Championing sustainable development
25 Tachwedd 2013

Controlling carbon emissions, reducing the waste sent to landfill and encouraging sustainable transport for staff are just three of the commitments outlined in the University's new Corporate Social Responsibility policy.
Launched during Sustainability Week (4-8 November 2013), the policy brings together all of the University's existing good practice and sets out a framework for its sustainable development in the future.
It covers how Cardiff will manage its internal operations and how it will engage with its stakeholders, staff and students.
Among its plans to promote good environmental practices are: to continue to comply with BREEAM excellent standards and review environmental impacts of all new builds; to review our Environmental Policies every year; and to implement sustainable development into the curriculum of every course.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Elizabeth Treasure, who oversaw the development of the policy said: "This is an exciting step forwards in demonstrating how important the University takes its responsibility to the wider society.
"Cardiff is committed to making a significant and sustainable contribution to health, economy, education and culture locally, nationally and internationally.
"The new policy prioritises community engagement and sustainable development, two of The Way Forward's guiding principles and shows that our ambitions will not come at any expense but alongside responsible behaviour in the interest of society."