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Developing a Credential in Medical Education

24 Mawrth 2016

A piece from the medical education credential graphic

In line with recent GMC proposals, the Wales Deanery, The Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) and CUREMeDE have been looking at developing a credential in Medical Education.

On 10th March an invitation-only event, led by Derek Gallen, was held to discuss the development of a credential and to better understand the views of a range of different stakeholders.

The event consisted of a series of presentations and round table discussions about aspects of a potential credential in medical education.

Erik Driessen from Maastricht University gave a very engaging key-note presentation on “The Credentialed Medical Educator”:

"If you want to be a good medical educator you need to be able to teach"

CUREMeDE researcher, Dr Esther Muddiman, presented a summary of results from a recent online questionnaire which sought views on the development of the credential.

Headlines findings (from 188 returns) include:

  • 61% reported that they would be interested in pursuing a credential in medical education
  • 85% felt that having a credential would contribute to enhancing role recognition while 80% thought the credential could contribute to raising standards of medical education.   Other key contributions of the credential included career development, networking/ collegiality/ support and enhanced promotion prospects.
  • Respondents also raised questions about how the credential would align with other qualifications, whether it is needed (some referred to GP training already being credentialed, which suggested some lack of understanding about the proposed credential) and a risk of it being a tick-box, bureaucratic exercise.

Esther’s full presentation of summary results can be downloaded here.

The afternoon session opened with Ian Curran who provided an update on the GMC proposals.  Ian stressed that any credential should not be a legal requirement for practice in a particular field and that credentials would focus on areas of medical practice where regulation is limited or non-existent and patients may be vulnerable. He emphasized the importance of

“distinguishing between professional recognition and professional regulation”

A panel discussion closed the event with Derek Gallen proclaiming:

“It’s a no-brainer that we need a credential in medical education”

Discussion areas arising from the event and questionnaire will be further explored over the coming months by Alison Bullock and the CUREMeDE team.

Our visual recorder, Laura Sorvala of Auralab, captured the day’s discussions in this wonderful graphic which can be downloaded here.

Developing Med Ed Credential Mindmap

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