Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Peter Thwaites

Myfyriwr ymchwil, Centre for Language and Communication Research, Yr Ysgol Saesneg, Cyfathrebu ac Athroniaeth

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.


I'm a PhD student working on the lexical and form-based influences on the word association task

Academic Background

I have a Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of  Wales, Bangor, and a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from the University of Nottingham. I also hold CELTA and DELTA teaching qualifications.  I am a member of KOTESOL, the Korean organisation for teachers of English as a  second language.

Conferences, Symposia and Seminars

I presented numerous training workshops during my time with  the British Council, including conference presentations at British Council sponsored events in Oman and Myanmar, where the theme of my presentations was  cognitive depth activities for teaching vocabulary. In 2013, I will be  presenting at the KOTESOL conference in Seoul on the subject of speaking  activities and “transfer appropriate processing”; and to my colleagues at  Yeungnam University on writing-to-learn pedagogy.


I have been a language teacher for the past 10 years,  teaching in China, Oman, Malaysia, and now Korea. Much of that time was spent  with the British Council, where I got lots of opportunities to lead training workshops and also work on syllabus design. I am currently teaching (semi)  academic English to Korean undergraduates, and I hope to have the opportunity  to work with graduate students in the future.


Diddordebau ymchwil

Vocabulary acquisition, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics

Traethawd ymchwil

Exploring individual differences and the L2 lexicon

I am investigating individual differences in the way that people store vocabulary in the mind. I aim to draw on studies by Prof. Fitzpatrick which have revealed individual preferences in word association responses. I hope to find support for these findings, before going on to investigate the individual factors which account for these preferences. In doing so, I hope to be able to draw on emerging accounts of semantic memory and processing which foreground the embodied, experiential nature of linguistic knowledge.


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