Dr Lynn Monrouxe
- monrouxelv@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44 29207 44836
- UHW Main Building
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Wells, S. E., Bullock, A. and Monrouxe, L. V. 2019. Newly qualified doctors' perceived effects of assistantship alignment with first post: a longitudinal questionnaire study. BMJ Open 9(3), article number: e023992. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023992)
- Lundin, R. M., Bashir, K., Bullock, A., Kostov, C. E., Mattick, K. L., Rees, C. E. and Monrouxe, L. V. 2018. "I'd been like freaking out the whole night": exploring emotion regulation based on junior doctors' narratives. Advances in Health Sciences Education 23, pp. 7-28. (10.1007/s10459-017-9769-y)
- Jones, O. M., Okeke, C., Bullock, A. D., Wells, S. and Monrouxe, L. 2016. "He's going to be a doctor in August": A narrative interview study of medical students' and their educators' experiences of aligned and misaligned assistantships. BMJ Open 6, article number: e011817. (10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011817)
- Elsey, C., Challinor, A. and Monrouxe, L. 2016. Patients embodied and as-a-body within bedside teaching encounters: a video ethnographic study. Advances in Health Sciences Education 22(1), pp. 123-146. (10.1007/s10459-016-9688-3)
- Kilgour, J., Grundy, L. and Monrouxe, L. V. 2016. A rapid review of the factors affecting healthcare students' satisfaction with small-group, active learning methods. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 28(1), pp. 15-25. (10.1080/10401334.2015.1107484)
- Archer, J., McManus, C., Woolf, K., Monrouxe, L. V., Illing, J., Bullock, A. D. and Roberts, T. 2015. Without proper research funding, how can medical education be evidence based?. BMJ 350, article number: h3445. (10.1136/bmj.h3445)
- Monrouxe, L., Rees, C. E., Dennis, I. and Wells, S. 2015. Professionalism dilemmas, moral distress and the healthcare student: insights from two online UK-wide questionnaire studies. BMJ Open 5(5), article number: e007518. (10.1136/bmjopen-2014-007518)
- Monrouxe, L. 2014. When I say? intersectionality in medical education research. Medical Education 49(1), pp. 21-22. (10.1111/medu.12428)
- Rees, C. E., Monrouxe, L. V. and McDonald, L. A. 2014. My mentor kicked a dying woman's bed…’ Analysing UK nursing students’ ‘most memorable’ professionalism dilemmas. Journal of Advanced Nursing 71(1), pp. 169-180. (10.1111/jan.12457)
- Rees, C. E., Cleland, J. A., Dennis, A., Kelly, N., Mattick, K. and Monrouxe, L. 2014. Supervised learning events in the Foundation Programme: a UK-wide narrative interview study. BMJ Open 4(10), article number: e005980. (10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005980)
- Monrouxe, L. et al. 2014. How prepared are UK medical graduates for practice? Final report from a programme of research commissioned by the General Medical Council. Project Report. [Online]. General Medical Council. Available at: http://www.gmc-uk.org/about/research/25531.asp
- Rizan, C., Elsey, C., Lemon, T., Grant, A. and Monrouxe, L. 2014. Feedback in action within bedside teaching encounters: a video ethnographic study. Medical Education 48(9), pp. 902-920. (10.1111/medu.12498)
- Monrouxe, L., Rees, C. E., Endacott, R. and Ternan, E. 2014. 'Even now it makes me angry': health care students' professionalism dilemma narratives. Medical Education 48(5), pp. 502-517. (10.1111/medu.12377)
- Black, L. and Monrouxe, L. 2014. 'Being sick a lot, often on each other': students' alcohol-related provocation. Medical Education 48(3), pp. 268-279. (10.1111/medu.12300)
- Monrouxe, L. V. and Poole, G. 2013. An onion? Conceptualising and researching identity. Medical Education 47(4), pp. 425-429. (10.1111/medu.12123)
- Rees, C., Ajjawi, R. and Monrouxe, L. V. 2013. The construction of power in family medicine bedside teaching: a video observation study. Medical Education 47(2), pp. 154-165. (10.1111/medu.12055)
- Rees, C. E., Monrouxe, L. V. and McDonald, L. A. 2013. Narrative, emotion and action: analysing 'most memorable' professionalism dilemmas. Medical Education 47(1), pp. 80-96. (10.1111/j.1365-2923.2012.04302.x)
- Monrouxe, L. V. and Rees, C. E. 2012. "It's just a clash of cultures": emotional talk within medical students' narratives of professionalism dilemmas. Advances in Health Sciences Education 17(5), pp. 671-701. (10.1007/s10459-011-9342-z)
- Morris-Williams, Z., Monrouxe, L. V., Grant, A. J. and Edwards, A. G. 2012. Teaching postgraduates about managing drug and alcohol misuse. British Medical Journal 345, pp. e5816. (10.1136/bmj.e5816)
- Monrouxe, L. V., Rees, C. E. and Hu, W. 2011. Differences in medical students' explicit discourses of professionalism: acting, representing, becoming. Medical Education 45(6), pp. 585-602. (10.1111/j.1365-2923.2010.03878.x)
- Monrouxe, L. V., Rees, C. E., Lewis, N. J. and Cleland, J. A. 2011. Medical educators' social acts of explaining passing underperformance in students: a qualitative study. Advances in Health Sciences Education 16(2), pp. 239-252. (10.1007/s10459-010-9259-y)
- Rees, C. E. and Monrouxe, L. V. 2011. "A morning since eight of just pure grill?" A multischool qualitative study of student abuse. Academic Medicine -Philadelphia- 86(11), pp. 1374-1382. (10.1097/ACM.0b013e3182303c4c)
- Bullock, A. D., Monrouxe, L. V. and Atwell, C. L. A. 2011. Evaluation of the London Deanery training course: supervision skills for clinical teachers. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/research/publications/workingpapers/paper-141.html
- Rees, C. E. and Monrouxe, L. V. 2011. Medical students learning intimate examinations without valid consent: a multicentre study. Medical Education 45(3), pp. 261-272. (10.1111/j.1365-2923.2010.03911.x)
- Monrouxe, L. V. 2010. Identity, identification and medical education: why should we care?. Medical Education 44(1), pp. 40-49. (10.1111/j.1365-2923.2009.03440.x)
- Coventry, K. R., Lynott, D., Cangelosi, A., Monrouxe, L. V., Joyce, D. and Richardson, D. C. 2010. Spatial language, visual attention, and perceptual simulation. Brain and Language 112(3), pp. 202-213. (10.1016/j.bandl.2009.06.001)
- Monrouxe, L. V. 2009. Solicited audio diaries in longitudinal narrative research: a view from inside. Qualitative Research 9(1), pp. 81-103. (10.1177/1468794108098032)
- Monrouxe, L. V., Rees, C. E. and Bradley, P. 2009. The construction of patients' involvement in hospital bedside teaching encounters. Qualitative Health Research 19(7), pp. 918-930. (10.1177/1049732309338583)
- Monrouxe, L. V. and Rees, C. E. 2009. Picking up the gauntlet: constructing medical education as a social science. Medical Education 43(3), pp. 196-198. (10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03272.x)
- Monrouxe, L. V. and Rees, C. E. 2006. "Enough is enough, I don't want any audience": exploring medical students' explanations of consent-related behaviours. Advances in Health Sciences Education 13(4), pp. 407-426. (10.1007/s10459-006-9051-1)