Iaith Cerddoriaeth
Nid oes modd cadw lle ar y cwrs hwn ar hyn o bryd
Nid oes dyddiadau ar gael ar gyfer y cwrs hwn ar hyn o bryd. Byddwch y cyntaf i gael gwybod pan gyhoeddir dyddiadau newydd trwy ymuno â’r rhestr bostio..
This module provides you with an introduction to music theory.
You will develop an understanding of music notation as well as how Western classical music is constructed, including the study of pitch, rhythm, metre and harmony.
There will be the opportunity to apply this knowledge to other styles and genres of music, including popular music and jazz.
The course content aligns with the topics suggested for study in the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) syllabus, Grades 3–5.
Dysgu ac addysgu
The module will be delivered through twenty 2-hour online sessions across both autumn and spring terms.
Through interactive, small-group discussions, you will bring questions related to your own musical experiences and explore how you connect with the theoretical concepts studied. In doing so, you will broaden your understanding through engaging with these questions and with those of your peers.
Topics include
- Introduction to Music Theory
- Music Notation
- The construction of classical music (pitch, rhythm, metre, harmony)
On completion of the module you will be able to:
- Understand the working principles of tonal syntax and harmonic
- progression within a major or a minor key, showing an awareness of ‘tonal common practice’;
- Apply and demonstrate a practical understanding of tonal common practice harmony and counterpoint through structured exercises;
- Relate theory to practice through analytical annotation of and prose commentary on specific examples;
- Relate principles of tonal common practice to other musical styles, genres and traditions, including popular music and jazz;
- Appreciate performance techniques and interpretation in popular music and jazz through music notation.
Gwaith cwrs ac asesu
To award credits we need to have evidence of the knowledge and skills you have gained or improved. Some of this has to be in a form that can be shown to external examiners so that we can be absolutely sure that standards are met across all courses and subjects.
The most important element of assessment is that it should enhance your learning. Our methods are designed to increase your confidence and we try very hard to devise ways of assessing you that are enjoyable and suitable for adults with busy lives.
For this course, you will undertake the following assessments:
Autumn 50% - Guided Musicianship Activity (1:1) between instructor and learner, at a piano (or with learner instrument of choice) to demonstrate understanding of Grade 3/4 theory issues/concepts via aural perception and general musicianship.
Spring 50% - Portfolio of short tasks, comparable to Grade 5 theory questions – focusing on areas that relate to notation and music theory only.
Deunydd darllen awgrymedig
You will be provided with comprehensive reading suggestions before the course begins.
Cyfleusterau llyfrgell a chyfrifiadura
Fel myfyriwr ar y cwrs hwn, mae gennych hawl i ymuno â llyfrgell a chyfleusterau cyfrifiadurol y Brifysgol a’u defnyddio. Rhagor o wybodaeth am ddefnyddio’r cyfleusterau hyn.
Ein nod yw sicrhau mynediad i bawb. Rydym yn anelu at roi cyngor cyfrinachol a gwasanaeth cefnogol i unrhyw fyfyriwr sydd â chyflwr meddygol hir dymor, anabledd neu anhawster dysgu penodol. Gallwn gynnig cyngor un i un am anabledd a threfnu ymweliadau cyn cofrestru, cysylltu gyda thiwtoriaid a darlithwyr, trefnu deunydd mewn fformatau eraill, rheoli trefniadau cyrsiau hygyrch a threfniadau asesiadau, benthyg offer a sgrinio ar gyfer dyslecsia.