Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Annual Patient Day for Welsh Patients with Inherited Eye Disease

Patient Day for Welsh Patients with Inherited Eye Disease

8 Ionawr 2016

The second Annual Patient Day for Welsh Patients with Inherited Eye Disease was held on Friday the 8th of January 2016 in the School of Optometry and Vision Sciences.

Pete Hong awarded MBE

MBE for Services to Optometry

7 Ionawr 2016

Pete Hong, an undergraduate teaching clinic supervisor in the School for many years, has been made an MBE for services to Optometry

Cardiff hat trick at the AOP Awards!

Cardiff hat trick at the AOP Awards!

6 Tachwedd 2015

Three Cardiff winners at the Association of Optometrists awards ceremony, which was held on 5th November 2015 in Birmingham

eye clinic opening

Cyfleuster gofal llygaid newydd yn agor

21 Hydref 2015

Cyfleuster newydd I hybu gofal yn gymuned.

Optom looking into girls eyes

Plant cyntaf-anedig yn fwy tebygol o fynd yn fyr eu golwg

9 Hydref 2015

Mae ymchwil gan y Brifysgol yn dangos bod unigolion cyntaf-anedig hyd at 20% yn fwy tebygol o fynd yn fyr eu golwg o'u cymharu â phlant a enir yn ddiweddarach.

Courtesy of University of Waterloo

Research Reveals Eye Makeup Contamination Risks

8 Ebrill 2015

Eyeliner too close to the eye leads to contamination.

Courtesy of University of Waterloo

Study Reveals Eye Make-up Infection

8 Ebrill 2015

Eye makeup applied inside the lash line is likely to cause discomfort and may increase the risk of an eye infection, according to a recently published study

Optometry building

Inherited Eye Disease Patient Day

21 Ionawr 2015

This is a new initiative designed to bring people with inherited eye disease together, especially those located in South Wales. The meeting will be as interactive as possible.


High-impact research ranks Cardiff School of Optometry & Vision Sciences among best in UK

16 Ionawr 2015

The UK-wide assessment of the quality of University research, called the Research Excellence Framework (REF), scored Cardiff UNIVERSITY at 3.42 out of 4 in this area against a UK average of just over 3. This placed the University fourth overall in the country. It also means that of UK schools of optometry in the REF Cardiff School of Optometry & Vision Sciences is ranked the highest.

Optometry Research equipment

Launch of new Master of Research (MRes) degree

18 Rhagfyr 2014

The School of Optometry and Vision Sciences will launch an exciting new Master of Research (MRes) programme in March 2015