Joint-runner up in the Guardian University Awards 2015
14 Ebrill 2015
Professor Jenny Kitzinger's research into family experiences of vegetative and minimally conscious states has been recognised at the recent Guardian University Awards.
The research, which translated family experience of catastrophic brain injury into a multi-media online support/training resource, was submitted by Cardiff University as an exemplar of high impact research, and was awarded joint runner-up in the Guardian's impact category.
The awards showcased best practice and innovation across a range of categories.
Professor Kitzinger said, "It is wonderful to have the work recognised in the national Guardian Awards - and inspiring to see the other impact work being done.
"The three finalists involved innovation to support sub-Saharan farmers out of poverty (University of Greenwich); the development of low-impact building materials to reduce carbon emissions (University of Bath) and our work at Cardiff University on supporting families and practitioners dealing with catastrophic brain injury.
"The recognition of such work will help each project develop and reach further afield, and I hope will inspire people to see how some research can help create change that really makes a difference."
The research underpinning the resource was conducted by Professor Jenny Kitzinger and Celia Kitzinger (University of York) and was inspired by their own experience of having a relative with severe brain injuries following a car crash.
They conducted interviews with 65 family members and published findings in key academic and practitioner journals. The work informed new National Clinical guidelines (launched December 2013) and was cited in the House of Lords report on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (2014).
The online resource (launched September 2014) presented the research findings via 250 film clips from 22 specially filmed interviews with families and practitioners, alongside accessible and engaging information about key issues and their legal/clinical context.