Yr Athro Stephen Parker
Athro mewn Astudiaethau Almaenig
- parkers17@cardiff.ac.uk
- 66a Plas y Parc, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3AS
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
I joined Cardiff in October 2018 on a part-time basis from Manchester where I was Henry Simon Professor of German. There, I also acted as Head of School (2000-8). In 2013-4 I was the Chair of the Panel for Modern and Classical Languages, which was established by the Russell Group and the Department for Education to reform A levels. My research and teaching focuses on modern German history and culture. Over the years I've held a number of fellowships and large grants that have enabled me to do original archival research that has fed into my publications and course units. That work has also enabled me to spend time in German cities that I love such as Berlin and Munich. I'm looking forward to contributing to the School of Modern Languages at Cardiff.
From 2008-18 I was Henry Simon Professor of German at the University of Manchester. I had previously been Professor and Senior Lecturer there after joining as Lecturer in 1984.
At present I am Principal Investigator for a research project on the German lawyer Heinrich Simon, who was one of the leaders of the 1848 Revolution. The four-year project is supported by the Leverhulme Trust. Leverhuklme had earlier awarded me a Major Research Fellowship (2009-12), which enabled me to write my biography of Bertolt Brecht. From 2000-4 I was the Pincipal Investigator for a project, supported by an AHRC large grant, on German literary historigraphy covering the years 1930-60. In 1993-4 I was an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Free University Berlin when I did archival work into the history of the journal Sinn und Form. In 1991-2 I was awarded a Research Fellowship by the John Rylands Research Institute, University of Manchester to work on the Peter Huchel Collection, which I had brought to the University.
I took my PhD at Manchester (1978-83) on the German poet and editor Peter Huchel. My research was supported by a Major State Studentship.
I was awarded a First for my undergraduate degree in Modern Languages (French and German) at the University of Leeds (1974-8).
Anrhydeddau a Dyfarniadau
2018-22, Principal Investigator, ‘Double Agent: Heinrich Simon’s Constitutional Mission in Neo-Absolutist Prussia, Leverhulme Trust, £354,000
2009-12, Research Fellow, Leverhulme Trust
2000-4, Principal Investigator, ‘The Modern Restoration’, AHRC Large Grant, £180,000
1993-1994 Research Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Free University, Berlin
1991-1992 Research Fellow, John Rylands Research Institute
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
International Brecht Society
Association of German Studies
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2008-18 Henry Simon Professor of German, University of Manchester
2002-2008 Professor of German, University of Manchester
1994-2002 Senior Lecturer in German, University of Manchester
1984-1994 Lecturer in German, University of Manchester
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
December 2018: ‘Sinn und Form: Eine transnationale Zeitschrift aus der DDR?’ At the symposium Transnationale Akzente. Zur vermittelnden Funktion von Literatur- und Kulturzeitschriften im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts, Literaturarchiv Sulzbach-Rosenberg
December 2018: ‘A German Drama in Gold Rush California: Emilie Wedekind’s Fall’, University of Bristol
September 2018: Launch Event for Bertolt Brecht: Eine Biographie, Brecht-Haus, Augsburg
May 2018: Launch Event for Bertolt Brecht: Eine Biographie, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
March 2017: ‘“Erinnert ihr euch der peinlichen Schädel des Sokrates und Verlaine?“ Bertolt Brechts Baal als Satyrspiel‘, conference to mark 25th anniversary of Brecht Research Centre, Augburg in Brecht Festival 2017
- Parker, S. ed. 2020. Die Wedekinds in Amerika: Das Journal amoureux seines Vaters – übersetzt von Frank Wedekind. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
- Parker, S. 2018. Bertolt Brecht - Eine Biographie. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
- Parker, S. 2018. Erinnert ihr euch der peinlichen Schädel des Sokrates und Verlaine? Bertolt Brechts Baal als Satyrspiel. In: Hillesheim, J. ed. Bertolt Brecht. Zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Brecht - Werk und Kontext, Band 6-2018., Vol. 6. Brecht Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 111-128.
- Parker, S. 2017. Bertolt Brecht: the path from the hedonistic to the humanist satirist. Oxford German Studies 46(1), pp. 5-24. (10.1080/00787191.2017.1282654)
- Parker, S. 2016. Taoist paradox and socialist-realist didactics: re-grounding the Galileo complex in the 'Danish' Leben des Galilei. Brecht's testimony from the 'Finsteren Zeiten'. German Life and Letters 69(2), pp. 192-212. (10.1111/glal.12119)
- Giles, S. and Parker, S. 2016. Introduction. German Life and Letters 69(2), pp. 143-157. (10.1111/glal.12112)
- Giles, S. and Parker, S. eds. 2016. German Life and Letters Special Issue:Rethinking Brecht: a special number. German Life and Letters. Wiley.
- Parker, S. 2014. Bertolt Brecht: a literary life. London: Bloomsbury.
- Parker, S. and Sprenger, K. 2013. Die 'unglückselige Kimratshofener Geschichte': Brief an Unbekannt. Veranlasst von Bertolt Brecht. The Brecht Yearbook/Das Brecht-Jahrbuch: Distance and Proximity 38, pp. 7-14.
