13th Public Uni event showcases research diversity
29 Tachwedd 2016

The 13th Public Uni event, co-organised by Cardiff Business School’s Dr Marco Hauptmeier and Harriet Lloyd from the School of English, Communication and Philosophy, was held on Friday 11 November 2016.
The event was held as part of Cardiff University’s programme for the ESRC Festival of Social Science.
A loyal audience has been established since the event series’ launch in 2014, and once again the event, which took place at Chapter Arts Centre, was attended by a sizeable audience, eager to participate and engage with the speakers.
The event welcomed speakers from the Cardiff University’s School of Social Sciences, School of Psychology as well as the Business School, the Welsh School of Architecture and the Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research (WISERD). Topics ranged from collective action and industrial relations to infertility and the social impact of architecture.
- Invoking the state as a political weapon in labour struggles: Dr Jonathan Preminger, School of Social Sciences
- Thorns and Flowers: Infertility experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Women: Dr Sofia Gameiro, School of Psychology
- Philosophy, football, bees, business, eyes, architecture, mental health: Community Gateway and Grangetown: Mhairi McVicar, Welsh School of Architecture
- The changing landscape of employer collective action: Dr Leon Gooberman, Cardiff Business School
- The impact of academic research: where do the findings go: Dr Sioned Pearce, Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research
Speakers were given 10 minutes to share their latest research in bite-size, digestible chunks, and articulate its social, political or economic impact. Each presentation was followed by a dynamic and stimulating question and answer session which engendered spirited, good-humoured and collegiate debate.
The Public Uni series was recognised at Cardiff University’s 2016 Celebrating Excellence Awards as a finalist in the Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Engagement category. Dr Hauptmeier and Ms Lloyd were cited for the success of the series, the strong following it has established and the engaging and informal way it takes academic research to wider, public awareness.
The next Public Uni event will take place at 7.30pm, Friday 10 February 2017 at the Chapter Arts Centre.
Find out more about the Public Uni series on Facebook. If you would like to present at one of the forthcoming Public Uni events, please get in touch with Marco Hauptmeier or Harriet Lloyd.