Mae ein cyhoeddiadau'n adlewyrchu nod y Ganolfan o gynhyrchu ymchwil academaidd drylwyr a pherthnasol, sy’n cynyddu gwybodaeth ym maes gweithgynhyrchu a logisteg.
Rydym yn cyhoeddi papurau gwyn ac adroddiadau diwydiant (gwybodaeth o fyd diwydiant), llyfrau a phapurau ymchwil academaidd.
Cipolwg ar ddiwydiant
Rydym yn gweithio gydag arbenigwyr blaenllaw mewn diwydiant i edrych ar beth ddaw gyda'r dyfodol ar gyfer y sector.
Llyfrau cyhoeddedig

Intermittent Demand Forecasting, by Professor John Boylan, Lancaster University, and Professor Aris Syntetos, Cardiff University, is the first ever text to focus on the methods and approaches of intermittent, rather than fast, demand forecasting.
This new book by two leading UK academic experts aims to help practitioners better understand demand forecasting and inventory management, bringing leaner, greener benefits to global logistics.
Published by Wiley, Intermittent Demand Forecasting discusses how success should be measured in the context of managing inventories and supply chains and explains key forecasting methods through worked examples and illustrations.
Intermittent Demand Forecasting by John E. Boylan and Aris A. Syntetos is available from Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-119-13530-2 June 2021 400 Pages
Intermittent Demand Forecasting: Would you invest? - YouTube
Contemporary Operations

Contemporary Operations and Logistics - Achieving Excellence in Turbulent Times
Golygwyd gan yr Athro Peter Wells, mae 'Contemporary Operations and Logistics' yn cynnwys yr holl ymchwil ddiweddaraf ar faterion logisteg, o bynciau megis sut bydd 3DP yn effeithio ar y diwydiant logisteg i ddyfodol logisteg di-garbon.
Ysgrifennwyd y penodau gan aelodau blaenllaw o adran Rheoli Logisteg a Gweithrediadau Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd gyda mewnbwn ac arbenigedd gan dîm diwydiant y PARC.
Gallwch brynu’r llyfr o’r ddolen uchod, neu drwy Amazon.
Papurau diweddar
Mae ein papurau ymchwil diweddar i'w weld isod drwy ddewis y maes diddordeb perthnasol.
Prak, al. 2021. Robust compound Poisson parameter estimation for inventory control. Omega 104, article number: 102481. (10.1016/
Babai, al. 2021. Forecasting of lead-time demand variance: implications for safety stock calculations. European Journal of Operational Research (10.1016/j.ejor.2021.04.017)
Rekik, Yacine, Syntetos, Argyrios and Glock, Christoph 2019. Modelling (and learning from) inventory inaccuracies in e-retailing/B2B contexts. Decision Sciences 10.1111/deci.12367
Rostami-Tabar, al. 2021. Forecasting for social good. International Journal of Forecasting (10.1016/j.ijforecast.2021.02.010)
Goltsos, Thanos E., Syntetos, Aris A. and van der Laan, Erwin 2019. Forecasting for remanufacturing: The effects of serialization. Journal of Operations Management , -. 10.1002/joom.1031
Syntetos, A., Eyers, D., Watson, D. and Ren, X. 2021. Global or local ?: Insights from 10 companies into the long term impact of COVID19 on global supply chains. 1st ed. [pdf] Cardiff: DSV and PARC Institute, pp.1-20. Available at:
Eyers, D. R., Potter, A. T., Gosling, J., and Naim, M. M. 2018. The flexibility of industrial additive manufacturing systems. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 38(12), pp. 2313-2343. (10.1108/IJOPM-04-2016-0200)
Hedenstierna, C.P.T., Disney, Stephen, Eyers, Daniel, Holmstrom, J., Syntetos, A. and Wang, Xun 2019. Economies of collaboration in build-to-model operations. Journal of Operations Management 10.1002/joom.1014
Reynders, P., Kumar, M. and Found, P. 2020. 'Lean on me': an integrative literature review on the middle management role in lean. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (10.1080/14783363.2020.1842729)
Chen, C., Demir, E. and Huang, Y. 2021. An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and delivery robots. European Journal of Operational Research 294(3), pp. 1164-1180. (10.1016/j.ejor.2021.02.027)
Masmoudi, M. al. 2020. Hybrid adaptive large neighborhood search algorithm for the mixed fleet heterogeneous dial-a-ride problem. Journal of Heuristics 26(1), pp. 83-118. (10.1007/s10732-019-09424-x)
Ghiami, al. 2019. A deteriorating inventory routing problem for an inland liquefied natural gas distribution network. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 126, pp. 45-67. (10.1016/j.trb.2019.05.014)
Ponte, al. 2021. Quality grading of returns and the dynamics of remanufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics 236, article number: 108129. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2021.108129)
Goltsos, T. al. 2019. The boomerang returns? Accounting for the impact of uncertainties on the dynamics of remanufacturing systems. International Journal of Production Research 57(23), pp. 7361-7394. (10.1080/00207543.2018.1510191)
Rydym yn griw cymysg o arbenigwyr mewn sawl maes o Brifysgol Caerdydd a diwydiant.