Student nurses strike scholarship double
26 Gorffennaf 2013

Two PhD students have been awarded highly competitive research scholarships by the Florence Nightingale Foundation.
Students Nicola West and Amie Hodges from the School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, both of whom are also lecturers at the School, were awarded the scholarship for the second year running, following a competitive application process.
Upon having received the accolade, Nicola said:
"Last year we [Amie and I] went down to London for the interview, which is the final stage of the process. This year, we were interviewed via Skype, which really was amazing. I wore a suit just like for any other interview and on Skype there was a panel of judges asking me questions. I really do think it's important for people to apply for these opportunities, because there is support out there."
Nicola West is the only Consultant Nurse in breast care in Wales. Her research engages with BRCA 1/2 gene mutation carriers and their families. The BRCA1/2 gene greatly increases the risk of breast and ovarian cancer in women.
Amie Hodges is an experienced lecturer on the Child Nursing (BN) Programme with a specialist background in children's respiratory health care as well as in respiratory service development.
Her research aims to achieve an insight to the needs of children aged eight to 12 who have a brother or sister with cystic fibrosis. Sibling needs can often be forgotten or insufficiently met when there is an ill child within the family.