School of Chemistry doubles intake in 5 years
18 Tachwedd 2014

The school welcomed 82 undergraduates back in 2010. This year, the doors opened to 179.
A proactive outreach strategy, improved undergraduate programme, better student feedback and internationally recognised research excellence are credited for the turnaround.
The success is framed by well-publicised calls for more STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) graduates across the UK.
Professor Rudolf Allemann, Head of Cardiff University School of Chemistry, said: "By improving our undergraduate course offer, and communicating its benefits to A level teachers across Wales and the South West, our staff have done a fantastic job in turning around the School's performance."
The School's outreach strategy includes targeted emails to chemistry teachers across Cardiff's catchment area, containing information on open days, events and students' testimonies. In the School itself, student-staff panels provide feedback, helping lecturers iron out any issues, and – by giving staff credit where deserved – sharing best practice.
The latest 2015 Guardian University Guide showed the School has risen from 16th to 12th in the latest influential league table for chemistry.
Dr Chris Morley (Director of Learning and Teaching), said: "Over the last five years we have completely re-designed our BSc and MChem programmes, increased the role of small group tutorials, invested in new laboratories, and improved the administrative support for teaching. Now is a very exciting time to study Chemistry at Cardiff."
The School's reputation has been boosted by some major milestones over the past year, including a £7m investment in the School and its Catalysis Institute, and the appointment of new research and teaching staff.
For further details contact Dr Chris Morley, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Cardiff School of Chemistry
Phone: +44 (0)29 2087 9183