8 Mehefin 2020

Lower back pain can be frustrating and limiting.
Cardiff University colleagues have collaborated to create a platform that delivers a personalised intervention to help keep your back healthy and strong for safe home working and grater freedom in your everyday life.
DIRI Research Software Engineer, Jeffrey Morgan, worked alongside Cardiff University colleagues from the School of Healthcare Sciences and the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre to develop BACK-on-LINE a digital platform designed to help people better manage low back pain in the workplace and whilst working from home. NHS Wales and Cardiff University staff can access this now.
Visit BACK-on-LINE to access free early individualised advice and guidance to better manage low back pain in the workplace and whilst working from home.
As with any new exercise, please consult your GP or physiotherapist for advice.

Liba Sheeran, Reader at the School of Healthcare Sciences and Consultant Physiotherapist for Welsh Athletics who leads on this project said "It has been a long journey to get to this point but the joint-effort from all the team has finally paid off! We managed to develop a great platform for people to improve their understanding of their back problem and learn how to better manage it to improve their pain in the short term as well as giving themselves ‘a way out’ to a better and more active future in their work as well as personal life".