Dr Mohammad Alhadj Ali
WCAT Clinical Lecturer Diabetes and Endocrinology
- alhadjalim@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44 (0)29 2074 2498
- Fax:
- +44 (0)29 2074 4671
- C2 Link - Room 262, Prif Adeilad yr Ysbyty, Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru, Parc y Mynydd Bychan, Caerdydd, CF14 4XN
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Dr Mohammad Alhadj Ali is Welsh Clinical Academic Track (WCAT) Clinical Lecturer in Diabetes and Endocrinology. He did his PhD in the area of developing novel immunotherapies for Type 1 Diabetes. He has worked as co-invetigator and principal investigator in sevral trials including first-in-man trials.
He focused in his postdoctoral work on shaping his clinical research skills and translational research to become a trialist in the field of diabetes by adopting novel adaptive design to these trials.
Dr Alhadj Ali is active member of the Diabetes Research Group and Type 1 Diabetes UK Consortium. He has become prinicipal investigator in INNODIA netwrok (An Innovative Approach towards Understanding and Arresting Type 1 Diabetes) and he is working with other colleagues and collaborators on developing novel agents for Type 1 Diabetes.
Dr Alhadj Ali is a recognised medical educator and he is a member of Academy of Medical Educators (MAcadMEd).
Mohammad Alhadj Ali did his PhD in the field of immunotherapy for Type 1 Diabetes at the University of Bristol. He was appointed as a WCAT Clinical in Diabetes and Endocrinology at the Diabetes Research Group at Cardiff University School of Medicine. His current research interests are focused on the novel approaches for Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, as well as, diabetic kidney disease. and he focused during his postdoctoral work on development of clinical trials involving novel therapies for new-onset Type 1 Diabetes. Since 2008, Mohammad has worked on 15 observational studies and clinical trials ranging from Phase 1 to Phase 3, acting as PI and co-investigator.
Dr Alhadj Ali is PI within INNODIA netwrok, and he contributes to the novel design of clinical trials aiming to utilize the adaptive design to conduct INNODIA trials based on discovery of novel biomarkers. He will be contributing to the conduction of INNODIA trials in Cardiff and the UK (through T1D UK Consortium). He will focus on developing the design of combined immunotherapies together with other tratements for new-onset T1D.
Dr Alhadj Ali was awarded the Donell Etzwiler International Scholar Award from International Diabetes Centre in Minnesota, USA in 2015, Innovators in Diabetes (IDia) fellowship from Diabetes UK in 2017, W T Edward Medal from Cardiff Medical Society 2018 and the prestigious training award from Association of British Clinical Diabetologists 2018. Last year, Dr Alhadj Ali was awarded the EFSD Future Leaders for Clinical Diabetologists 2019. Most recently, he was selected as the MEDIC Champion for Public Engagement and Involvement at Cardiff University School of Medicine.
Dr Alhadj Ali is a recognised memeber of the Academy of Medical Eductors (MAcadMEd) and has given CPD teaching and talks in national and international meetings. He is the chair and a co-founder of the Young Diabetologists and Endocrinologists Forum in Wales, member of the editorial board of European Journal of Diabetes and associate regional advisor of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. He served as a committee member of the Cardiff Medical Society 2018-2019.
Anrhydeddau a Dyfarniadau
- The EFSD Future Leaders Mentorship Programme for Clinical Diabetologists Award, European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes, 19 September 2019.
- The ABCD Training Award, Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, 10 November 2018.
- WT Edwards Medal, Cardiff Medical Society, 17 April 2018.
- Innovators in Diabetes (IDia), Diabetes UK, 10 March 2017.
- Morgan E Williams Award, Cardiff University, 28 February 2017.
- William Morgan Thomas Award, Cardiff University, 13 October 2016.
- EASD 2016 Travel Grant Award for young EASD members (for attending and presenting oral presentation at the 52nd EASD annual meeting in Munich, Germany 12-16 September 2016).
- Certificate of Appreciation from Department of Medical and Dental Education at University Hospital Llandough 21 April 2016.
- Donnell D. Etzwiler International Scholar awarded by the International Diabetes Centre in Minnesota, United States, during the Rising Stars program in Vienna, Austria, 13 September 2014.
- Rising Star in Diabetes, International Diabetes Centre, June 2013.
- EASD 2012 Travel Grant Award for young EASD members (for presenting poster at the 48th EASD annual meeting in Berlin, 1-5 October 2012).
- Pioneers in Diabetes, University of Warwick, Coventry, 30 September and 1 October 2011.
- EASD 2011 Travel Grant Award for young EASD members (for presenting talk at the 47th EASD annual meeting in Lisbon 12-16 September 2011).
- IDS Travel Grant Award for Young Researchers, Incheon, South Korea, 2nd November 2010.
- IPSEN Fund Training Award 2010 (for supporting training course in the field of Endocrinology).
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Academy of Medical Educators
- Cardiff Medical Society (CMS)
- Type 1 Diabetes UK Consortium
- Immunology of Diabetes Society (IDS)
- Association of Bristish Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD)
- International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD)
- Society of Endocrinology (SFE)
- Young Diabetologists and Endocrinologists Forum (YDEF)
- Diabetes UK
- Association of American Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE)
- European Association for Study of Diabetes (EASD)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Associate Regional Advisor of Royal College of Physicians of Edinbrugh for Wales since August 2020.
- Committee member of Cardiff Medical Society 2018-2019.
- Member of Editorial Board of European Medical Journal since March 2017.
- Faculty member in the Rising Stars Programme organised by the International Diabetes Center Since September 2015.
- Council member and spokesman of Syrian British Medical Society September 2012 till August 2014.
- Founder and Organizer of Young Diabetologists and Endocrinologists Forum in Wales (YDEF Wales) since November 2011.
