Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
I am currently doing a PhD with the WISE Centre for Doctoral Traning (funded by the EPSRC, grant no EP/L016214/1), with Dr Reza Ahmadian and Prof Roger Falconer, numerically modelling the near and far field effects of marine renewable energy schemes. My work with design optimisation at a conceptual stage using 0D models, determining numbers of turbines and sluices along with how and when to generate energy with the aim of ensuring that a design is at its most viable. I have also carried out studies of developed designs using 2D large domain numerical models to assess the potential environmental impacts of a tidal range energy scheme once operational. I have also conducted research into using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to model a vertical axis turbine.
Prior to my PhD I completed an MEng in Civil Engineering here at Cardiff University, graduating with first class honours in 2018. As a part of this I was able to undertake a Year In Industry at HR Wallingford (2015/16) where I was a part of the Coastal Structures team, working on physical models in the wave flumes and basins, and first developed an interest in research.
More information: WISE CDT Profile
Diddordebau ymchwil
Tidal Range Energy
0D Modelling - Optimisation of designs parameters and operational systems. 0D models (in-house) provide a method with which tidal range scheme operation can be quickly simulated to determine the energy outputs and behaviour of the internal regime.
2D Modelling - Environmental impacts and far-field effects, using bespoke modified modules within the Telemac2D software.
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
Modelling of a novel vertical axis turbine design, using DualSPHysics.
- Computing lab demonstration: Finite Element Analysis using Matlab, C++
- Content support sessions: Environmental Fluid Mechanics
- Field course logistics and demonstration: Surveying & Levelling
Traethawd ymchwil
Near and far-field hydro-environmental modelling of marine renewable schemes
Ffynhonnell ariannu
![Dr Reza Ahmadian](