Dr Christina Demski
- demskicc@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44 (0)29 2087 6020
- Adeilad y Tŵr, Plas y Parc, Caerdydd, CF10 3AT
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
- Wolstenholme, E., Steentjes, K., Demski, C. and Poortinga, W. 2024. Public perceptions of climate change and policy action in the UK, China, Sweden and Brazil from 2020-2023. Documentation. CAST. Available at: https://cast.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/CAST-the-centre-for-climate-change-and-social-transformations-cast-briefing-26-public-perceptions-of-climate-change-and-policy-action-in-the-uk-china-sweden-and-brazil-from-2020-to-2023.pdf
- Becker, S., Demski, C., Smith, W. and Pidgeon, N. 2023. Public perceptions of heat decarbonization in Great Britain. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment 12(6), article number: e492. (10.1002/wene.492)
- Poortinga, W., Demski, C. and Steentjes, K. 2023. Generational differences in climate-related beliefs, risk perceptions and emotions in the UK. Communications Earth & Environment 4, article number: 229. (10.1038/s43247-023-00870-x)
- Guati-Rojo, A., Demski, C., Poortinga, W. and Valera-Medina, A. 2021. Public attitudes and concerns about ammonia as an energy vector. Energies 14(21), article number: 7296. (10.3390/en14217296)
- Cherry, C., Capstick, S., Demski, C., Mellier, C., Stone, L. and Verfuerth, C. 2021. Citizens' climate assemblies: Understanding public deliberation for climate policy.. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Brügger, A., Demski, C. and Capstick, S. 2021. How personal experience affects perception of and decisions related to climate change: A psychological view. Weather, Climate, and Society 13(3), pp. 397-408. (10.1175/WCAS-D-20-0100.1)
- Sovacool, B. K., Demski, C. and Noel, L. 2021. Beyond climate, culture and comfort in European preferences for low-carbon heat. Global Environmental Change 66, article number: 102200. (10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2020.102200)
- Thomas, G., Demski, C. and Pidgeon, N. 2020. Energy justice discourses in citizen deliberations on systems flexibility in the United Kingdom: Vulnerability, compensation and empowerment. Energy Research and Social Science 66, article number: 101494. (10.1016/j.erss.2020.101494)
- Steentjes, K., Demski, C., Seabrook, A., Corner, A. and Pidgeon, N. 2020. British public perceptions of climate risk, adaptation options and resilience (RESiL RISK): Topline findings of a GB survey conducted in October 2019. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Thorman, D., Whitmarsh, L. and Demski, C. 2020. Policy acceptance of low-consumption governance approaches: the effect of social norms and hypocrisy. Sustainability 12(3), article number: 1247. (10.3390/su12031247)
- Capstick, S., Demski, C., Cherry, C., Verfuerth, C. and Steentjes, K. 2020. Climate change citizens' assemblies: CAST briefing paper 03. CAST Briefing Paper.
- Thomas, G., Demski, C. and Pidgeon, N. 2019. Deliberating the social acceptability of energy storage in the UK. Energy Policy 133, article number: 110908. (10.1016/j.enpol.2019.110908)
- Osberghaus, D. and Demski, C. 2019. The causal effect of flood experience on climate engagement: evidence from search requests for green electricity. Climatic Change 156(1-2), pp. 191-207. (10.1007/s10584-019-02468-9)
- Becker, S., Demski, C., Evensen, D. and Pidgeon, N. 2019. Of profits, transparency, and responsibility: public views on financing energy system change in Great Britain. Energy Research and Social Science 55, pp. 236-246. (10.1016/j.erss.2019.05.013)
- Demski, C., Thomas, G., Becker, S., Evensen, D. and Pidgeon, N. 2019. Acceptance of energy transitions and policies: Public conceptualisations of energy as a need and basic right in the United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science 48, pp. 33-45. (10.1016/j.erss.2018.09.018)
- Ogunbode, C. A., Demski, C., Capstick, S. B. and Sposato, R. G. 2019. Attribution matters: Revisiting the link between extreme weather experience and climate change mitigation responses. Global Environmental Change 54, pp. 31-39. (10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.11.005)
- Capstick, S., Demski, C., Poortinga, W., Whitmarsh, L., Steentjes, K., Corner, A. and Graham, H. 2019. CAST Briefing Paper 02: Public opinion in a time of climate emergency. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: https://cast.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/CAST-Briefing-02-Public-opinion-in-a-time-of-climate-emergency-1.pdf
- Ogunbode, C. A., Boehm, G., Capstick, S., Demski, C., Spence, A. and Tausch, N. 2019. The resilience paradox: flooding experience, coping and climate change mitigation intentions. Climate Policy 19(6), pp. 703-715. (10.1080/14693062.2018.1560242)