- Hillesheim, J. and Parker, S. 2011. 'Ebenso hiess das Mädchen nicht andauernd Marie': Vier (fast) unbekannte Frauenbriefe an Bertolt Brecht aus den Jahren 1916 bis 1918 ['Likewise, the girl was not forever called Marie': Four (almost) unknown women's letters to Bertolt Brecht from the years 1916 to 1918]. German Life and Letters 64(4), pp. 536-551. (10.1111/j.1468-0483.2011.01550.x)
- Parker, S. 2011. Diagnosing Bertolt Brecht. The Lancet 377(9772), pp. 1146-1147. (10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60453-4)
- Parker, S. 2010. What was the cause of Brecht's death? Towards a medical history. The Brecht yearbook 35, pp. 290-308.
- Parker, S. 2009. The outsider as insider: Peter Huchel in the SBZ. Internationales Archiv fuer Sozialgeschichte der Deutschen Literatur 15(2), pp. 169-192. (10.1515/iasl.1990.15.2.169)
- Parker, S. and Philpotts, M. 2009. "Sinn und Form": The anatomy of a literary journal. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter.
- Parker, S. 2008. Brecht and Sinn und Form: generating cultural capital in the Cold War. In: Gillett, R. and Weiss-Sussex, G. eds. "Verwisch die Spuren!": Bertolt Brecht’s Work and Legacy. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, pp. 239-259.
- Parker, S. 2008. German Life and Letters Special Issue. Standardisation Issues: A Special Number in Honour of Martin Durrell. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Parker, S. 2007. Brecht and Sinn und Form: the creation of cold war legends. German Life and Letters 60(4), pp. 518-533. (10.1111/j.1468-0483.2007.00403.x)
- Parker, S. 2003. Visionäre Naturbilder: Literarische und autobiographische Züge der Privatmythologie Peter Huchels. Sinn und Form 55(2), pp. 257-266.
- Parker, S. 1998. Brecht, SED cultural policy and the issue of authority in the arts: The struggle for control of the German Academy of Arts. In: Giles, S. and Livingstone, R. eds. Bertolt Brecht: Centenary Essays., Vol. 41. German Monitor Brill
- Parker, S. 1995. On Peter Huchel's adaptation of Shaw's 'Denshawai Horror' and related matters. Neophilologus 79(2), pp. 295-306. (10.1007/BF00999785)
- Parker, S. 1995. Dora Huchel's account of her life with Peter Huchel: An edition and commentary. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 77, pp. 59-84.
- Parker, S. 1994. 'Ein hoffnungsvoller Vertreter der Funkdichtung': Peter Huchel's radio work in Nazi Germany. In: Wallace, I. ed. Aliens – Uneingebürgerte: German and Austrian Writers in Exile., Vol. 37. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik Brill/Rodopi, pp. 101-134.
- Parker, S., Williams, R. W. and Riordan, C. eds. 1992. German writers and the Cold War, 1945-61. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Parker, S. 1992. Recent additions to the Peter Huchel Collection in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester
- Parker, S. 1992. Peter Huchel and Sinn und Form: The German Academy of Arts and the issue of German cultural unity. In: Parker, S., Williams, R. W. and Riordan, C. eds. German Writers and the Cold War 1945-61. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 132-158.
- Parker, S. 1990. The Peter Huchel Collection of German Literature in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 72, pp. 135-152., article number: 1.
- Parker, S. 1988. Visions, revisions and divisions: the critical legacy of Peter Huchel. German Life and Letters 41(2), pp. 184-212. (10.1111/j.1468-0483.1988.tb00928.x)
- Parker, S. 1986. Collected ‐ recollected ‐ uncollected? Peter Huchel's Gesammelte Werke. German Life and Letters 40(1), pp. 49-70. (10.1111/j.1468-0483.1986.tb01280.x)
My research is in the field of modern German cultural history. I’ve mostly published on 20th-century topics, including the arts in National Socialist era and the GDR, particularly the journal Sinn und Form and its first editor, Peter Huchel. My last project, supported by the Leverhulme Trust, was a biography of the great dramatist and poet Bertolt Brecht. Bloomsbury published the English edition, Suhrkamp the German edition. Chinese, Czech and French editions are in preparation. I’ve just started a new project, again supported by Leverhulme, on the papers of the German lawyer and constitutionalist Heinrich Simon, one of the leaders of the 1848 revolution. The project will yield a digital edition, articles and a biography. Via the memoirs of Emilie Wedekind, I’ve been developing an interest in German emigration to the Pacific coast of South and North America in the mid-19th century, particularly emigres’ involvement in the spread of musical theatre and photography, from Valparaiso to San Francisco.
- Bertolt Brecht
- Life writing in the German-speaking world
- Cultural politics and artistic practice in the Third Reich and the GDR
- Literary journals in the German-speaking world
- German emigre culture in the New World in the 19th century
Past projects
- Co-Supervisor for Katherine Hiepko, The history of diabetes treatment in the GDR, AHRC-funded
- Co-Supervisor for William Hall, A comparative study of the works of Heinrich von Kleist and E.T.A. Hoffmann, AHRC-funded