Cardiff ranked top Welsh University
12 Mai 2014
Cardiff University has once again been ranked the leading university in Wales.
According to the Complete University Guide ranking for 2015, Cardiff is now ranked 23rd in Britain, having climbed 12 places since last year, when it was ranked at 35. The University is one of 10 nationally to improve their positions by 10 places or more.
In separate listings covering 67 subjects, Cardiff appears among the leading ten universities in 15 of the 47 it offers, topping the table for East and South Asian Studies and Physiotherapy.
Cardiff University's Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Patricia Price said:
"This is a significant stride forward for Cardiff University and brings us within reaching distance of our ambition to position ourselves in the top 20 of Britain's universities. In many areas our teaching and research are world-leading, so it is really pleasing to be recognised in this way.
"However, the news will not result in complacency on our part. We will continue to work to improve our performance so that Cardiff University becomes recognised, at national and international levels, as being synonymous with research excellence and outstanding educational opportunities."
Nova Jayne Robinson, Director of, said: "Once again, the Guide is first to give university applicants reliable and comprehensive information on which to base one of the most important choices of their lives."