Milan Urban Food Summit
13 Hydref 2016

Professor Roberta Sonnino, will deliver a key note speech at the second Mayors Summit of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact.
The Mayors Summit of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), took place on 13 and 14 of October 2016 at Food and Agriculture Organization Headquarters in Rome.
Milan advocated an international protocol, engaging the largest number of world cities for the development of food systems, based on the principles of sustainability and social justice. This commitment for the coordination of international food policies, the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, is a lasting legacy that has been signed by 130 cities from all over the world and is dedicated to two of the most pressing issues we currently face: food security and sustainable development.
Speaking about the Summit Professor Sonnino from the School of Geography and Planning said:” The summit is a chance to focus on the future of the Pact and what Mayors need to do to support this global network. I am proposing an operational platform for city governments that are involved in the reform of their urban foodscapes, with a focus on the main innovations that cities have introduced in the governance of the food system as a starting point.”
The gathering of mayors and city officials is an opportunity for signatory cities to exchange ideas and share their progress in meeting the goals of the Pact. To enhance this cooperation the MUFPP secretariat has launched together with Fondazione Cariplo the Milan Pact Awards. The winners of these awards will be announced during the Mayors Summit.