Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Bruce Webb (1967- 2016)

8 Tachwedd 2016

Mr Bruce Webb, researcher and latterly lecturer with the Economics section of Cardiff Business School, passed away Tuesday 18 October 2016, following a short illness.

Bruce achieved his undergraduate degree, in Economics and Computer Science, from Liverpool University before completing a Master’s degree in Computing Science. While at Liverpool University Bruce developed a working relationship with Professor Patrick Minford, joining his Liverpool Research Project as a researcher. It was this working relationship that brought Bruce to Cardiff Business School in 1992, as the Liverpool Research Project transferred with Professor Minford.

Bruce maintained his full-time researcher role for Professor Minford until the mid-2000s when he began working on a part-time basis for Professor Minford and part-time for the wider Economics section. In recent years he worked full-time for the Economics section, and moved into teaching.

Professor Minford said: “Bruce was my colleague, co-worker and co-author for nearly 30 years. He had a brilliant mathematical mind and solved many of our tricky computing and conceptual problems. Among the things he did was to write the first programme for estimating Full Information Maximum Likelihood for a Rational Expectations model, solving it accurately in the process; this was a major published piece of work whose contribution has stood the test of time.”

Bruce is survived by his wife Brita and their two children, Sophie and Joergen, and the School extends its deepest sympathies to them at this time. He will be sadly missed by his friends and colleagues.

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