Bone Research Society and British Orthopaedic Research Society: Fifth Joint Conference
9 Medi 2020

At the beginning of September, Cardiff hosted the Fifth Joint Conference of the Bone Research Society and British Orthopaedic Research Society. This saw eminent national and international researchers gather to discuss the latest research relevant to orthopaedic and musculoskeletal surgery.
The Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis had a prominent role at the conference, with Dr Bronwen Evans chairing the Organising Committee and presentations from Dr Wayne Ayre, Dr Cleo Bonnet, Mr Jake Bowd, Dr Sophie Gilbert, Dr David Williams, and Mr Chris Wilson.
The Centre also hosted a very well received workshop on ‘Interdisciplinary research in osteoarthritis’, and Professor Cathy Holt provided an update on the OATech+ EPSRC network.