Undergraduate research opportunities
15 Mai 2017
Cardiff University is once again offering paid research project placements for current students under the CUROP (Cardiff University Research Opportunities Programme) and CUSEIP (Cardiff University Education Innovation Programme) schemes.
This year the School of Physics and Astronomy are offering projects under both programmes but you may be eligible to also apply for projects in other related Schools. Please see the Learn Plus project under the Professional Services section in the CUSEIP scheme, for example, as this project may be of interest to PHYSX students.
Projects are typically run for between 6 and 8 weeks over the summer and pay around £1,600 for the placement.
CUROP placements based in the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering are available on the student intranet.
For information on CUSEIP projects please visit this webpage.
Students wishing to apply for a CUSEIP project need to follow the directions on the intranet web pages.
Those students wishing to apply for one of our Physics and Astronomy CUROP projects just need to send an email to Jess Phillips, our Education Support officer, (PhillipsJ21@cardiff.ac.uk) giving the following information and answering the two questions below:
- Name & Student Number:
- Year of Study:
- Dates of availability over the summer:
- 1) In what way will you benefit from this placement?
- 2) What special skills do you bring to the position?