International Fellowship for MRI breakthroughs
6 Mehefin 2012
Ground-breaking work in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has won Professor Derek Jones a Fellowship of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).
Professor Jones, School of Psychology, is Director of MRI at the pioneering Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre. He was awarded his Fellowship in recognition of his important work in all aspects of diffusion MRI including experimental design, tractography, analysis and applications.
The ISMRM is a worldwide multidisciplinary society dedicated to the
development and application of all aspects of magnetic resonance to medicine
and related fields. Professor Jones received his award at the Society's recent 20th Annual Meeting and Exhibition in Melbourne. The Meeting, regarded as the premier event in its field, attracted biochemists, biophysicists, physicists, engineers, physiologists, radiologists, neuroradiologists, cardiologists, internists, psychiatrists, neurologists, technologists, manufacturers, and others working in the field of magnetic resonance.
Professor Jones said: "The ISMRM is a forum for the international magnetic resonance community to present research and to keep peers abreast of latest developments in the medical research field. I'm highly delighted to have our work at CUBRIC recognised by such an internationally prestigious body."