Seminar focuses on university as a setting for health improvement
18 Mawrth 2013
A public seminar entitled 'Developing a Healthy Universities network in Wales: challenges and opportunities' will take place at Cardiff University on 19 March. This seminar is run by the Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health Improvement (DECIPHer) and Wales's Public Health Improvement Research Network (PHIRN), in partnership with the Welsh Government.
This is the latest seminar in the Health Challenge Wales: Evidence for Policy Seminar Series, which aims to create a dialogue between academics and policy makers. Previous seminars have focused on physical activity, alcohol misuse, smoking and obesity
This seminar is particularly relevant to university-based researchers as it focuses on university as a setting for health improvement. The event will include discussion of the current policy situation, lessons that can be learnt from university-based initiatives and interventions in England and Wales, and how policy makers, practitioners and researchers can work together to develop a 'healthy universities network' in Wales. Delegates will include researchers, representatives from the Welsh Government and leading public health organisations as well as university staff and students.
Dr. Simon Murphy, Reader at DECIPHer said: "Universities are uniquely placed to improve the health of large numbers of students and staff, yet how they can go about this most effectively is still open to debate. This seminar will be focusing on examples of innovation and evidence-based practice, in the hope of addressing this."
DECIPHer will also be using Twitter throughout the day using the hashtag #HCWSeminar
There is no charge to attend the seminar, but attendees are required to register in advance.
For further information, including details of how to book, click here