Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol a Chaerdydd yn ymuno
13 Hydref 2020

Mae Swyddfa Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru a Phrifysgol Caerdydd wedi ymuno'n ffurfiol i weithio ar nodau strategol a rennir.
Bydd y cytundeb tair blynedd yn paratoi'r ffordd ar gyfer cydweithredu agosach ar brosiectau sy'n amlygu'r heriau a'r cyfleoedd sy'n wynebu cenedlaethau'r dyfodol – yn unol â nod strategol Caerdydd o wella iechyd, cyfoeth a lles pobl Cymru.
Mae Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol, Sophie Howe, a Llywydd ac Is-Ganghellor Prifysgol Caerdydd, yr Athro Colin Riordan, wedi llofnodi Memorandwm Cyd-ddealltwriaeth rhithwir i nodi'r bartneriaeth.
Dywedodd Sophie Howe: “Rydym yn falch iawn o ffurfioli cysylltiadau strategol agosach â Chaerdydd. Mae'r Brifysgol yn chwarae rhan bwysig wrth ddarparu arbenigedd ymchwil amlddisgyblaethol i helpu i ddiwallu anghenion cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, ac annog cyrff cyhoeddus i roi mwy o ystyriaeth i effaith hirdymor y pethau maen nhw'n eu gwneud.”
Meddai’r Athro Riordan: “Mae'r bartneriaeth yn cryfhau perthynas hirsefydlog a buddiol i bawb. Mae Swyddfa Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol yng Nghymru yn darparu arbenigedd a chysylltiadau polisi sy’n rhoi potensial i Brifysgol Caerdydd greu mwy o effaith ymchwil a chyfleoedd gwell i lywio trafodaethau cyhoeddus.”

The agreement paves the way for future collaboration across shared projects including:
- Promoting research and policy capabilities of both organisations through new collaborative projects;
- Identifying Cardiff expertise to inform the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales’ Cloud of Innovators;
- Providing University expertise for the Future Generations Commissioner’s work with public bodies in Wales, including Live Labs, monitoring, advice and guidance;
- Providing Future Generations training around the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, and guidance on how Cardiff might optimise civic impact.
Cardiff University’s SPARK (Social Science Research Park) will play a key role in Cardiff’s work with the Commissioner. SPARK includes 11 of Cardiff’s leading social science research groups, with internationally leading expertise in the areas of children, education, ageing, wellbeing, sustainability and climate change.
Professor Chris Taylor, Academic Director of SPARK, explains, “Through this agreement, SPARK will continue to play a leading role in understanding wellbeing and the needs of future generations. Research into ‘futures’ is a strategic priority for SPARK, which includes our long-standing interests in sustainability and children, but also includes new areas such as the green and foundational economies, behaviour change, care and caring, and intergenerational relationships. We hope this partnership will help us identify new areas of research and to help ensure our research can have impact on future generations.”