Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Y newyddion a'r digwyddiadau diweddaraf o'r Prosiect Dyfrgwn.


Cofrestrwch i dderbyn ein e-gylchlythyrau sy'n dod â diweddariadau ymchwil diweddar a newyddion prosiect at ei gilydd.

Dilynwch ni ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol

Gallwch gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am weithgareddau ymchwil cyfredol, cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli, digwyddiadau a newyddion o'r labordy ar ,, a .

Newyddion diweddaraf

Gathering of experts spark new directions for wildlife disease and contaminants monitoring

28 Ionawr 2016

Cardiff University Otter Project hosted national WILDCOMS meeting with stakeholders


How healthy are Scotland’s otters?

14 Chwefror 2014

International funding will help scientists develop a much clearer understanding of the threats faced by UK otters.


Otter research on film

22 Ionawr 2014

Online films show the work of Cardiff University Otter Project.

Study reveals disease-causing parasites in dead otters

17 Mehefin 2013

Parasite spread by cat faeces found in 39.5% of otters.

Are chemicals damaging the health of male otters?

25 Chwefror 2013

Hormone disrupting chemicals linked to problems in reproductive health of male otters.