Student role models recognised for their contribution to outreach and admissions
17 Mai 2017

The School of Physics and Astronomy has once again recognised the outstanding outreach and engagement activity undertaken by its undergraduate and postgraduate students at a prize-giving ceremony at the annual Chaos Student Ball.
Students were nominated by staff members across the School and voted for by the School’s outreach committee.
Christopher-Rees Jacobs and Jeni Millard, were awarded the 2017 undergraduate and postgraduate prizes for outstanding outreach contribution.
Jeni Millard is no stranger to this award, having won the undergraduate version in 2015. She has helped out with tasks as varied as talking to individual visitors, leading tour groups and even driving the school car to pick up catering when needed. Jeni’s willingness and flexibility in helping with outreach and admissions events has made her indispensable to the School. In terms of outreach activities Jeni has hosted a large number of workshops in primary schools across Wales and is a confident and capable communicator. Her scientific knowledge and enthusiasm make her a fantastic role model. In addition to supporting activities in the School, Jeni also independently records a regular astronomy podcast to help inform and engage the public with astronomy with a minimum of 12,000 direct downloads to date. This year she was invited to design and present sell-out shows at the Big Bang Fair to more than 3000 school children. For these reasons the 2017 Josephson Prize is awarded to Jeni Millard.
Christopher-Rees Jacobs has run more workshops on physics and space in primary schools than any other undergraduate. He is an extremely confident communicator and has also gone into lecture courses to advertise the outreach programme to other undergraduates. In addition to primary schools, Chris has volunteered to speak to the public at a number of various outreach events, including the Eisteddfod and Stargazing Live at Cardiff Museum. For these reasons the 2017 Marconi Prize is awarded to Christopher-Rees Jacobs.
The hard work and achievements of many of our undergraduate and postgraduate students who have contributed vital support to our outreach, open days and for general ambassador work within the School, has also been recognized.
The Georges Lemaitre Award for Contribution to Community Engagement went to:
The following students received the Vera Rubin award for Consistent Contribution to Community Engagement:
The C.V. Raman Award for Significant Contribution to Community Engagement went to:
Huw Howells received the Marie Curie Award for Outstanding Contribution to Community Engagement.
Ogden Science Lecturer and Public Engagement Fellow, Dr Chris North, commented: “The role that our students play as ambassadors for the School, the University, and physics in general, is vital, and we are hugely appreciative of the effort that they put in.”
In addition to the Outreach awards, the students voted for three awards which were made to staff. Professor Mike Edmunds received the Best Lecturer award, Dr Annabel Cartwright the Best Tutor award, and Mr David Brown received the award for the Best Student Support Staff member.