- Committee member of the Anglo Dutch Danish Diabetes Group 2011-2012.
- Co-chair of the Diabetes Digest Update Forum in collaboration with the Young Diabetologists Forum (June and November 2010).
- Member of the Post-CCT National Project Team of the Young Diabetologists Forum (Diabetes and Endocrinology Post-CCT project) 2010.
- Final report editing for Diabetologia on the 6th EASD Robert Turner Course in Clinical Research in Diabetes in Oxford 23-27 March 2009.
- Final report editing for the Endocrinologist on the Autumn Endocrine Retreat for young endocrinologists organised by Society for Endocrinology in October 2008.
- Siah, Q. Z., Ubeysekara, N. H., Taylor, P. N., Davies, S. J., Wong, F., Dayan, C. M. and Alhadj Ali, M. 2021. Referral rates of patients with diabetes to secondary care are inversely related to the prevalence of diabetes in each primary care practice and confidence in treatment, not to HbA1c level. Primary Care Diabetes 15(3), pp. 513-517. (10.1016/j.pcd.2021.02.004)
- Yang, J. H. M. et al. 2019. Phenotypic analysis of human lymph nodes in subjects with new-onset type 1 diabetes and healthy individuals by flow cytometry. Frontiers in Immunology 10, pp. -., article number: 2547. (10.3389/fimmu.2019.02547)
- Alhadj Ali, M. et al. 2017. Metabolic and immune effects of immunotherapy with proinsulin peptide in human new-onset type 1 diabetes. Science Translational Medicine 9(402), article number: eaaf7779. (10.1126/scitranslmed.aaf7779)
- Alhadj Ali, M., Gee, N., Howell, A., Stenson, R. and Dayan, C. 2017. Factors influencing effective recruitment to phase 1 interventional trials in new-onset type 1 diabetes: analysis of 12 months referrals to diabetes research centre [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine 34(S1), article number: P122. (10.1111/dme.16_13304)
- Alhadj Ali, M., Bowen-Morris, J., Gee, N. T., Stenson, R., Walkey, H., Littlemore, K. and Dayan, C. 2017. Use of a “YouTube” style video clip to raise interest amongst young people with new‐onset Type 1 diabetes in immunotherapy trials [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine 34(S1), article number: P315. (10.1111/dme.24_13304)
- Tatovic, D., Luzio, S., Dunseath, G., Liu, Y., Alhadj Ali, M., Peakman, M. and Dayan, C. M. 2016. Stimulated urine C-peptide creatinine ratio vs serum C-peptide level for monitoring of β-cell function in the first year after diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine 33(11), pp. 1564-1568. (10.1111/dme.13186)
- Alhadj Ali, M. et al. 2016. Assessing fear of hypoglycaemia in newly disgnosed patients with Type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine 33(1), article number: P149. (10.1111/dme.20_13048)
- Alhadj Ali, M. et al. 2015. Topical steroid therapy induces pro-tolerogenic changes in Langerhans cells in human skin. Immunology 146(3), pp. 411-422. (10.1111/imm.12518)
- Alhadj Ali, M. 2014. Optimising the dermal administration route of antigen-specific immunotherapy for Type 1 diabetes. PhD Thesis, University of Bristol.
- Alhadj Ali, M., Hanna, S., Wong, S. and Dayan, C. 2012. Functional modulation of epidermal dendritic cells by topical steroid treatment to optimise the tolerogenic potential of immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes [Abstract]. Diabetologia 55(S1), pp. S192. (10.1007/s00125-012-2688-9)
- Alhadj Ali, M., Thrower, S., Harris, S., Wong, S. and Dayan, C. 2011. Optimizing the tolerogenic potential of a 'vaccine' for type 1 diabetes by topical betamethasone therapy [Abstract]. Diabetologia 54(S1), pp. S88-S89. (10.1007/s00125-011-2276-4)
- Alhadj Ali, M., Thrower, S., Harris, S., Wong, S. and Dayan, C. 2011. Effects of topical steroid and vitamin D therapy in optimizing the tolerogenic potential of a 'vaccine' for type 1 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine 28(S1), pp. 80. (10.1111/j.1464-5491.2011.03233_1.x)
- Alhadj Ali, M. and Dayan, C. M. 2009. Review: The importance of residual endogenous beta-cell preservation in type 1 diabetes. British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease 9(6), pp. 248-253. (10.1177/1474651409351881)
Past projects
Dr Mohammad Alhadj Ali is a MEDIC Champion for Public Engagement and Involvement at the School of Medicine since August 2020. He is a member of the Public Engagement Strategy Advisory Group for College of Biomedical and Life Sciences (BLS).
He started developing his interest in public engagement and involvement throughout his training to become a trialist in Type 1 Diabetes. In 2017, he applied for a small grant from Cardiff University to explore public engagement activities in type 1 diabetes research studies, and this exploratory engagement activity was funded by (Systems Immunity Engagement Grant 2017). His project was entitled ((Engage to Recruit)), and it allowed him to work together with patients, public, organisations and healthcare providers towards better understanding for clinical trials of newer therapies in Type 1 Diabetes, as well as, getting feedback from patients to improve recruitment to clinical trials and to work together on designing clinical trials.
The above public engagement project was followed by a participation in a public engagement event in Techniquest organised by Systems Immunity Research Institute on 23 March 2017. This encouraged him to work more towards public engagement activities and he completed training on public engagement by attending workshops organised by Cardiff University on Jan-Feb 2020.
As a school champion for public engagement, Dr Alhadj Ali would like to promote the ongoing research work in the Division of Infection and Immunity which comprises work from bench to bedside. He is passionate about engaging different audiences with the divisional research aiming to coordinate and organise engagement events and to work with his colleagues to deliver different types of activities.