2018 |
LCRI- Marine WP3 | O'Doherty T, O'Doherty DM, Prickett PW, Grosvenor RI, Byrne C | WEFO - LCRI Marine (WEFO) | 366721 | 01/01/2010 - 31/03/2013 |
Tidal array cost reduction: Testing a removable nacelle design for DeltaStream Technology | O'Doherty T, Mason-Jones A, Prickett P, Grosvenor R, Byrne C | Innovate UK via EPSRC | 101008 | 01/11/2015 - 31/10/2016 |
Managing the effects of tidal flows on the performance and structural integrity of marine current turbines | O'Doherty T, O'Doherty D, Prickett P, Grovesnor R, Byrne C, Mason-Jones A | Fujitsu | 75000 | 01/10/2012 - 30/09/2015 |
SUPERGEN: The effects of realisitc tidal flows on the performance and structural integrity of tidal stream turbines | O'Doherty T, O'Doherty D, Prickett P, Grovesnor R, Byrne C, Mason-Jones A | EPSRC | 1382298 | 01/04/2012 - 30/09/2015 |
Dynamic Loadings on Turbines in a Tidal Array (DyLoTTA) | O'Doherty T, Prickett P, Grosvenor R, Mason-Jones A | EPSRC | 452824 | 01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019 |
Donation of equipment | Dr RI Grosvenor | Arizona Microchip Technology Limited | 1170 | 13/02/2001 - 13/03/2001 |
KTP: Simulation and optimisation for Ford Bridgend | Prickett PW, Grosvenor RI, Soroka A | Momenta/Ford Bridgend | 143387 | 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2012 |
Supervised Students
Title | Student | Status | Degree |
Strip Tracking In Hot Strip Mills | CARRUTHERS-WATT Benjamin Nigel | Graduate | EngD |
Stategies for Modern Data Acquisition Systems in Industrial Environments | EYERS Daniel Roy | Graduate | MPhil |
Acoustic Diagnostics in a Hot Strip Mill | MURRAY David Ian | Graduate | EngD |
Towards the Next Generation of Fast Dynamics Solvers in Engineering | GRETO Giorgio | Current | PhD |
SCADA Software-based Techniques for the Management and Improvement of Industrial Efficiency | DAVIES Gwyn Robert | Graduate | PhD |
Intelligent model-based control of complex three-link mechanisms | KAMIL Haider Galil | Graduate | PhD |
Condition Monitoring Of Blast Furnace | SHORT Jamie | Current | EngD |
Innovative design for smart products in the cyber-physical era | QIN Jian | Current | PhD |
The development of structure-based tidal stream turbine condition monitoring systems | HE Jianhao | Current | PhD |
Tribology and condition monitoring of composite bearing liners for intelligent aerospace bearings. | KARRAS Konstantinos | Current | PhD |
Determining the Criteria for the Application of Unified Modelling Language to Legacy Systems | JAMES Mark Philip | Graduate | MPhil |
Microcontroller-Based Transient Signal Analysis And Distributed System For Intelligent Process Monitoring | AL-YAMI Mohammad | Graduate | PhD |
KIDWAI Mustafa Kamil | Graduate | PhD | |
Intelligent Monitoring & Management of Light Sources | EDWARDS Paul Martin | Graduate | PhD |
Compact Information Technology Enabled Systems For Intelligent Process Monitoring | AHSAN Qaisar | Graduate | PhD |
dsPIC -based Digital Signal Processing Techniques & an IT-Enabled Distributed System for Intelligent Process Monitoring & Management | SIDDIQUI Raees Ahmed | Graduate | PhD |
Reliability improvement techniques in a hot strip steel mill | OWEN Robert | Graduate | EngD |
Distributed Embedded System with Internet/GSM Connectivity for Intelligent e-Monitoring of Machine Tools | AMER Waseem | Graduate | PhD |
An integrated approach to tool life management. | AHMED Zinah Jumaah | Current | PhD |