- Thomas, M., Partridge, T., Pidgeon, N., Herr Harthorn, B., Demski, C. and Hasell, A. 2018. Using role play to explore energy perceptions in the United States and United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science 45, pp. 363-373. (10.1016/j.erss.2018.06.026)
- Demski, C. et al. 2018. National context is a key determinant of energy security concerns across Europe. Nature Energy 3, pp. 882-888. (10.1038/s41560-018-0235-8)
- Evensen, D., Demski, C., Becker, S. and Pidgeon, N. 2018. The relationship between justice and acceptance of energy transition costs in the UK. Applied Energy 222, pp. 451-459. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.03.165)
- Demski, C., Evensen, D., Pidgeon, N. and Spence, A. 2017. Public prioritisation of energy affordability in the UK. Energy Policy 110, pp. 404-409. (10.1016/j.enpol.2017.08.044)
- Demski, C., Pidgeon, N. and Spence, A. 2017. Effects of exemplar scenarios on public preferences for energy futures using the my2050 scenario-building tool. Nature Energy 2(4), article number: 17027. (10.1038/nenergy.2017.27)
- Demski, C., Capstick, S., Pidgeon, N., Sposato, R. G. and Spence, A. 2017. Experience of extreme weather affects climate change mitigation and adaptation responses. Climatic Change 140(2), pp. 149-164. (10.1007/s10584-016-1837-4)
- Butler, C., Demski, C., Parkhill, K., Pidgeon, N. F. and Spence, A. 2015. Public values for energy futures: Framing, indeterminacy and policy making. Energy Policy 87, pp. 665-672. (10.1016/j.enpol.2015.01.035)
- Demski, C., Butler, C., Parkhill, K. A., Spence, A. and Pidgeon, N. . F. 2015. Public values for energy system change. Global Environmental Change 34, pp. 59-69. (10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.06.014)
- Spence, A., Demski, C., Butler, C., Parkhill, K. and Pidgeon, N. 2015. Public perceptions of demand-side management and a smarter energy future. Nature Climate Change 5, pp. 550-554. (10.1038/nclimate2610)
- Butler, C., Parkhill, K., Demski, C. C., Pidgeon, N. F. and Spence, A. 2015. Public engagement with energy system change. Energia, Ambiente E Innovazione: Speciale - Transition and global challenges towards low carbon societies, pp. 71-74. (10.12910/EAI2015-017)
- Capstick, S. B., Demski, C. C., Sposato, R. G., Pidgeon, N. F., Spence, A. and Corner, A. J. 2015. Public perception of climate change in Britain following the winter 2013/2014 flooding. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Pidgeon, N. F., Demski, C. C., Butler, C., Parkhill, K. and Spence, A. 2014. Creating a national citizen engagement process for energy policy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111(Suppl), pp. 13606-13613. (10.1073/pnas.1317512111)
- Demski, C. C., Poortinga, W. and Pidgeon, N. F. 2014. Exploring public perceptions of energy security risks in the UK. Energy Policy 66, pp. 369-378. (10.1016/j.enpol.2013.10.079)
- Butler, C. and Demski, C. C. 2013. Valuing public engagement with energy system transitions: the importance of what lies beneath [Commentary]. Carbon Management 4(6), pp. 659-662. (10.4155/cmt.13.64)
- Parkhill, K., Demski, C. C., Butler, C., Spence, A. and Pidgeon, N. F. 2013. Transforming the UK Energy System: Public Values, Attitudes and Acceptability - Synthesis Report. Project Report. [Online]. London: UKERC. Available at: http://www.ukerc.ac.uk/support/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=3229
- Demski, C., Spence, A. and Pidgeon, N. F. 2013. Transforming the UK energy system: public values, attitudes and acceptability - summary findings from a survey conducted August 2012. Project Report. London: UKERC.
- Poortinga, W., Spence, A., Demski, C. and Pidgeon, N. F. 2012. Individual-motivational factors in the acceptability of demand-side and supply-side measures to reduce carbon emissions. Energy Policy 48, pp. 812-819. (10.1016/j.enpol.2012.06.029)
- Pidgeon, N. F. and Demski, C. 2012. From nuclear to renewable: Energy system transformation and public attitudes. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68(4), pp. 41-51. (10.1177/0096340212451592)
- Whitmarsh, L. E. et al. 2011. Public attitudes, understanding, and engagement in relation to low-carbon energy. A selective review of academic and non-academic literatures : report for RCUK Energy Programme. Project Report. [Online]. Research Councils UK. Available at: http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/RCUK-prod/assets/documents/energy/EnergySynthesisFINAL20110124.pdf
- Corner, A. J., Venables, D., Spence, A., Poortinga, W., Demski, C. C. and Pidgeon, N. F. 2011. Nuclear power, climate change and energy security: Exploring British public attitudes. Energy Policy 39(9), pp. 4823-4833. (10.1016/j.enpol.2011.06.037)
- Demski, C. 2011. Public perceptions of renewable energy technologies: challenging the notion of widespread support. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.