Joint Committee hears expert witness - Dr Brandon Valeriano
27 Mawrth 2017

In a week that saw the government unable to access the Whatsapp messages of Westminster attacker Adrian Ajao, Dr Brandon Valeriano was one of four expert witnesses called upon by the Joint Committee on National Security Strategy (JCNSS).
The committee looked at the risks faced in the UK, the relationship between the public and private sectors, and the issue of international cyber norms and governance.
Find out more about the Joint Committee or watch listen to the Radio 4 programme - Yesterday at Parliament
Rhannu’r stori hon
Y straeon newyddion diweddaraf, ymddangosiadau yn y cyfryngau a digwyddiadau arfaethedig o’r Ganolfan Gwleidyddiaeth Fyd-eang a’r Rhyngrwyd.